Joint Statement With the Prime Ministers of Great Britain and Canada Concerning Removal of Wartime Trade Controls.
THE PRESIDENT of the United States and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain and Canada issue the following statement:
We announced on August 29 that the Combined Production and Resources Board, the Combined Raw Materials Board and the Combined Food Board would continue to operate on their existing basis for the time being. As then proposed, however, the situation has been further examined with a view to the earliest possible removal of all wartime controls of international trade.
We take this opportunity of paying tribute to the outstanding achievements of the Boards in the full and equitable utilization of resources for the effective prosecution of the war. This novel experiment in economic collaboration unquestionably hastened the moment of victory.
It is however, our view that the work of the C.P.R.B. and C.R.M.B. on its existing basis should come to an end. It has accordingly been agreed that these two Boards terminate on December 31, 1945.
There remain, however, a few commodities which call for continued attention inasmuch as they are in global short supply in relation to the needs in consuming countries. For cotton textiles, tin, rubber and hides and leather it is proposed that the committees set up under the Boards which are concerned with these supplies should be continued during such period as the shortage of supply in relation to needs renders necessary. It is also proposed that in all cases representation on the committees should be on an appropriate international basis having regard to their independent status following the dissolution of the Boards. In most cases Committee membership already includes countries having a major interest in the problems involved. In the case of coal, there exists an organization in respect of Europe, but special considerations make it desirable that, for the time being, the coal committees in Washington and London now under the Boards continue in their present form. As regards some additional commodities in uncertain supply, the Boards may make suitable distribution arrangements before the end of the year to extend into 1946.
It has been concluded that conditions do not yet permit the dissolution of the Combined Food Board. Because many foodstuffs are still in world short supply and because of their close inter-relationship, it is believed desirable to retain the Board as a supervisory and coordinating mechanism. The commodity committees of the Board will be abandoned as soon as the foodstuffs with which they deal cease to require international allocation. It is anticipated that the Combined Food Board itself will be dissolved on June 30, 1946, or sooner if conditions permit. However, a few of the commodity committees may have to be retained beyond that date to recommend allocations of products which continue to be in serious short supply. Arrangements were made last summer to associate other major exporting and importing countries with the work of the commodity committees. These committees will continue to operate on this principle.
Note: The statement was released simultaneously in Washington, London, and Ottawa at 10 a.m., Washington time.
Harry S Truman, Joint Statement With the Prime Ministers of Great Britain and Canada Concerning Removal of Wartime Trade Controls. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/230302