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Harris Campaign Press Release - Patty Judge, John Norris, Other Iowa Leaders Praise Harris' Plan for Rural America

October 17, 2019

This morning, rural leaders across the state are praising Harris' comprehensive plan to combat President Trump's war on rural America and fight for justice for rural Iowans. Harris's rural agenda exposes Trump's betrayal toward rural America and how he has made the lives of farmers, ranchers, business owners, and others worse, not better. Harris' plan outlines how she will be a partner in the White House to work side by side communities across Iowa to find real solutions to improve their lives.

Read her full plan here.

Patty Judge, Former Lieutenant Governor of Iowa: "Senator Harris's plan shows that she has talked with rural America and listened to these voters. This is much more than what we have seen from the sitting President whose reckless trade policies and damaging use of Small Refinery Waivers have brought us to the brink of an agricultural disaster. Her plan to undo his damage and to partner with rural communities is a solid step in the right direction."

John Norris, Former Iowa Gubernatorial Candidate and Chief of Staff to Former Governor Vilsack: "It's clear Senator Harris has been talking and listening to rural Iowans. Her plan shows a comprehensive commitment to generating economic opportunity in Rural America, protecting our natural resources and investing in our children and communities."

Larry Hogdgen, Farmer and Chair, Cedar County Democrats: "Kamala's Rural America Plan seriously and thoughtfully addresses the issues affecting rural communities, the people who live there and its farmers."

Jennifer Herrington, Former Chair, Page County Democrats and Social Worker: "As a mental health social worker for over thirty years, I saw firsthand the critical need for a holistic approach to health and well-being. Kamala's health care plan for Rural America addresses those needs. I especially like the components of the plan that address the need for improved access to quality child care and an increase in funding for SNAP. These are two examples of often overlooked needs of individuals and families that directly impacts overall physical and mental health."

Kathy Winter, Chair, Osceola County Democrats and Health Care Provider: "Accessibility to mental health services is one of the greatest needs in our county. More providers able to offer mental health services via telehealth would be a great benefit to the residents of Osceola County."

Ruby Boedecker, Benton County Democrat, "Mamas for Kamala was formed because we felt like there was only one candidate in this field that is truly standing up for our children's future. For so many of us in rural America, that depends on our ability to have two parents work so we can give our kids the future they deserve. Kamala's plan to eliminate child care deserts gets right to the heart of a real problem that families face, and we would be so lucky to have her as a partner and a fighter in the White House."

Harris's agenda does what Trump failed to do: create jobs in rural America. Harris takes more than $100 billion from her plan to hold the wealthiest corporations accountable for paying their fair share of taxes and pushes that money directly into bringing jobs back to rural communities. She will also establish a $10,000 tax credit for businesses that hire in rural zones for each full time job they create, with a maximum tax credit of $250,000 per year.

She'll end Trump's trade war, finally hold big oil companies accountable like she has her entire career, and use her experience to ensure her Department of Justice enforces existing antitrust laws that protect small family farms. And she'll invest in the future of rural communities, strengthening rural hospitals, eliminating child care deserts, connecting every home to affordable broadband by 2024, and expanding support for education, schools, and children.

Kamala Harris, Harris Campaign Press Release - Patty Judge, John Norris, Other Iowa Leaders Praise Harris' Plan for Rural America Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/365392

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