Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Huckabee Campaign Issues Statement Regarding Foreign Policy
Berlin, New Hampshire – The Huckabee for President Campaign made available the following statement to reporters earlier today:
"Once again, Governor Romney has highlighted his willingness to do an ‘about face' on the serious issues facing the American people – especially those involving the nation's foreign policy.
"Today, Governor Romney attacked Governor Huckabee's latest article in Foreign Affairs. In doing so, he attempts to distance himself from his previous positions on the war in Iraq. Earlier this year, Governor Romney endorsed setting ‘timetables and milestones' for Iraq policy but called for keeping them private — an approach introduced by Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas.
"Senator Pryor was so enthused to have Romney's support that his office publicly commended the Massachusetts Governor, stating: ‘At the end of the day, the president doesn't have an exit plan.' Michael Teague, a spokesman for Pryor, said in an interview: ‘We think [President Bush] should be forced to develop that, and we're happy to see Mitt Romney feels the same way.'
"I am disappointed by Governor Romney's attempt to label me as a ‘Democrat' because of my tough approach to foreign policy," said Governor Huckabee. "Perhaps he should read the article in its entirety before making such ill-informed comments."
"In contrast to Governor Romney's claims that the surge was not working and that we needed to set a timetable for withdrawal, Governor Huckabee has been steadfast in his support of victory in Iraq and the nation's War on Terror. He remains confident that the gains our Armed Forces are making in Iraq and Afghanistan will lead to increased security, both at home and abroad."
Mike Huckabee, Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Huckabee Campaign Issues Statement Regarding Foreign Policy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/293844