Executive Order 7391—Enlarging Savannah River Wildlife Refuge Georgia and South Carolina
By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me as President of the United States, and in order to effectuate further the purposes of the Migratory Bird Conservation Act (45 Stat. 1222), it is ordered that the following- described area consisting of 22,870 acres, more of less, acquired or to be acquired by the United States in Chatham and Effingham Counties, Georgia, and in Jasper County, South Carolina, as shown on the map attached hereto and made a part of this order, with all buildings thereon, be, and it is hereby, reserved and set apart for the use of the Department of Agriculture, subject to valid existing rights, and to future use for navigation, as an addition to the Savannah River Wildlife Refuge, established by Executive Order No. 5748, of November 12, 1931: Provided, that any private lands within the area described shall become a part of the refuge upon the acquisition of title thereto or lease thereof by the United States:
Being all of what are known as Argyle, Hog, Hog Marsh, Isla, and Onslow Islands, and certain other small unnamed islands adjacent thereto, east of the right bank of the Savannah River or the right bank of Front River, a channel of the Savannah River, in Chatham County, Georgia, and certain areas in Effingham County, Georgia, and Jasper County, South Carolina, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the boundary line between Jasper and Beaufort Counties, at the intersection of the county line with the northwesterly right- of-way boundary line of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, approximately 188 chains southeast of the point where United States Highway No. 17 crosses the boundary between said counties; thence, following the boundary line between Beaufort and Jasper Counties, northwesterly to its intersection with the southeasterly right-of-way boundary line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; thence, following the southeasterly right-of-way boundary line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, southwesterly across the Savannah River to its right bank; thence, following the right bank of the Savannah River southerly to its junction with the right bank of Drakies Cut; thence, following the right bank of Drakies Cut southerly to its junction with the right bank of Front River, a channel of the Savannah River; thence, following the right bank of Front River, southerly to the junction of Front and Middle Rivers, channels of the Savannah River; thence, following the right bank of the Savannah River, southerly to a point on the south bank of and at the mouth of Pipe Makers Canal; thence, easterly aross the Savannah River to the northwestern end of Hutchinsons Island; thence, following the northern and eastern shores of Hutchinsons Island northeasterly then southeasterly to the intersection of the eastern shore of Hutchinsons Island with the northwesterly right-of-way boundary line of the Seaboard Air Line Railway; thence, following said right-of-way line across Back River northeasterly to the place of beginning.
June 17, 1936.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 7391—Enlarging Savannah River Wildlife Refuge Georgia and South Carolina Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/210024