Executive Order 8713—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in Proclamation No. 2465 of March 4, 1941, Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940
By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 6 of the act of Congress approved July 2, 1940, entitled "An Act to expedite the strengthening of the national defense" (54 Stat. 712, 714), I hereby prescribe the following regulations governing the exportation of articles and materials designated in Proclamation No. 2465 of March 4, 1941, issued pursuant to the said section 6:
1. The Administrator of Export Control shall, under my direction, determine the forms of the articles and materials designated in the above-mentioned proclamation; and the Administrator may from time to time make such additions to or deletions from the lists of forms as may be necessary in the interest of national defense.
2. The Administrator of Export Control shall cause such lists of forms to be published in the Federal Register. Such publication shall constitute notice to the public that, after the effective date therein stated, none of the forms listed shall be exported unless and until a license authorizing such exportation shall have been issued by the Administrator of Export Control.
3. The forms for application for export licenses shall be prescribed by the Administrator of Export Control: Provided, That such applications shall be required to contain adequate descriptions of the articles and materials to be exported, including type and model descriptions, if applicable.
4. The Administrator of Export Control shall-issue export licenses to authorize proposed shipments of the said articles and materials to applicants who shall have made application on the prescribed form, unless the Administrator of Export Control, under my direction, shall have determined that the proposed exportation would be detrimental to the interests of the national defense.
5. The country designated on the application for license as the country of destination shall in each case be the country of ultimate destination. If the articles and materials to be exported are consigned to one country with the knowledge that they are intended for transshipment thence to another country, the latter country shall be named as the country of destination.
6. Export licenses are not transferable and are subject to revocation without notice. If not revoked, licenses are valid for one year from the date of issuance.
7. The original license must be presented, prior to exportation, to the collector of customs at the port through which the shipment authorized to be exported is being made. If shipment is made by mail, the license must be presented to the postmaster at the post office at which the parcel is mailed, except that the Administrator of Export Control may authorize the mailing of the parcel without formal presentation of the license.
8. No alterations may be made in export licenses which have been issued by the Administrator of Export Control except by the Administrator or by collectors of customs or postmasters acting under the specific instructions of the Administrator.
9. Export licenses which have been revoked or which have expired must be returned immediately to the Administrator of Export Control.
10. Except as may be prohibited by law, the Administrator of Export Control may issue general licenses authorizing the exportation to all or certain areas or destinations of any of the abovementioned articles and materials, and any of the forms thereof, in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the President.
11. Paragraphs 3 and 7 shall not apply to the general licenses herein authorized.
12. These regulations shall be effective April 15, 1941.
The White House,
March 15, 1941.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 8713—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in Proclamation No. 2465 of March 4, 1941, Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/368235