Franklin D. Roosevelt

Executive Order 7387—Reservation of Naval Station, Balboa, Canal Zone

June 15, 1936

By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 5 of Title n of the Canal Zone Code, approved June 19, 1934, and as President of the United States, the following-described land situated in the Canal Zone is hereby reserved and set apart as, and assigned to the uses and purposes of, a naval reservation, which shall be known as Naval Station, Balboa, Canal Zone, and shall be under the control and jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy, except that it shall be subject to the civil jurisdiction of the Canal Zone authorities in conformity with the provisions of the said Canal Zone Code:

Beginning at a concrete monument, marked "G" on Panama Canal drawing L 6103-62, located at the extreme high-water mark on the shore of Panama Bay, the geographic position of which (referred to Panama-Colon datum of the Canal Zone triangulation system) is in latitude 8°56' plus 3653.4 feet N. and longitude 79°33' plus 1518.0 feet W.; thence

S. 37°40' W., a distance of 828.8 feet through an iron rail in concrete monument, 63.8 feet from beginning of course, marked "V" on the map, to an iron rail In concrete monument, marked "Z" on the map (this line corresponds with a part of the north-western boundary of Fort Amador); thence

N. 52°20' W., a distance of 1286.0 feet through concrete monument, 635.3 feet from beginning of course marked "C" on the map, and an iron rail in concrete, 1049.9 feet from beginning of course, marked "W" on the map, to a concrete monument, marked "H" on the map; thence

N. 11°10' E., a distance of 442.5 feet to a concrete monument, marked "I" on the map; thence

N. 68°37' E., a distance of 91.3 feet to a concrete monument, marked "J" on the map; thence

N. 21°23' W., a distance of 1120.3 feet through concrete monuments, marked "K" and "L" on the map, 370.0 feet and 740.0 feet, respectively, from beginning of course, to a concrete monument, marked "M" on the map; thence

N. 68?37' E., a distance of 400.0 feet to a concrete monument, marked "N" on the map, located 28.0 feet westerly and at right angles from the center line of the pavement of Amador Road; thence

S. 21°23' E., a distance of 1120.3 feet, parallel to and at a distance of 28.0 feet from the center line of the pavement of Amador Road, to a concrete monument, marked "O" on the map; thence

N. 68°37' E., a distance of 388.2 feet through an iron rail in concrete monument, 35.0 feet from end of course, marked "Y" on the map, to a point marked "P" on the map, located at the extreme high-water mark on the shore of Panama Bay; thence

S.   35°01' E., a distance of 1080.0 feet to monument "G" on the map which is the point of beginning.

The direction of the lines refers to the true meridian.

The above-described tract contains an area of 40.84 acres.

All of the above-described area is shown on Panama Canal drawing L 6103-62 of November 27, 1935, entitled "Boundary of Balboa Naval Station", showing approval by the Governor of the Panama Canal, and by the Commandant, Fifteenth Naval District, in whose offices the drawing is filed.

This order supersedes Executive Order No. 4047 of July 8, 1924, and Executive Order No. 4105 of November 22, 1924, setting apart and assigning certain sites in the Canal Zone to the uses and purposes of naval reservations.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

June 15, 1936.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 7387—Reservation of Naval Station, Balboa, Canal Zone Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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