National Review Online's Jim Geraghty: "[I]f Rudy Giuliani put as much effort and ruthless determination into securing the border that he put into fighting crime in New York City, I think he'd get results comparable to what he accomplished in the Big Apple." (Jim Geraghty, "The Fred Strategy – Is This All Setup For South Carolina?" The National Review's "Campaign Spot" Blog,, 1/6/08, Accessed 1/6/08)
• Geraghty: "Rudy makes a nice response, making the case that conservative programs – particularly his 'workfare' program in New York City – are better for the poor than traditional Democratic handouts." (Jim Geraghty, "Are We Watching Romney Get Up Off The Mat?" The National Review's "Campaign Spot" Blog,, 1/6/08, Accessed 1/6/08)
• Geraghty: "Mr. Mayor, you had me at, 'I told him where he could put it.' [Referring to the Saudi Prince and the $10 million check that came with criticism of U.S. policy.]" (Jim Geraghty, "Scoring Sunday's GOP Debate" The National Review's "Campaign Spot" Blog,, 1/6/08, Accessed 1/6/08)
National Review Online's Kathryn Jean Lopez on Giuliani's Obama answer: "'It depends how you're gonna change' … Thank you, Mayor." (Kathryn Jean Lopez, "It Depends How You're Gonna Change," The National Review's "The Corner" Blog,, 1/6/08, Accessed 1/6/08)
The American Spectator's Quin Hillyer: "Rudy says some change is good and some bad. Says Barack Obama and Hillary would be bad change. Well done." (Quib Hillyer, "Moving On…." The American Spectator's "AmSpecBlog,", 1/6/08, Accessed 1/6/08)
• Hillyer: "On immigration, [Giuliani] outlines a very good plan." (Quin Hillyer, "Giuliani Does Great," The American Spectator's "AmSpecBlog,", 1/6/08, Accessed 1/6/08)
• Hillyer said Giuliani gave a "great answer" on why he can beat the Democrats. (Quin Hillyer, "Final Question; Why Can You Beat The Dems?" The American Spectator's "AmSpecBlog,", 1/6/08, Accessed 1/6/08)
The American Spectator's Jennifer Rubin: "Rudy is having his second entirely solid outing in two nights." (Jennifer Rubin, "Break," The American Spectator's "AmSpecBlog,", 1/6/08, Accessed 1/6/08)
The American Spectator's Philip Klein said Giuliani gave a "strong answer on poverty." (Philip Klein, "Strong Answer By Rudy On Poverty," The American Spectator's "AmSpecBlog,", 1/6/08, Accessed 1/6/08)
Power Line's Scott Johnson: "Giuliani reviews his record on welfare reform as an anti-poverty program. Again, he is a great communicator on this subject." (Scott Johnson, "Scoring Tonight's GOP Candidates' Forum," Power Line Blog,, 1/6/08)
• Johnson: "Giuliani defends his record on taxes. He communicates brilliantly on this subject." (Scott Johnson, "Scoring Tonight's GOP Candidates' Forum," Power Line Blog,, 1/6/08, Accessed 1/6/08)
• Johnson: "Giuliani recounts his experience as crisis manager up to and including 9/11. While in Justice Department worked on related issues. Kept Arafat out of UN 50 celebration (God bless him!)." (Scott Johnson, "Scoring Tonight's GOP Candidates' Forum," Power Line Blog,, 1/6/08)
NBC's Matthew Berger: "Giuliani gave a strong answer to his foreign policy experience both inside and outside of 9/11." (Matthew E. Berger, "Rudy, 9/11, Florida," MSNBC's "First Read" Blog,, 1/6/08, Accessed 1/6/08)
Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying...About Mayor Giuliani Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project