Executive Order 2796—Prescribing Rules and Regulations Under Section 5 of the Trading with the Enemy Act and Supplementing Rules and Regulations Heretofore Prescribed Under Title 7 of the Espionage Act
Whereas by virtue of the authority vested in me by the act approved June 15, 1917, known as the Espionage Act, I directed by Executed order, dated September 7, 1917, that the regulations, orders, limitations, and exceptions prescribed by me in relation to the export of coin, bullion, and currency should be administered by the Secretary of the Treasury, and upon his recommendation prescribed certain regulations in relation thereto; and
Whereas by Executive order, dated October 12, 1917, made under authority of the act aforesaid and of the act approved October 6, 1917, known as the Trading-with-the-Enemy Act, I vested in the Secretary of the Treasury the executive administration of any investigation, regulation, or prohibition of any transactions in foreign exchange, export, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency, transfers of credit m any form (other than credits relating solely to transactions to be executed wholly within the United States) and transfers of evidences of indebtedness or of the ownership of property between the United States and any foreign country or between residents of one or more foreign countries by any person within the United States, and I further vested in the Secretary of the Treasury the authority and power to require any person engaged in any such transaction to furnish, under oath, complete information relative thereto, including the production of any books of account, contracts, letters, or other papers in connection therewith in the custody or control of such person, either before or after such transaction is completed; and
Whereas by said Executive order, dated October 12, 1917, I authorized and directed the Secretary of the Treasury for the purpose of such executive administration to take such measures, adopt such administrative procedure, and use such agency or agencies as he may from time to time deem necessary and proper for that purpose; and
Whereas the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President, by order dated November 23, 1917, adopted certain administrative procedure for the executive administration, authority and power vested in the Secretary of the Treasury by said Executive order, dated October 12, 1917, and designated the Federal Reserve Board to act as the agency of the Secretary of the Treasury, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, to carry out such executive administration, authority and power vested in the Secretary of the Treasury as hereinbefore recited:
Now, therefore, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Treasury, and in order to vest all necessary authority in the Federal Reserve Board to act as the agency of the Secretary of the Treasury, in the performance of the duties hereby imposed upon it, I hereby prescribe the following orders, rules, and regulations in respect of such executive administration, authority and power, and I hereby amend the regulations heretofore prescribed by said Executive order dated September 7, 1917, as herein provided.
Person: The term person as used herein shall be deemed to mean an individual, partnership, association, company or other unincorporated body of individuals, or corporation or body politic.
Dealer: The term dealer as used herein shall be deemed to mean any person engaged primarily or incidentally in the business (1) of buying, selling, or dealing in foreign exchange, or (2) of buying, selling, or dealing in securities for or through foreign correspondents, or (3) any person who carries accounts or securities with or for foreign correspondents.
Dealers of Class A: Dealers who engage in the business of buying, selling, or dealing in foreign exchange, or of buying, selling, or dealing in securities for or through foreign correspondents, and who may or may not carry accounts or securities with or for foreign correspondents shall be known as dealers of Class A.
Dealers of Class B: Dealers who carry accounts or securities with foreign correspondents or who buy, sell or deal in securities through such correspondents but who do not carry accounts or securities for foreign correspondents and who do not engage in the business of buying, selling, or dealing in foreign exchange or of buying, selling, or dealing in securities for foreign correspondents shall be known as dealers of Class B.
Dealers of Class C: Dealers who carry accounts of securities for foreign correspondents or who buy, sell, or deal in securities for such correspondents but who do not carry accounts or securities with foreign correspondents and who do not engage in the business of buying, selling, or dealing in foreign exchange or of buying, selling, or dealing in securities through foreign correspondents shall be known as dealers of Class C.
Foreign Exchange: The term foreign exchange as used herein shall be deemed to mean checks, drafts, bills of exchange, cable transfers, or any form of negotiable or assignable instrument, or order used (a) to transfer credit or to order the payment of funds in any foreign country, or (b) to transfer credit or to order the payment of funds within the United States for foreign account.
Securities: The term securities as used herein shall be deemed to mean all evidences of ownership of property not included in the foregoing definition of foreign exchange.
Correspondent: The term correspondent as used herein shall be deemed to mean any person who acts as the agent of, or for, or on behalf of, or as the depositary of, another person, or any person who is the principal for, or on behalf of, whom another person acts as agent.
Customer: The term customer as used herein shall be deemed to mean any person other than a dealer who buys foreign exchange from a dealer or sells foreign exchange to a dealer.
All transactions in foreign exchange, export or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency, transfers of credit in any form (other than credits relating solely to transactions to be executed wholly within the United States) and transfers of evidences of indebtedness or of the ownership of property between the United States and any foreign country, whether enemy, ally of enemy, or otherwise, or between residents of one or more foreign countries, by any person within the United States, except any such transactions or transfers conducted in conformity herewith, are hereby prohibited.
Certain persons required to obtain registration certificates: No person other than a customer, shall, after February 10, 1918, engage in any transaction or make any transfer described in the next preceding subdivision hereof who shall not have obtained, on or before that date, a registration certificate, as hereinafter provided.
Every person who is a dealer upon the date hereof, as promptly as possible and in any event on or before January 31, 1918, shall file, with the Federal Reserve Board, through the Federal Reserve Bank of his district, an application for a registration certificate. Such application shall be in form approved by the Federal Reserve Board and shall show the character of business engaged in and whether or not an enemy or ally of enemy of the United States or any subject or citizen of an enemy or ally of enemy, wherever resident or domiciled, has any interest directly or indirectly in such business. Such application shall embody an agreement on the part of the applicant to comply with the regulations of the Federal Reserve Board, and to permit the inspection at any time of his books and accounts and to make reports as and when required on forms to be approved by the Federal Reserve Board.
The Federal Reserve Board may issue to such applicant the appropriate registration certificate in form approved by it, entitling the holder to engage in the class or classes of foreign exchange or other transactions specified in such certificate, subject to all applicable provisions of law and to such Executive orders of the President and administrative regulations as shall have been issued or may from time to time be issued by the Federal Reserve Board.
Any person who is not a dealer at the date hereof but who hereafter desires to become a dealer must first obtain a registration certificate.
Any person, other than a customer, who does not desire to become a dealer but who nevertheless desires to engage in one or several transactions or to make one or several transfers described in the next preceding subdivision hereof, may be permitted by the Federal Reserve Board, in its discretion, to engage in any such transaction or to make any such transfer without first obtaining a registration certificate, and the Federal Reserve Board may likewise waive any requirement hereof, other than any which relates to trading with an enemy or ally of enemy, whether it is satisfied that such waiver is not incompatible with the best interests of the United States.
Nothing herein shall be construed to abrogate or modify any existing requirement that licenses shall be obtained from the War Trade Board in respect of any transaction with, or for account of, an enemy or ally of enemy, or any person acting for, or on behalf of or for the benefit of, an enemy or ally of enemy.
Revocation of registration certificates: Any or all such registration certificates may be revoked at any time by direction of the Secretary of the Treasury or of the Federal Reserve Board.
Books and accounts: Each Federal Reserve Bank through which any such registration certificate shall be issued shall furnish to the applicant, copies of all forms of reports required and the books and records of such applicant shall thereafter be kept in a manner which will make it possible to furnish information called for in such reports without delay.
General reports: After obtaining a registration certificate, each holder thereof shall file with the Federal Reserve Bank through which such certificate shall be issued a report, on forms to be furnished by the Federal Reserve Board, showing all accounts or securities carried with or for foreign correspondents as of the close of business on January 30, 1918, or on such other date as the Federal Reserve Board may require, and such other information as may be called for on such forms and shall thereafter file with the Federal Reserve Board, through such Federal Reserve Bank, on dates specified by the Federal Reserve Board, reports showing all changes in such accounts and all purchases, sales, and other transactions in foreign exchange or securities for or through foreign correspondents.
Customers statements: A dealer shall require every customer purchasing foreign exchange from him or selling foreign exchange to him, to file a statement showing the purpose of such purchase or sale with such details as the Federal Reserve Board may require, including a declaration to the effect that no enemy or ally of enemy of the United States has any interest directly or indirectly in such purchase or sale. The Federal Reserve Board shall prescribe the form of such declaration. Copies of such statements shall be furnished by such dealer upon request to the Federal Reserve Board, through the several Federal Reserve Banks.
Reports made through domestic correspondents: Dealers to whom registration certificates have been issued, and who buy, sell, or deal in foreign exchange through domestic correspondents, (for example banking or other institutions located in the United States) unless otherwise directed by the Federal Reserve Board, shall arrange with such correspondents to include such transactions in the reports of such correspondents.
Such dealers will be required to report to the Federal Reserve Board only those foreign exchange transactions which are not included in the reports of such correspondents but may be called upon for any information in regard thereto desired by the Federal Reserve Board, and shall keep all books and records in a manner which will make it possible to furnish such information.
Special reports: Whenever any holder of a registration certificate shall have reason to believe that any transaction within his knowledge involves or may involve directly or indirectly the payment of funds or delivery of securities to or the transfer of credit or securities for the benefit of an enemy or ally of enemy, or which may involve any other transaction with an enemy or ally of enemy, he shall immediately report the facts and circumstances to the Federal Reserve Board through a Federal Reserve Bank.
Filing and verification of reports: All reports, statements, and declarations herein required, unless otherwise specified, shall be filed with the Federal Reserve Board through the Federal Reserve Banks.
Any or all such reports, statements, or declarations shall, in the discretion of the Federal Reserve Board, be verified by oath of the person making same.
Examinations: The books and records of all dealers must at all times be open to inspection by examiners designated by the Federal Reserve Board.
After dates to be fixed by the Federal Reserve Board in respect of each foreign country, respectively, no holder of a registration certificate shall engage in transactions with, through, or for any foreign correspondent in such foreign country unless he shall have obtained from such correspondent a declaration to the following effect:
Having arranged with...[Holder of registration certificate]...to act as the agent or correspondent in the United States for, or on behalf of, the undersigned under regulations issued by the appropriate authorities of the United States Government and/or the undersigned having agreed to act as the foreign correspondent of the said ........................................ I/we do hereby declare that I/we will not deal or attempt to deal, directly or indirectly, with said agent or correspondent in any transaction for or on account of, or for the benefit of, an enemy or ally of enemy of the United States, and will not make available for the use of an enemy or ally of enemy of the United States any funds or property received or credits established as a result of any transaction engaged in with or through said agent or correspondent, and will not transmit to said agent or correspondent for collection or credit any negotiable instrument bearing the signature or indorsement of an enemy or ally of enemy of the United States.
The words "enemy" and "ally of enemy" are used herein as now or hereafter defined by laws of the United States or by Proclamation of the President of the United States.
NOTE. If foreign correspondent is incorporated this certificate must be executed by a duly authorized officer of such corporation.
If any foreign correspondent of a dealer in the United States or any person proposing to become the foreign correspondent of a dealer in the United States, shall refuse or fail to make the foregoing declaration as herein required, or if the Federal Reserve Board shall have reason to believe that any suchforeign correspondent or any such person is dealing or trading with an enemy or ally of enemy of the United States, contrary to the provisions of the declaration of noninterest of enemies, herein required, or if in the judgment of the Federal Reserve Board the best interest of the United States requires such action, it may prohibit any dealer or dealers in the United States from engaging in any transaction with, through, for, or on behalf of such correspondent or such person.
Whenever the Federal Reserve Board shall have reason to believe that any transaction in foreign exchange or any transfer of securities carried with or for a foreign correspondent involves or may involve trading with an enemy, or ally of enemy, or in its judgment is incompatible with the best interest of the United States, it may cause notice to be served on the parties in interest to postpone the consummation of such transaction for a period of ninety days pending investigation of the facts, and upon investigation if the Federal Reserve Board is of the opinion that the best interests of the United States require such action it may prohibit the consummation of such transaction.
The Secretary of the Treasury may likewise prohibit the consummation of any such transaction by notice served on the parties in interest (either directly or through the Federal Reserve Board) in any case in which in his judgment the best interests of the United States require such action.
Every person presenting for collection maturing obligations, or coupons, checks or drafts issued for dividends or interest, for account of any foreign Government or person resident in any foreign country, shall make a declaration in form approved by the Federal Reserve Board, to the effect that such collections are not made for, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, any enemy or ally of enemy; that the proceeds of such collections will not be made available for any enemy or ally of enemy; and that the maturing obligations, or the obligations and stocks upon which dividends or interest are to be paid, are not the property of any enemy or ally of enemy; have not been owned by, or held for the account of, any enemy or ally of enemy, since January 26, 1918, and were not purchased by the present owner from any enemy or ally of enemy or from any person acting for or on behalf of or for the benefit of an enemy or ally of enemy since February 3, 1917.
Provided, however, that any holder of a Class A or Class C registration certificate may collect maturing obligations and coupons, checks, or drafts issued for dividends or interest for account of a person resident in a foreign country, without making such declaration, if such holder has filed with the Federal Reserve Board a similar declaration executed by the person for whom collection is made.
Interest or dividend checks payable for foreign account. Every person issuing checks or drafts for interest or dividends after January 26, 1918, payable to any foreign Government or to any person resident in a foreign country shall attach to or shall print on the back of such check or draft the following statement:
This check or draft will not be paid unless the following declaration is executed by the person to whom it is sent for collection by the payee, or his agent, or by the person who acts as the agent in the United States for the payee.
From actual personal knowledge, or in reliance upon declarations or affidavits furnished the undersigned by the parties in interest, I/we do hereby expressly declare that no enemy or ally of enemy of the United States is directly or indirectly interested in the proceeds of this check or draft and that such proceeds will not be made available for the use of an enemy or ally of enemy of the United States; that the stock upon which this dividend is paid (or the obligation upon which this interest is paid is not and has not been owned by or held for account of an enemy or ally of enemy of the United States since January 26, 1918, and has not been purchased by the present owner from an enemy or ally of enemy or from a person acting for or on behalf of or for the benefit of an enemy or ally of enemy since February 3, 1917.
No person shall purchase, sell, or deliver any securities for account of any foreign Government, or for account of any person resident in a foreign country, unless such Government or such person, as the case may be, shall have made a declaration, in form approved by the Federal Reserve Board, similar in effect to that required in the case of the collection of maturing obligations, for account of a foreign Government or persons resident in a foreign country.
Any person who is unable to make a declaration of noninterest of enemy or ally of enemy required hereunder may apply to the Federal Reserve Board for a waiver of such declaration, submitting to such board all facts and circumstances relating to the transaction involved which are in the possession of the applicant. If upon investigation the Federal Reserve Board shall determine that there is no reason to believe that any enemy or ally of enemy is directly or indirectly interested in the transaction involved, and that its consummation will not be incompatible with the best interests of the United States, ii may permit the transaction to be consummated without the declaration herein required. If the Federal Reserve Board shall have reason to believe that an enemy or ally of enemy is or may be directly or indirectly interested in the transaction, it shall transmit to the War Trade Board all records in the case for such action as that board may determine to be necessary.
The following regulations prescribed by Executive order, dated September 7, 1917, shall continue in force as herein amended.
Any person desiring to export from the United States or any of its territorial possessions to any foreign country named in the proclamation dated September 7, 1917, any coin, bullion, or currency, shall first file an application in triplicate with the Federal Reserve Bank of the district in which such person is located for a special or general license. Applications filed must contain statements under oath and showing in detail the nature of the transaction, the amount involved, the parties directly and indirectly interested, and such other information as may be of assistance to the proper authorities in determining whether the exportation for which a license is desired will be compatible with the public interest. All such applications should be made on the standard form prescribed by the Federal Reserve Board.
Each Federal Reserve Bank shall keep a record copy of each application filed with it under the provisions of this regulation and shall forward the original application and a duplicate to the Federal Reserve Board at Washington, together with such information or suggestions as it may believe proper in the circumstances, and shall in addition make a formal recommendation as to whether or not, in its opinion, the exportation should be permitted.
The Federal Reserve Board, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, is hereby authorized and empowered, upon receipt of such application and the recommendation of the Federal Reserve Bank, to make such ruling as it may deem proper in the circumstances: and if, in its opinion, the exportation in question be compatible with the public interest, to permit said exportation to be made; otherwise to refuse it.
No gold or silver coin, or bullion, or currency shall be set. aside and earmarked for safekeeping for any person without the written approved of the Federal Reserve Board.
Applications to the Federal Reserve Board for permission to export or earmark gold or silver coin or bullion or currency shall be accompanied by a certified copy of a license issued by the War Trade Board, whenever any such transactions involve or may involve trading directly or indirectly with an enemy or ally of enemy or with any person acting for, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, an enemy or ally of enemy.
Applications to the Federal Reserve Board either for registration certificates or for licenses to export coin, bullion or currency may be made by persons residing in any dependency of the United States (including the Philippine Islands, Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Porto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Canal Zone) through such agency located in any such dependency as may be hereafter designated by the Federal Reserve Board, instead of through a Federal Reserve Bank: but until an agency has been so designated in any such dependency, persons residing therein may make such applications through any Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Board may from time to time postpone, in respect of any one or more of such dependencies, the date on and after which persons residing therein shall be prohibited from engaging in any of the transactions or making any transfer hereinbefore prohibited without having obtained registration certifcates, in case such registration certificates can not be obtained on or before the date hereinbefore specified.
January 26, 1918
Woodrow Wilson, Executive Order 2796—Prescribing Rules and Regulations Under Section 5 of the Trading with the Enemy Act and Supplementing Rules and Regulations Heretofore Prescribed Under Title 7 of the Espionage Act Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/275637