Congress' SCHIP Bill Would Cover The Majority Of American Families With Children
"The President vetoed Congress' SCHIP bill because they were asking for a policy that was bad, not because they were asking for too much money. Congress' bill would result in 57 percent of children in America and about 53 percent of families with children being potentially eligible for public assistance. The President has said poor children should come first. Over half the families in America are not poor."
–White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto
- 300%: Congress' SCHIP bill would strongly encourage States to provide government health coverage for children in families making 300% of the Federal poverty level.
- $62,000: 300% of the Federal poverty level is nearly $62,000 per year for a family of four.
- $58,865: The median household income for all households with children under 18 is $58,865.
- 57%:57% of all children are in families that are at or below 300% of the poverty level.
- 53%:53% of families with children are at or below 300% of the poverty level.
- 200%: SCHIP was created to help lower-income children who do not qualify for Medicaid (children in families at or below 200% of the Federal poverty level).
- 500,000: States have not enrolled in SCHIP more than 500,000 poor children in families under 200% of the poverty level who are eligible.
- 95%: The President believes 95% of SCHIP-eligible children should be covered before children from wealthier households are covered.
- 2 million: Of the 5.8 million enrollees Congress' legislation would attract by 2012, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that 2.0 million (one in three) would drop private insurance to enroll.
George W. Bush, Just the Facts: "Over Half the Families in America Are Not Poor" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project