Lyndon B. Johnson photo

Executive Order 11252—Food-for-Peace Program

October 20, 1965

Whereas the Food-for-Peace Program has fulfilled and continues to fulfill the hopes of its creators and is providing the United States with a significant new medium for advancing the cause of world peace and understanding through the use of our agricultural abundance to alleviate hunger, malnutrition, and privation among our neighbors abroad; and

Whereas the objectives of the Food-for-Peace Program can now best be achieved by vesting responsibility for the Program in the Secretary of State, the Cabinet official chiefly responsible for our policies and programs abroad, so that the activities of this Program will be coordinated, consolidated, and carried out more effectively with related activities of the United States abroad; and

Whereas the Secretary of State will be able to discharge these responsibilities more effectively through a special assistant specifically designated to assist him in carrying out the Food-for-Peace Program;

Now, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by subsection (f) of Section 303 of the Government Employees Salary Reform Act of 1964 and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: 409

SECTION 1. All functions of the Director of the Food-for-Peace Program, including those under Executive Order No. 10900 of January 5, 1961, as amended, and under the Presidential memorandum of January 24, 1961, relating to the Food-for-Peace Program (26 F.R. 781), are hereby transferred to the Secretary of State; and that order and memorandum are modified accordingly.

SEC. 2. There shall be in the Department of State a Special Assistant to the Secretary of State who shall assist the Secretary as the latter may direct in connection with the carrying out of the functions of the Secretary under this order and shall perform such other duties as the Secretary may direct.

SEC. 3. Section 1 of Executive Order No. 11248 of October 10, 1965, is amended by adding thereto the following:

"(3) Special Assistant to the Secretary (Food-for-Peace Program), State Department."

SEC. 4. This order shall take effect on November 1, 1965.


The White House

October 20, 1965

NOTE: The text of Executive Order 11252 was released at the Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Md.

Lyndon B. Johnson, Executive Order 11252—Food-for-Peace Program Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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