Executive Order 11186—Establishing the Federal Development Planning Committee for Appalachia
WHEREAS representatives of the Federal Government and of the Governors of the States in the Appalachian region have been cooperating in the preparation of plans and programs for the long-range development of Appalachia; and
WHEREAS such plans have provided for coordinated action by Federal, State, and local agencies in carrying out programs to further the development of Appalachia and to facilitate and encourage private investment in that area; and
WHEREAS the Governors of various States of the Appalachian region have requested that such cooperation be continued; and
WHEREAS the proper discharge by the Federal Government of its responsibilities to the people of the Appalachian region requires that such cooperation be continued and that related planning activities of the Federal Government be effectively coordinated:
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United
States, it is ordered as follows:
SECTION I. Establishment of Committee. (a) There is hereby established the Federal Development Planning Committee for Appalachia (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee").
(b) The Committee shall be composed of the following: (1) a Chairman, who shall be appointed by the President, (2) members, one of whom shall be designated by and represent each of the following-named officers, respectively: the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the Secretary of the Army, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, and the Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, and (3) a member who shall represent the Tennessee Valley Authority and shall be designated by the board of directors of the Authority.
(c) The Chairman may request any Federal agency head not referred to in subsection (b), above, to designate a representative to participate in meetings of the Committee concerned with matters of substantial interest to such agency head.
SEC. 2. Functions of the Chairman. (a) The Chairman shall cooperate with representatives designated by the Governors of States in the Appalachian region in:
(1) Fostering surveys and studies to provide data required for the preparation of plans and programs for the development of Appalachia;
(2) Preparing coordinated plans for the development of Appalachia deemed appropriate to carry out existing statutory responsibilities of Federal, State, or local agencies. Such plans shall be designed to promote optimum benefits from the expenditure of Federal, State, and local funds and to facilitate and promote private investment in the development of Appalachia; and
(3) Preparing legislative and other recommendations with respect to both short-range and long-range programs and projects for Federal, State, or local agencies.
(b) With the approval of the agency head concerned the Chairman may arrange for recommended surveys and studies to be made by any Federal agency with respect to matters falling within the existing statutory authorities and responsibilities of that agency.
SEC. 3. Functions of the Committee. The Committee shall:
(a) Advise the Chairman with respect to (z) surveys and studies needed for the preparation of development plans, (2) the concrete proposals for surveys and studies developed by the Chairman in cooperation with the representatives of the Governors, and (3) desirable development objectives and programs for the Appalachian region.
(b) Receive, review, and comment on all tentative development plans or other tentative recommendations developed by the Chairman in cooperation with the representatives of the Governors; and
(c) Receive and consider final plans and recommendations and transmit them, with its own comments, to the President and the heads of interested Federal agencies.
SEC. 4. Administrative arrangements. (a) If the Chairman of the Committee does not concurrently hold other compensated office or employment under the United States, he shall receive such compensation under this order as shall be fixed in accordance with the standards and procedures of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended.
(b) The Department of Commerce is hereby designated as the agency which shall provide administrative services for the Committee and for the Chairman.
(c) Each Federal agency the head of which is referred to in Section 1(b) of this order shall, as may be necessary, furnish assistance to the Committee in accordance with the provisions of Section 214 of the Act of May 3, 1945 (59 Stat. 134; 31 U.S.C. 691).
(d) Each Federal agency shall, consonant with law and within the limits of available funds, cooperate with the Committee and with the Chairman in carrying out their functions under this order. Such cooperation shall include, as may be appropriate, (1) furnishing relevant available information, (2) making studies and preparing reports pursuant to requests of the Chairman, (3) in connection with the development of programs and priorities of the agency, giving full consideration to any plans and recommendations for the development of Appalachia, including recommendations made by the Committee, and (4) advising on the work of the Committee as the Chairman may from time to time request.
SEC. 5. Construction. Nothing in this order shall be construed as subjecting any Federal agency, or any function vested by law in, or assigned pursuant to law to, any Federal agency, to the authority of the Committee or the Chairman, or as abrogating or restricting any such function in any manner.
The White House,
October 23, 1964
Note: On the same day the White House, in announcing the establishment of the Federal Development Planning Committee for Appalachia, made public a portion of the President's letter to John Sweeney, Special Assistant to Under Secretary of Commerce Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., appointing him Chairman of the Committee. In his letter the President said: "From your previous work in connection with the problems of Appalachia, you are familiar with the tasks confronting the Committee. Also, you are aware of my concern for the people of Appalachia and of my deep and continuing interest in the economic development of the Appalachian region."
Lyndon B. Johnson, Executive Order 11186—Establishing the Federal Development Planning Committee for Appalachia Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/241992