Executive Order 5892—Transfer of Radio Division of the Department of Commerce to the Federal Radio Commission
Whereas, sections 511 to 514, inclusive, of the act of Congress entitled "AN ACT Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, and for other purposes," approved June 30, 1932, provides:
"Sec. 511. The President is authorized, by Executive order, to transfer the duties, powers, and functions of the Radio Division of the Department of Commerce to the Federal Radio Commission, and upon the issuance of such order—
(a) the Radio Division shall be abolished;
(b) all records and property, including office furniture and equipment, of the division, shall be transferred to the Federal Radio Commission; and
(c) such of the officers and employees of the division, as, in the judgment of the President, are indispensable to the efficient operation of the Federal Radio Commission, shall be transferred to such commission and all officers and employees of the division and commission not indispensable to the service shall be dismissed.
"Sec. 512. Any transfer of officers or employees under Section 511 shall be without changes in classification or compensation, but the President is authorized to make such changes in the titles, designations, and duties of such officers and employees as he may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 511 to 514, inclusive, of this title.
"Sec. 513. (a) All orders, determinations, rules, or regulations made or issued by the Department of Commerce in respect of the Radio Division, or by the Radio Division, and in effect at the time of such transfer, shall continue in effect to the same extent as if such transfer had not been made, until modified, superseded, or repealed by the Federal Radio Commission.
(b) All provisions of law relating to the Radio Division shall continue in force with respect to the Federal Radio Commission, in so far as such provisions of law are not inconsistent with the provisions of section 511 or 512.
"Sec. 514. Such parts of appropriations and unexpended balances of appropriations available for expenditure by the Radio Division as the President deems necessary shall be available for expenditure by the Federal Radio Commission in the same manner as if such commission had been named in the laws providing for such appropriations, and the remainder of such appropriations and such unexpended balances shall not be expended but shall be impounded and returned to the Treasury"
Now, Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by said law, the Radio Division of the Department of Commerce is hereby abolished and the duties, powers, and functions of or in respect of said division, together with all officers and employees thereof, all records, papers, and public property of or pertaining thereto, are hereby transferred to the Federal Radio Commission, and all parts of appropriations and unexpended balances of appropriations available for expenditure by the Department of Commerce for or on behalf of the Radio Division of the Department of Commerce are hereby transferred to the Federal Radio Commission. The Federal Radio Commission is hereby authorized and directed to dismiss officers and employees not indispensable to the service, to make such changes in the titles, designations, and duties of said officers and employees as it may deem necessary, and to return to the Treasury all appropriations or unexpended balances thereof not necessary to the maintenance of said commission.
The White House,
July 20, 1932.
Herbert Hoover, Executive Order 5892—Transfer of Radio Division of the Department of Commerce to the Federal Radio Commission Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/361476