Executive Order 11296—Evaluation of Flood Hazard in Locating Federally Owned or Financed Buildings, Roads, and Other Facilities, and in Disposing of Federal Lands and Properties
WHEREAS uneconomic uses of the Nation's flood plains are occurring and potential flood losses are increasing despite substantial efforts to control floods; and
WHEREAS national and regional studies of areas and property subject to flooding indicate a further increase in flood damage potential and flood losses, even with continuing investment in flood protection structures; and
WHEREAS the Federal Government has extensive and continuing programs for the construction of buildings, roads, and other facilities and annually disposes of thousands of acres of Federal lands in flood hazard areas, all of which activities significantly influence patterns of commercial, residential, and industrial development; and
WHEREAS the availability of Federal loans and mortgage insurance and land use planning programs are determining factors in the utilization of lands:
Now, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:
SECTION 1. The heads of the executive agencies shall provide leadership in encouraging a broad and unified effort to prevent uneconomic uses and development of the Nation's flood plains and, in particular, to lessen the risk of flood losses in connection with Federal lands and installations and federally financed or supported improvements. Specifically:
(1) All executive agencies directly responsible for the construction of Federal buildings, structures, roads, or other facilities shall evaluate flood hazards when planning the location of new facilities and, as far as practicable, shall preclude the uneconomic, hazardous, or unnecessary use of flood plains in connection with such facilities. With respect to existing Federally owned properties which have suffered flood damage or which may be subject thereto, the responsible agency head shall require conspicuous delineation of past and probable flood heights so as to assist in creating public awareness of and knowledge about flood hazards. Whenever practical and economically feasible, flood proofing measures shall be applied to existing facilities in order to reduce flood damage potential.
(2) All executive agencies responsible for the administration of Federal grant, loan, or mortgage insurance programs involving the construction of buildings, structures, roads, or other facilities shall evaluate flood hazards in connection with such facilities and, in order to minimize the exposure of facilities to potential flood damage and the need for future Federal expenditures for flood protection and flood disaster relief, shall, as far as practicable, preclude the uneconomic, hazardous, or unnecessary use of flood plains in such connection.
(3) All executive agencies responsible for the disposal of Federal lands or properties shall evaluate flood hazards in connection with lands or properties proposed for disposal to non-Federal public instrumentalities or private interests and, as may be desirable in order to minimize future Federal expenditures for flood protection and flood disaster relief and as far as practicable, shall attach appropriate restrictions with respect to uses of the lands or properties by the purchaser and his successors and may withhold such lands or properties from disposal. In carrying out this paragraph, each executive agency may make appropriate allowance for any estimated loss in sales price resulting from the incorporation of use restrictions in the disposal documents.
(4) All executive agencies responsible for programs which entail land use planning shall take flood hazards into account when evaluating plans and shall encourage land use appropriate to the degree of hazard involved.
SEC. 2. As may be permitted by law, the head of each executive agency shall issue appropriate rules and regulations to govern the carrying out of the provisions of Section 1 of this order by his agency.
SEC. 3. Requests for flood hazard information may be addressed to the Secretary of the Army or, in the case of lands lying in the basin of the Tennessee River, to the Tennessee Valley Authority. The Secretary or the Tennessee Valley Authority shall provide such information as may be available, including requested guidance on flood proofing. The Department of Agriculture, Department of the Interior, Department of Commerce, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Office of Emergency Planning, and any other executive agency which may have information and data relating to floods shall cooperate with the Secretary of the Army in providing such information and in developing procedures to process information requests.
SEC. 4. Any requests for appropriations for Federal construction of new buildings, structures, roads, or other facilities transmitted to the Bureau of the Budget by an executive agency shall be accompanied by a statement by the head of the agency on the findings of his agency's evaluation and consideration of flood hazards in the development of such requests.
SEC. 5. As used in this order, the term "executive agency" includes any department, establishment, corporation, or other organizational entity of the executive branch of the Government.
SEC. 6. The executive agencies shall proceed immediately to develop such procedures, regulations, and information as are provided for in, or may be necessary to carry out, the provisions of Sections 1, 2, and 3 of this order. In other respects this order shall take effect on January 1, 1967.
The White House
August 10, 1966
Lyndon B. Johnson, Executive Order 11296—Evaluation of Flood Hazard in Locating Federally Owned or Financed Buildings, Roads, and Other Facilities, and in Disposing of Federal Lands and Properties Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/239428