EXECUTIVE MANSION, March 12, 1873.
Agreeably to the recommendation contained in the foregoing letter of the Secretary of the Interior of this day, the following described lands in the southeastern part of Nevada are hereby set apart for the use of the Indians in that locality: Commencing at a point on the north bank of the Colorado River where the eastern line of Nevada strikes the same; running thence due north with said eastern line to a point far enough north from which a line running due west will pass one mile north of Muddy Springs; running due west from said point to the one hundredth and fifteenth meridian of west longitude; thence south with said meridian to a point due west from the place of beginning; thence due east to the west bank of the Colorado River; thence following the west and north bank of the same to the place of beginning.
SOURCE: Kappler, Indian Affairs, Laws and Treaties, US GPO, 1904, p 866-867
Ulysses S. Grant, Executive Order—Establishment of Moapa River Reservation Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/371413