Photo of Donald Trump

Fact Sheet - The United States and Our Global Partners Have Liberated All ISIS-Controlled Territory

March 23, 2019

"American and coalition forces have had one military victory after another over the last two years against ISIS, including the retaking of both Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria. We've liberated more than 20,000 square miles of territory." --President Donald J. Trump

LIBERATING ALL ISIS-CONTROLLED TERRITORY: The territory once held by ISIS in Syria and Iraq is now 100 percent liberated.

  • Upon taking office, President Donald J. Trump empowered our commanders in the field and enabled our allies and partners on the ground to take the fight to ISIS.
  • The Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, including the United States, Iraqi Security Forces, and partners in the Syrian Democratic Forces, have liberated all of the territory previously held by ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
    • The 79-member Coalition to Defeat ISIS is an unprecedented collection of nations and organizations aligned in a common cause to fight the evil of terrorism.
    • Thousands of fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces, Iraq Security Forces, and 6 members of the Coalition have sacrificed their lives fighting against ISIS.
  • Over the last two years, the United States and our Coalition partners have liberated more than 20,000 square miles of territory previously held by ISIS in Syria.
  • Since January 2017, an estimated 5 million people have been freed from ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
  • Sixty high-value targets, 100 ISIS officials, and tens of thousands of ISIS fighters have been killed.
    • There are more than 1,000 foreign fighters from more than 40 countries in the custody of the Syrian Democratic Forces.
  • Thanks to the defeat of the "caliphate," ISIS now lacks a territorial base to launch attacks overseas and recruit foreign fighters.

MOVING FORWARD: The United States has begun the process of withdrawing troops from Syria in a deliberate and coordinated manner, while maintaining a small force there.

  • President Trump is realigning our force now that ISIS's territorial "caliphate" has been defeated.
  • The President wants to draw down our presence in a safe, deliberate, and coordinated manner and remains in constant contact with our allies.
  • During this process, we will continue to inflict maximum damage on the remnants of ISIS.
  • A small contingent of United States Armed Forces will remain in Syria.

ENSURING ISIS NEVER RETURNS: The United States is committed to ensuring the remnants of ISIS are destroyed and that it can never regain its "caliphate."

  • The United Sates is confident that together with the Coalition, we will ensure a lasting defeat of ISIS.
  • Understanding the remaining threat from radical Islamist terrorism, the United States will continue to hunt down any remnants of ISIS.
  • The United States remains committed to the Coalition and will continue to support its efforts.
  • The President has been clear that our allies and partners should step up their contributions to stabilize Syria and help ensure that ISIS cannot return.

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Fact Sheet - The United States and Our Global Partners Have Liberated All ISIS-Controlled Territory Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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