Executive Order 1603—Reserving Lands in California Pending Investigation as to Suitableness for Paiute or Other Indian Use
It is hereby ordered that the SE. 1/4 of the SW. 1/4 and the SW. 1/ 4and the SW. 1/4 of the SE. 1/4 of Section 29 and the W. 1/2 of the NE. 1/4 of Section 32, Township 10 South, Range 34 East, Mount Diablo Meridian in California, be, and the same are hereby, temporarily reserved from settlement, entry, sale, or other disposition until their suitableness for allotment purposes to homeless Paiute or other Indians living on or adjacent thereto may be fully investigated, subject to any prior valid existing rights of any persons thereto.
Any tracts occupied and improved by any person and listed upon application of the occupant under authority of the Act of June 11, 1906 (34 U.S. Stats. L., Page 233), are hereby excepted from the provisions of this order.
The White House,
September 7, 1912
William Howard Taft, Executive Order 1603—Reserving Lands in California Pending Investigation as to Suitableness for Paiute or Other Indian Use Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/276694