Franklin D. Roosevelt

Executive Order 7032—Withdrawal of Lands for Lighthouse Purposes, Alaska

May 01, 1935

By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by the act of June 25, 1910 (ch. 421, 36 Stat. 847), as amended by the act of August 24, 1912 (ch. 369, 37 Stat. 497), and subject to the conditions therein expressed and to valid existing rights, it is ordered that the following-described lands in Alaska be, and they are hereby, temporarily withdrawn from settlement, location, sale, or entry and reserved for use by the Department of Commerce for lighthouse purposes:

All of two unnamed, unsurveyed islands in Alaska, located approximately in latitude 54°30' N., and longitude 162°50' W., as shown on United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8841, Sanak Harbor, Sanak Island. The first island, the extreme northerly point of which is designated Point Petrof on said chart, contains approximately 8 acres. The second island, which lies to the south of the first island, forms the westerly shore of Sanak Harbor, and contains approximately 98 acres.

This order shall continue in full force and effect unless and until revoked by the President or by act of Congress.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The White House,
May 1, 1935.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 7032—Withdrawal of Lands for Lighthouse Purposes, Alaska Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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