Letter Accepting the Resignation of Admiral Charles F. Hughes as Chief of Naval Operations.
My dear Admiral Hughes:
I have your letter of September 15th tendering your resignation as Chief of Naval Operations, to take effect on the 17th of September. The reasons for this action, which you have explained so fully in your letter, seem sound and most praiseworthy. Therefore, I feel compelled to accept your resignation.
During your service in the Navy you have successfully commanded all units of the fleet, culminating in the present highest office offered by the Navy, from which you now feel it your duty to resign. I wish to express my appreciation of the splendid services you have performed, and also the conviction that your resignation will be received with deep regret, not only from the Naval Service, but from the country as a whole.
Yours faithfully,
[C. F. Hughes, Admiral, United States Navy]
Note: Adm. Hughes served as Chief of Naval Operations from 1927 to 1930. His letter of resignation, dated September 15, 1930, and released with the President's letter, follows:
My dear Mr. President:
I hereby submit my resignation as Chief of Naval Operations to take effect on 17 September 1930.
This action on my part is taken because of the realization that during the next two months important surveys and plans must be made for the future development of the Navy. In order that authority may accompany responsibility it seems, in my opinion, that the officer who advises as to these plans should also be responsible for their execution. For this reason I consider it to the best interests of the Navy and to the Country that I submit my resignation at this time.
Admiral, U.S, Navy
[The President, The White House ]
Herbert Hoover, Letter Accepting the Resignation of Admiral Charles F. Hughes as Chief of Naval Operations. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/211710