Letter Accepting Resignation of Judge John J. Parker as Alternate Member of the International Military Tribunal.
Dear Judge Parker:
In conformity with the wish expressed in your letter of October ninth, I accept your resignation as Alternate Member of the International Military Tribunal and as of October fourteenth next relieve you of any further responsibility in connection with that position.
The Nurnberg trial will be long remembered. It was your privilege to participate in the blazing of a new trail in international justice. For this work you were peculiarly fitted by reason of learning, integrity and conscience and judicial temperament.
I feel that you have discharged your duties with distinction. You have served faithfully and well the cause of civilization and of world peace and can safely leave the results of your labors at Nurnberg to the verdict of history.
Very sincerely yours,
[Honorable John J. Parker, United States Circuit Judge, Charlotte, North Carolina]
Note: Judge Parker served from September 24, 1945, to October 14, 1946. His letter of resignation was released with the President's reply.
Harry S Truman, Letter Accepting Resignation of Judge John J. Parker as Alternate Member of the International Military Tribunal. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/232141