Executive Order 9173—Transferring the Control and Jurisdiction Over Certain Property Located at Juneau, Alaska, From the Department of the Interior to the Navy Department
By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is ordered that, subject to valid existing rights, the Government dock and approach thereto located at Juneau, Alaska, and described more particularly below, be, and they are hereby, transferred from the control and jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior to the control and jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy for use of the United States Coast Guard:
Beginning at a point 30.5 feet from the intersection of the southerly line of the Willoughby Avenue pavement with the stub concrete pavement approach to Femmer's Dock, thence N. 46°36' W. 20 feet along the southerly limit of the pavement of Willoughby Avenue, thence S. 41°17' W. 454.1 feet, thence S. 23°20' E. 193.8 feet, thence S. 66°40' W. 372 feet, thence S. 23°20' E. 40 feet, thence N. 66°40' E. 392 feet, thence N. 23°20' W. 126.1 feet, thence N. 8°53' W. 48.9 feet, thence N. 26°20' E. 48.9 feet, thence N. 41°17' E. 385.7 feet to the point of beginning.
The White House,
May 23, 1942.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 9173—Transferring the Control and Jurisdiction Over Certain Property Located at Juneau, Alaska, From the Department of the Interior to the Navy Department Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/210841