Reporter. Mr. President, what do you think of the Supreme Court's decision on rejecting the teaching of creationism in public schools? Did you see it?
The President. I haven't seen that.
Q. Mr. President, how concerned are you about the situation in South Korea? Have you conveyed your concerns to President Chun?
The President. Well, I shouldn't be taking questions here now, but obviously we're very concerned.
Q. Have you sent a letter to the President of South Korea?
The President. I'm not going into any details of what we might have done or not done.
Translator. Journalists take advantage of every situation, Mr. President.
The President. Oui. [Laughter]
Q. And why not? [Laughter]
Note: The exchange began at 11:35 a.m. in the Oval Office at the White House, prior to a meeting with President Hissein Habre of Chad.
Ronald Reagan, Informal Exchange With Reporters Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project