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Harris Campaign Press Release - Ahead of Detroit Debates, Michigan Democratic Party Black Caucus Endorses Kamala Harris for President

July 29, 2019

Before Democratic candidates debate in Detroit, the Michigan Democratic Party Black Caucus is endorsing Kamala Harris for President.

"The Michigan Democratic Party Black Caucus is proud to endorse Kamala Harris for President," said Caucus Chair Keith Williams. "She is a proven leader who has given a voice to the voiceless and championed our community as District Attorney, Attorney General, and United States Senator. Her plans to close the racial wealth gap, invest in our classrooms and higher education is a clear investment in our future but also America's future and her continued economic growth."

Harris recently campaigned in Michigan when she attended the NAACP National Convention in Detroit. On Friday, she announced plans to invest billions in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Black entrepreneurship. These proposals are the latest addition to Harris' Black Agenda that will further address the wealth gap in order to build opportunity for Black Americans.

The Michigan Democratic Party Black Caucus was founded by the late Senator David Holmes of Detroit. The mission is to support and promote African Americans for political office while promoting pro-African American political issues. Michigan will award over 100 delegates in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Kamala Harris, Harris Campaign Press Release - Ahead of Detroit Debates, Michigan Democratic Party Black Caucus Endorses Kamala Harris for President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/365337

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