Franklin D. Roosevelt

Letter of Greeting to the United Methodist Council.

January 17, 1938

My dear Bishop Waldorf:I CONGRATULATE the Methodist Council upon its thoughtful and reverent approach to the momentous questions which are to command its attention during the forthcoming meetings to be held in Chicago.

In a world perplexed by doubt and fear and uncertainty, there is need for a return to religion, religion as exemplified in the Sermon on the Mount. We need more and more a consciousness of the fact that in the highest and the noblest sense we are our brother's keeper and I want to reiterate the belief I have already affirmed many times that there is not a problem, social, political or economic, that would not find full solution in the fire of a religious awakening.

So it seems to me that your purpose in making a study of the needs, privileges and opportunities of the day in which we live in order that religion may have its rightful place in the solution of our problems, points a way fruitful in promise of effective results. Today when we see religion challenged in wide areas of the earth we who hold to old ideals of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man must be steadfast and united in bearing unceasing witness to our faith in things of the spirit.

In that faith I wish you and your co-workers Godspeed. You are the sowers of the seed. May God bless the harvest.

Very sincerely yours,

Bishop Ernest Lynn Waldorf,

United Methodist Council on the Future

of Faith and Service,

Chicago, Illinois.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Letter of Greeting to the United Methodist Council. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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