Graham Campaign Press Release - On MSNBC's Morning Joe, Graham Says "[The President] May Think This Is A Good Deal, It's A Terrible Deal."
Alexandria, VA — Senator Lindsey Graham appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe this morning to discuss the nuclear deal reached by the Obama Administration, five other world powers and Iran. Graham discussed the consequences that will come from the bad deal and what he would do as president to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.
As highlighted by The New York Times, Senator Graham's interview came the morning of President Obama's announcement of the Iran nuclear deal. Graham stated on Tuesday, "This is the most dangerous, most irresponsible step," and added, "This is a terrible deal." Graham also said, "It will make everything worse, and I live in fear that we have set in motion a decade of chaos."
Watch the full interview here:
On The Bad Iran Nuclear Deal: "The Goal Was To Dismantle Their Program. We've Ensured They've Become A Nuclear Nation."
"The goal was to dismantle their program. We've ensured they've become a nuclear nation. We're going to ensure that there's going to be a nuclear arms race now... You're taking their chief antagonist, giving them more money to build up their conventional weapons program. They've toppled four Arab capitals. With the mere passage of time, this industrial strength program that we've locked in place will become a nuclear weapons program...From an Israeli point of view, you've taken their biggest threat who constantly chants death to Israel and you've created a possible death sentence for Israel. As to us, you've taken our chief antagonist, people who have killed hundreds of Americans in Iraq, who have toppled pro-American governments throughout the region including Yemen, you've given them the capability to become a nuclear nation. That technology I fear, one day, will be shared with terrorists and come here."
On The Obama Administration: "This is the Most Dangerous, Irresponsible Step I've Ever Seen...Barack Obama, John Kerry Have Been Dangerously Naïve About The Mid-East In General."
"This is the most dangerous, irresponsible step I've ever seen in the history of watching the Mid-East. Barack Obama, John Kerry have been dangerously naïve about the Mid-East in general. They've taken it to a new level and any senator who votes for this is voting for a nuclear arms race in the Mid-East and is voting to give the largest state sponsor of terrorism 18 billion dollars and what do you think they will do with the money? Put it in roads and schools? It's going to go to Assad; it's going to go to Hezbollah; and Hamas."
On What A Reasonable Deal Looks Like: "I Want A Diplomatic End, But I Want Iran To Change Before They...Lock In A Nuclear Program."
"Lock their enrichment program into change of behavior saying that one day, all inspections would be tied to behavior changes. I wouldn't give you a penny until you changed your behavior. I would never have relieved inspections until there was a certification that Iran is no longer the state sponsor of terrorism...The arms embargo. Who thinks it's a good idea, given the Iranians toppling of the Mid-East, to give them lifting of the arms embargo that was not even part of the deal. I would never have done that until they change their behavior. I want a diplomatic end, but I want Iran to change before they get more money and they lock in a nuclear program."
On The President Saying We're Safer With A Deal Than Without: "[The President] May Think This Is A Good Deal, This Is A Terrible Deal."
"The goal President Obama set out, I shared: To dismantle their program; to neuter their program; to give them nuclear capability consistent with a peaceful power program; to require them to change their behavior before you gave them weapons, nuclear capability. The goal has not been achieved. With this deal, you've ensured that the Arabs will go nuclear, you've put Israel in the worst possible box...You've put our nation at risk. Every goal the president expressed two years ago has absolutely not been met...You may think this is a good deal, this is a terrible deal. It's going to make everything worse and I really fear that we've set in motion a decade of chaos."
On The Senate To Vote On The Deal: "Tell The P5+1 There's A Better Deal To Be Had."
"I would argue to my colleagues, if you give them any cash now any time soon they are going to put it into that war machine which puts us at risk. I would argue to my colleagues that our friends in Israel cannot live with this. Don't put Israel in that box tell the president to go back and try to get a better deal. Tell the P5+1 there's a better deal to be had...if you care about Israel you would not put her in this spot. If you care abut the United States you will not allow our chief antagonist to become a nuclear threshold nation guaranteed in nature with no restrictions for them to go beyond that. If you care about Americans you would not give this regime one penny, because that money goes into war machine that's aimed at us too."
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Lindsey Graham, Graham Campaign Press Release - On MSNBC's Morning Joe, Graham Says "[The President] May Think This Is A Good Deal, It's A Terrible Deal." Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/310900