Giuliani Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying...About Mayor Giuliani, Part Two
Politico's Mike Allen: "Baseball addict Rudy Giuliani had a World Series performance." (Mike Allen, Politico's "Playbook," http://dyn.politico.com/playbook/, 10/22/07, Accessed 10/22/07)
CBN's David Brody: "As for Rudy Giuliani, it was another strong debate performance." (David Brody, "Brody File Reaction To GOP Debate," CBN.com's "The Brody File" Blog, http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/254065.aspx, 10/21/07)
- Brody: Giuliani "just doesn't come across as your typical politician. He's breezy, funny, serious and intellectually engaging all at the same time. A rare combination." (David Brody, "Brody File Reaction To GOP Debate," CBN.com's "The Brody File" Blog, http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/254065.aspx, 10/21/07)
- Brody: "It was vintage Giuliani. In your face. The Straight shooter." (David Brody, "Brody File Reaction To GOP Debate," CBN.com's "The Brody File" Blog, http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/254065.aspx, 10/21/07)
Power Line Blog's Paul Mirengoff: "Giuliani had another good night." (Paul Mirengoff, "A sleeping giant wakes up," Power Line Blog, http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives2/2007/10/018822.php, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
- Pollster Frank Luntz: Giuliani was "Almost off the charts." (Fox News, "Hannity & Colmes," 10/21/07)
- Luntz: "And in fact it was Rudy Giuliani who these voters thought would be the best candidate to defeat Hillary Clinton." (Fox News, "Hannity & Colmes," 10/21/07)
- Luntz: "Rudy Giuliani had a priceless sound bite." (Fox News, "Hannity & Colmes," 10/21/07)
EyeOn08.com: Giuliani "looks like he could be President." ("McCain Wins The Debate," Eyeon08.com, http://www.eyeon08.com/2007/10/21/mccain-wins-the-debate/, 10/21/07)
The National Review's Jim Geraghty: "The first time I thought Rudy Giuliani could be president was at his 2004 convention speech … Similar performance tonight – maybe heavy on laughs – but it worked." (Jim Geraghty, "Everybody Was Good; Fred, Rudy, And Huck Were Best," The National Review's "The Corner" Blog, http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NjkyZTFmNmJjNTQ4NzJjYTU5MGExMDk4MWUzZWY4NzQ=, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
- Geraghty said Giuliani was "engaging," a "quick thinker on his feet," and "pugnacious." (Jim Geraghty, "Everybody Was Good; Fred, Rudy, And Huck Were Best," The National Review's "The Corner" Blog, http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NjkyZTFmNmJjNTQ4NzJjYTU5MGExMDk4MWUzZWY4NzQ=, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
- Geraghty said Giuliani is "hitting all cylinders at just the right time." (Jim Geraghty, "Everybody Was Good; Fred, Rudy, And Huck Were Best," The National Review's "The Corner" Blog, http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NjkyZTFmNmJjNTQ4NzJjYTU5MGExMDk4MWUzZWY4NzQ=, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
NBC's Chuck Todd: "Giuliani is proving to be one of the better pure debaters on stage …" (Chuck Todd, "Quick Post-Debate Thoughts," NBC's "First Read" Blog, http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/10/21/423073.aspx, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
The Orlando Sentinel's Scott Maxwell: "And everyone seemed to think that Rudy did what he needed to do — both tonight and this weekend." (Scott Maxwell, "Post Spin Room," Orlando Sentinel's "Taking Names" Blog, http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_local_namesblog/2007/10/post-spin-room.html, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
The Des Moines Register's David Yepsen said Mayor Giuliani "turned in a good performance." (David Yepsen, "McCain Shines, But Little Is New In GOP Debate," The Des Moines Register, 10/22/07)
Time Magazine's Mark Halperin: "Giuliani: A-" (Mark Halperin, Time Magazine's The Page Blog, "Game Over Republican Presidential Candidates Fight To A Draw," http://thepage.time.com, 10/21/07)
- Halperin: Giuliani "Stood up to onslaught from Thompson on his immigration position, and uncharacteristically chose to fight back rather than dodge." (Mark Halperin, "The Republican Candidates," Time's "The Page" Blog, http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/article/0,28804,1674201_1674200_1674193,00.html, 10/22/07, Accessed 10/22/07)
Time Magazine's Ana Marie Cox: "Snap judgment … Rudy had the most good [lines] …" (Ana Marie Cox Time Magazine's Swampland Blog, "Liveblogging: The Orlando Oral Exam," http://time-blog.com/swampland, 10/21/07)
Pajama Media's Stephen Green: "[R]udy had the best instincts…" (Stephen Green, "Liveblogging The Florida GOP Debate," Pajamas Media Blog, http://www.pajamasmedia.com/2007/10/_liveblogging_the_republican_d.php, 10/21/07)
Ankle Biting Pundit: Giuliani "hit it out of the park when questioned about teachers hating him – he said he cared about the kids more, and gave one of the best defenses of school choice I've heard." ("The GOP Debate – The Best So Far," Ankle Biting Pundit's Blog, http://www.anklebitingpundits.com/content/index.php?p=2683, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
- Ankle Biting Pundit: "All in all though a good solid night for Rudy…" ("The GOP Debate – The Best So Far," Ankle Biting Pundit's Blog, http://www.anklebitingpundits.com/content/index.php?p=2683, 10/21/07, Accessed 10/21/07)
The Associated Press' Libby Quaid: "Relaxed, smiling and conversational, Giuliani reinforced his image as a front-runner much as he does on the campaign trail …" (Libby Quaid, "With Humor And Warnings, GOP Candidates Denounce Clinton," The Associated Press, 10/22/07)
Fox News' Molly Line: "As for a crowd favorite … it seemed at least upon entering the room that Rudy Giuliani got the most applause." (Fox News' "Fox And Friends," 10/22/07)
Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying...About Mayor Giuliani, Part Two Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/295626