Letter to the Director, Bureau of the Budget, Concerning Termination of the Office of the Director of Liquidation.
[ Released June 28, 1946. Dated June 27, 1946]
Dear Mr. Appleby:
I have today signed an executive order terminating effective June 30, 1946, the Director of Liquidation created pursuant to Executive Order No. 9674 of January 4, 1946.
The primary function of the Director of Liquidation, that of assisting the emergency war agencies in developing suitable plans for the winding up or retrenchment of their affairs, has been substantially accomplished. There are, however, many problems which will arise when the emergency agencies now in existence are terminated.
In terminating the Director of Liquidation I am asking that you assume under your general authority in the field of management, the responsibilities formerly vested in the Director.
The problems anent personnel, property and records will, I believe, present the most perplexing issues in liquidation. In dealing with the agencies, I feel you should concentrate much of your effort in these fields.
For your information there is attached a copy of the report of the Director of Liquidation which he recently submitted to me.
Very sincerely yours,
[Honorable Paul H. Appleby, Acting Director, Bureau of the Budget, Washington, D.C.]
Note: The Director of Liquidation was terminated by Executive Order 9744 (3 CFR, 1943--1948 Comp., p. 550).
The White House also released the text of the report (7 pp. mimeographed) transmitted June r8 by R. L. McKeever, Director of Liquidation. The report listed 116 agencies which were no longer in existence or which were in the process of being liquidated, and further stated that from June 30, 1945, to April 30, 1946, the number of emergency war agencies had been reduced from 22 to 12, and that the number in paid employment had decreased from 161,958 to 58,451.
Harry S Truman, Letter to the Director, Bureau of the Budget, Concerning Termination of the Office of the Director of Liquidation. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/231796