Franklin D. Roosevelt

Executive Order 6728—Revocation in Part of Section 4 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933

May 29, 1934

Whereas section 4 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933, provides in part:

"The function of disbursement of moneys of the United States exercised by any agency is transferred to the Treasury Department and, together with the Office of Disbursing Clerk of that Department, is consolidated in a Division of Disbursement, at the head of which shall be a Chief Disbursing Officer."

Whereas the effective date of section 4 of Executive Order No. 6166 has been deferred until December 31, 1934, by Executive Order No. 6727 of this date, subject to the provisions contained therein; and

Whereas, after further consideration, I have determined that such transfer of the disbursing functions under the jurisdiction of the War Department, the Navy Department, and the Panama Canal, except as hereinafter set forth, would adversely affect the operation of our military and naval forces in time of emergency and would not be in the public interest;

Now, Therefore, by virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 16 of the act of March 3, 1933 (ch. 212, 47 Stat., 1489, 1517), it is ordered that the above-quoted provision of section 4 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933, be, and it is hereby, revoked insofar as and to the extent that it is applicable to the disbursing functions under the jurisdiction of the War Department, the Navy Department (including the Marine Corps), and the Panama Canal, except those pertaining to departmental salaries and expenses in the District of Columbia: Provided, that the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy shall continue to furnish the Secretary of the Treasury such fiscal reports as are now or may hereafter be required by law, and such other fiscal data as may be required by the Secretary of the Treasury from tune to time: Provided further, that upon the request of the Secretary of the Treasury and with the approval of the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, as the case may be, the facilities of the War and Navy Departments and the Panama Canal may be utilized in the disbursement, or aiding in the disbursement, of public moneys of the United States available for expenditure by any executive department, independent establishment, or agency of the Government.

This order will become effective in accordance with the provisions of section 1, title III, of the act of March 20, 1933 (ch. 3, 48 Stat. 8, 16).

Done in triplicate.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The White House,
May 29, 1934.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 6728—Revocation in Part of Section 4 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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