Executive Order 11981—Interagency Committee for the Purchase of United States Savings Bonds
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the United States of America, and as President of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
SECTION 1. (a) There is hereby established the Interagency Committee for the Purchase of United States Savings Bonds (hereinafter referred to as the Committee). The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, who is to be appointed by the President for a term of two years, and the heads of Federal agencies. Each member of the Committee is responsible for the success of the Payroll Savings Program in his agency.
(b) Members of the Committee may designate an alternate, who shall serve as a member of the Committee whenever the regular member is unable to attend any meeting of the Committee. The alternate member may be authorized to act for the regular member in all appropriate matters relating to the Committee. In the case of an executive or military department, a Deputy Secretary or an Under Secretary may be designated as an alternate member. In the case of any other Federal agency, the alternate member shall be designated from among the officials thereof of appropriate rank.
(c) The Chairman will designate the Federal Payroll Savings Officer of the Savings Bonds Division, Department of the Treasury, to act as his liaison officer with members of the Committee.
SEC. 2. The Committee shall perform the following functions and duties:
(a) Formulating and presenting to the Federal agencies a plan of organization and sales promotion whereby the Payroll Savings Plan and Military Bond Allotment Plan, hereinafter referred to as the Plans, will be made available to all uniformed and civilian personnel of the government for the purchase of Savings Bonds, and whereby all such personnel will be urged to participate.
(b) Assisting the Federal agencies in installing the Plans and in solving any special problems that may develop in connection therewith.
(c) Acting as a clearinghouse for Federal agencies in compiling and disseminatins such statistics and information with respect to the implementation and sales promotion of the Plans as may be appropriate.
(d) Recommending to the Federal agencies any methods for improvements in the program adopted pursuant to the Plans.
(e) The Committee will meet, and will be available to meet with the President, at least once each calendar year and at such other times as may be necessary to carry out its responsibilities.
SEC. 3. Each Federal agency shall institute and put into operation, as soon as practicable, a plan of organization and sales promotion recommended by the Committee, with such modifications as particular circumstances may render advisable.
SEC. 4. As used in this Order, the term "Federal agencies" means departments, agencies, and establishments of the Executive branch of the Government.
SEC. 5. This Order supersedes Executive Order No. 11532 of June 2, 1970.
The White House,
March 29, 1977.
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 4:15 p.m., March 29, 1977]
Note: The President signed the Executive order at an Oval Office ceremony attended by Bert Lance, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, W. Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of the Treasury, and Treasury Department officials from the Federal Payroll Savings Program.
Jimmy Carter, Executive Order 11981—Interagency Committee for the Purchase of United States Savings Bonds Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/243462