Letter Accepting the Resignation of Floyd R. Harrison as a Member of the Federal Farm Loan Board.
Dear Mr. Harrison:
I have your letter of September 2nd, tendering your resignation as a member of the Federal Farm Loan Board, which I accept, as you request, effective at the close of September 15, 1931. I take this action with very sincere regret and cannot let the occasion pass without expressing my appreciation of your long and notable public service, first in the Department of Agriculture and later as a member of the Board of Directors of the War Finance Corporation, and a member of the Federal Farm Loan Board. In positions of large responsibility you have displayed fine capacity for efficient administration and it is my pleasure to say that the ability, energy and devotion to the public interest which you have manifested in the discharge of every duty are worthy of the highest commendation. As you leave the Farm Loan Board, you carry with you my best wishes for success in the new work which you are about to undertake in the Federal Reserve System.
Yours faithfully,
[Honorable Floyd R. Harrison, Federal Farm Loan Bureau, Washington, D.C.]
Note: Mr. Harrison's letter, dated September 2, 1931, and released with the President's letter, follows:
Dear Mr. President:
I hereby tender my resignation as a member of the Federal Farm Loan Board. I have greatly appreciated the honor of serving as a member of the Board during the past four years and it is with much regret that I sever my connection with the Farm Loan System. As you know, however, an opportunity has come to me for service in another field and I feel that I should avail myself of it. I hope, in the circumstances, that you will find it convenient to accept my resignation effective at the close of September 15, 1931.
With all good wishes, I am
Sincerely yours,
[The President, The White House]
Herbert Hoover, Letter Accepting the Resignation of Floyd R. Harrison as a Member of the Federal Farm Loan Board. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/212032