Executive Order 9475—Transferring the Functions and Responsibilities of the Rubber Director
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the statutes, particularly the Act of December 18, 1941, entitled "First War Powers Act, 1941" (Public 354—77th Congress), as President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, it is hereby ordered as follows:
1. The Office of Rubber Director, established by Executive Order 9246, dated September 17, 1942, is abolished and the authority and functions of the Rubber Director are transferred to the Chairman of the War Production Board except as provided for in paragraph 3 of this order.
2. All regulations, rulings and other directives relating to the rubber program issued under Executive Order 9246 shall remain in effect except insofar as they may be amended by the Chairman of the War Production Board.
3. Rubber Reserve Company, under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce, shall have responsibility for:
(a) Purchase, sale, acquisition, storage and transportation of synthetic and natural rubbers in amounts determined by the Chairman of the War Production Board to be necessary to meet the requirements of the Nation\'s rubber program.
(b) Research, development and testing of synthetic rubbers and new monomers therefor and the testing of tires and tubes made therefrom by test fleets owned by or operated for the government, financed by or conducted in cooperation with the Rubber Reserve Company.
(c) Subject to directives of the Chairman of the War Production Board, operation of plants of the synthetic rubber program owned by Defense Plant Corporation or Rubber Reserve Company or operated under contract with either of them, except those which are within petroleum refineries.
4. The personnel, property, records, unexpended balances of appropriations, and other funds of the War Production Board primarily concerned with and available for the discharge of any of the functions, responsibilities, powers, and authorities that are vested in the Rubber Reserve Company by paragraph 3 of this order shall, to the extent determined by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, be transferred to the Rubber Reserve Company. In determining the amounts transferred hereunder, allowance shall be made for the liquidation of obligations previously incurred against such balances of appropriations, allocations, or other funds transferred.
5. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the powers conferred upon the Price Administrator by the "Emergency Price Control Act of 1942", as amended.
6. Any provision of any Executive Order conflicting with this order is superseded to the extent of such conflict.
7. This order shall take effect as of September 1, 1944.
The White House,
September 1, 1944.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 9475—Transferring the Functions and Responsibilities of the Rubber Director Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/355171