Letter Accepting the Resignation of Walter S. Gifford as Director of the President's Organization on Unemployment Relief.
[Released August 12, 1932. Dated August 11, 1932]
My dear Mr. Gifford:
I have your letter of August 5th and deeply regret that the time has expired during which you undertook to make the sacrifice entailed by directing national coordination of unemployment relief agencies. I recognize full well the difficulties it has imposed on you amongst your other duties and obligations and I cannot, of course, ask you to continue over the coming winter.
I do wish to take this occasion to express the appreciation I have, and that I know the whole of our people have, for the notable contribution to public service you have made during these difficult times.
I am greatly indebted for your willingness to be helpful in an advisory and consulting capacity in setting up coordination work for next winter and will depend upon you. Early in the fall we shall be able to see more clearly the problems before us, and the measures of coordination which will be required for the winter. I trust the national and state members will hold fast.
Yours faithfully,
[Mr. Walter S. Gifford, American Telephone & Telegraph Co., New York City]
Note: Mr. Gifford's letter of resignation, dated August 5, 1932, follows:
Dear Mr. President:
Last August you asked me to set up and become the Director of the president's Organization on Unemployment Relief for the winter of 1931-1932. While I have found it possible to carry on somewhat longer than I originally anticipated I reluctantly feel that I cannot, on account of other obligations and duties, undertake the work for another winter.
In resigning, I wish to express my deep appreciation of the opportunity of having served under your leadership in an undertaking so vitally important to our country at this time.
Faithfully yours,
[The President, The White House, Washington, D.C. ]
Herbert Hoover, Letter Accepting the Resignation of Walter S. Gifford as Director of the President's Organization on Unemployment Relief. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/207372