By virtue of the authority vested in me by the act of June 25, 1910 (ch. 421, 36 Stat. 847), as amended by the act of August 24, 1912 (ch. 369, 37 Stat. 497), it is ordered that Executive Order No. 6025 of February 14, 1933, creating Public Water Reserve No. 149, be, and it is hereby, revoked insofar as it pertains to the following-described lands:
T. 16 N., R. 88 W., sec. 28, lots 4 and 5.
Provided, however, That none of the aforesaid described lands shall become subject to disposition under the laws applicable to public lands until such date and after such notice as may be hereafter determined and announced.
This order may be referred to as "Public Water Restoration No. 77, Wyoming".
The White House,
February 26, 1934.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 6620—Public Water Restoration No. 77, Wyoming Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project