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Executive Order 10984—Amending the Selective Service Regulations

January 05, 1962

By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Universal Military Training and Service Act (62 Stat. 604), as amended, I hereby prescribe the following amendments of the Selective Service Regulations prescribed by Executive Orders No. 9988 of August 20, 1948, No. 10001 of September 17, 1948, No. 10008 of October 18, 1948, No. 10116 of March 9, 1950, No. 10202 of January 12, 1951, No. 10292 of September 25, 1951, No. 10328 of February 20, 1952, No. 10363 of June 17, 1952, No. 10562 of September 20, 1954, No. 10594 of January 31, 1955, No. 10650 of January 6, 1956, No. 10659 of February 15, 1956, No. 10714 of June 13, 1957, No. 10735 of October 17, 1957, and No. 10809 of March 19, 1959, and constituting portions of Chapter XVI of Title 32 of the Code of Federal Regulations:

1. Section 1617.10 of Part 1617, Registration Certificate, is amended to read as follows:

"§ 1617.10 Duty of registrant separated from active duty in Armed Forces.

"Every registrant who is separated from active duty in the Armed Forces and who does not have a Registration Certificate (SSS Form No. 2) shall, within 10 days after the date of his separation, request his local board to issue to him a duplicate Registration Certificate (SSS Form No. 2). The registrant shall make this request by a letter mailed to his local board or on a Request for Duplicate Registration Certificate or Notice of Classification (SSS Form No. 6) which he shall file with his own or any other local board."

2. (a) Section 1622.2 of Part 1622, Classification Rules and Principles, is amended (1) by inserting immediately following Class I-W in the list of classes appearing therein "Class I-Y: Registrant qualified for military service only in time of war or national emergency.", and (2) by deleting from the list of classes "Class IV-F: Physically, mentally, or morally unfit." and inserting in lieu thereof "Class IV-F: Registrant not qualified for any military service."

(b) Paragraph (b) of section 1622.12 of Part 1622 is amended to read as follows:

"(b) Every registrant who is a cadet, United States Military Academy; or a midshipman, United States Navy; or a cadet, United States Air Force Academy; or a cadet, United States Coast Guard Academy."

(c) Paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (f) of section 1622.13 of Part 1622 are revoked and paragraphs (d), (e), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), and (l) of section 1622.13 are redesignated and paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h), respectively.

(d) The following new section is added to Part 1622 immediately following section 1622.16:

"§ 1622.17 Class I-Y: Registrant qualified for military service only in time of war or national emergency.

"In Class I-Y shall be placed any registrant who would have been classified in Class I-A or Class I-A-O as being currently available for service in the Armed Forces but for the fact that he has been found to be physically, mentally, and morally qualified for such service only in time of war or national emergency declared by the Congress."

(e) Section 1622.25 of Part 1622 is amended to read as follows:

§ 1622.25 Class II-S: Registrant deferred because of activity in study.

"(a) In Class II-S shall be placed any registrant whose activity in study is found to be necessary to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest.

"(b) The Director of Selective Service, after consultation with such departments and other agencies of the executive branch of the Government as may be appropriate, may promulgate criteria, which shall be advisory only concerning the placing of registrants in Class II-S."

(f) (l) Subparagraphs (l) and (4) of paragraph (a) of section 1622.40 of Part 1622 are revoked and subparagraphs (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), and (11) of paragraph (a) are redesignated as subparagraphs (l), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), and (9), respectively.

(2) Paragraph (b) of section 1622.40 is amended to read as follows:

"(b) For the purpose of computation of period of active duty referred to in subparagraphs (1), (2), or (3), of paragraph (a) of this section, no credit shall be allowed for—

(1) Periods of active duty training performed as a member of a reserve component pursuant to an order or call to active duty solely for training purposes;

(2) Periods of active duty in which the service consisted solely of training under the Army specialized training program, the Army Air Force college training program, or any similar program under the jurisdiction of the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard;

(3) Periods of active duty as a cadet at the United States Military Academy, United States Air Force Academy, or United States Coast Guard Academy, or as a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy, or in a preparatory school after nomination as a principal, alternate, or candidate for admission to any of such academies;

(4) Periods of active duty in any of the Armed Forces while being processed for entry into or separation from any educational program or institution referred to in subparagraphs (2) or (3) of this paragraph; or

(5) Periods of active duty performed by medical, dental, or allied specialists in student programs prior to receipt of the appropriate professional degree or in intern training."

(g) Section 1622.41 of Part 1622 is amended to read as follows:

"§ 1622.44 Class IV-F: Registrant not qualified for any military service.

"(a) In Class IV-F shall be placed any registrant (1) who is found to be physically, mentally, or morally not qualified for any service in the Armed Forces; or (2) who would have been classified in Class I-O under the provisions of section 1622.14 but for the fact that he is found to be physically, mentally, and morally qualified for service in the Armed Forces only in time of war or national emergency declared by the Congress.

"(b) In Class IV-F shall be placed any registrant in the medical, dental, and allied specialist categories who has applied for an appointment as a Reserve officer in one of the Armed Forces in any of such categories and has been rejected for such appointment on the sole ground of a physical disqualification."

3. (a) Section 1623.2 of Part 1623, Classification Procedure, is amended to read as follows:

"§ 1623.2 Consideration of classes.

"Every registrant shall be placed in Class I-A under the provisions of section 1622.10 of this chapter except that when grounds are established to place a registrant in one or more of the classes listed in the following table, the registrant shall be classified in the lowest class for which he is determined to be eligible, with Class I-A-O considered the highest class and Class l-C considered the lowest class according to the following table:

Class: I-A-O

















(b) Section 1623.7 of Part 1623 is amended to read as follows:

"§ 1623.7 Issuing a duplicate of a lost, destroyed, mislaid, or stolen Notice of Classification (SSS Form No. 110) .

"A duplicate Notice of Classification (SSS Form No. 110) may be issued to a registrant only by the local board which mailed the original Notice of Classification (SSS Form No. 110) to him upon his written request therefor made by letter or on a Request for Duplicate Registration Certificate or Notice of Classification (SSS Form No. 6) and the presentation of proof satisfactory to the local board that his Notice of Classification (SSS Form No. 110) has been lost, destroyed, mislaid, or stolen. When the request for the duplicate notice is made by a letter which does not present sufficient information concerning the basis for the request, the local board shall mail to the registrant a copy of Request for Duplicate Registration Certificate or Notice of Classification (SSS Form No. 6) and direct him to complete thereon and return to the local board the request for the duplicate notice. Whenever the local board issues a duplicate Notice of Classification (SSS Form No. 110), it shall mark it 'Duplicate' and note the issuance of such notice upon the request, which shall be filed in the registrant's Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101)."

4. (a) Paragraph (a) of section 1626.24 of Part 1626, Appeal to Appeal Board, is amended to read as follows:

"(a) The appeal board shall consider appeals in the order in which they are received unless otherwise directed by the Director of Selective Service, in which event, they shall be considered in such order as the Director of Selective Service shall prescribe."

(b) Paragraph (a) of section 1626.26 of Part 1626 is amended to read as follows:

"(a) The appeal board shall classify the registrant, giving consideration to the various classes in the same manner in which the local board gives consideration thereto when it classifies a registrant, except that an appeal board may not place a registrant in Class IV-F because of his physical or mental condition unless he has been found by the local board or the Armed Forces to be physically or mentally not qualified for any service in the Armed Forces."

(c) Section 1626.51 of Part 1626 is revoked and the center heading "SPECIAL APPEAL" preceding that section is deleted.

5. (a) Paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 1628.11 of Part 1628, Physical Examination are amended to read as follows:

"(a) In accordance with instructions of the Director of Selective Service, the State Director of Selective Service shall periodically issue to each local board in his State a Physical Examination Call on Local Board (SSS Form No. 202) specifying the number of registrants to be delivered for armed forces physical examination and the time and place fixed for their delivery.

" (b) In complying with such Physical Examination Call on Local Board (SSS Form No. 202), the local board shall mail an Order to Report for Armed Forces Physical Examination (SSS Form No. 223) to registrants who have been classified in Class I-A, Class I-A-O, and Class I-O without regard to whether the registrants have requested or will request a personal appearance before the local board and without regard to whether an appeal has been or will be taken. The local board shall, so far as is practicable, select and order to report for armed forces physical examination first such registrants who are volunteers in the sequence in which they have volunteered for induction or for civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest and then such registrants who are nonvolunteers in the order of their liability for service."

(b) Subparagraph (3) of paragraph (a) of section 1628.13 of Part 1628 is amended to read as follows:

"(3) Assemble and attach to the registrant's Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47) any information in the possession of the local board which should be considered in determining whether the registrant is qualified for service in the Armed Forces."

(c) Paragraphs (f) and (h) of section 1628.14 of Part 1628 are amended to read as follows:

"(f) The local board to which such registrant is transferred for armed forces physical examination, when it receives the papers from the registrants own local board as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, shall prepare a new Order to Report for Armed Forces Physical Examination (SSS Form No. 223), in duplicate, mail the original to the registrant, file the copy, and add the name of the registrant to its Physical Examination List (SSS Form No. 225) indicating in the 'Remarks' column thereof that the registrant has been transferred from another local board."

" (h) The State Director of Selective Service for the State in which the local board of origin is located shall, upon receipt of the completed original Transfer for Armed Forces Physical Examination or Induction (SSS Form No. 230), record on his copy of that form the disposition of the transferred registrant and forward the original of the form together with all other papers received from the local board of transfer to the local board of origin, except that he shall retain one copy of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47) and one copy of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88) whenever the registrant has been found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces."

(d) Paragraph (c) of section 1628.16 of Part 1628 is amended to read as follows:

" (c) Upon reporting for armed forces physical examination, it shall be the duty of the registrant (1) to follow the instructions of a member or clerk of the local board as to the manner in which he shall be transported to the location where his armed forces physical examination will take place, (2) to obey the instructions of the leader or assistant leaders appointed for the group being forwarded for armed forces physical examination, (3) to appear for and submit to such examination as the commanding officer of the examining station shall direct, and (4) to follow the instructions of a member or clerk of the local board as to the manner in which he will be transported on his return trip from the place where his armed forces physical examination takes place."

(e) Paragraphs (e) and (f) of section 1628.17 of Part 1628 are amended to read as follows:

"(e) When it is necessary travel tickets or transportation requests, and meal and lodging requests for the group, both for the trip to the examining station and for the return trip, shall be issued. The leader shall be instructed to deliver the sealed packet containing the original and two copies of the Physical Examination List ( SSS Form No. 225), the originals and three copies of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47), and other information to the commanding officer of the examining station or his representative. He shall be instructed to return any unused portions of the transportation requests or any unused meal and lodging requests to the local board.

"(f) The local board shall instruct all registrants in the group that it is their duty to obey the instructions of the leader and assistant leaders during the time they are going to and returning from the examining station, that they will be met by proper representatives of the Armed Forces, that while they are at the examining station, they will be subject to and must obey the orders of the representatives of the Armed Forces, that they must present themselves for and submit to such examination as the commanding officer of the examining station shall direct, and that they will be returned to the local board when the examination is completed."

(f) Section 1628.25 of Part 1628 is amended to read as follows:

"§ 1628.25 Disposition of records.

" (a) The commanding officer of the examining station will forward to the local board the following documents concerning registrants forwarded for Armed forces physical examination:

(1) For all registrants whether found qualified or not qualified for service in the Armed Forces, the original Physical Examination List (SSS Form No.225) indicating in the 'Disposition' column the disposition of each registrant forwarded for armed forces physical examination, and two copies of the Statement of Acceptability (DD Form No. 62).

(2) For each registrant found qualified for service in the Armed Forces, the original and three copies of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47), the original and three copies of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88), any X-ray films, and two copies of the Report of Medical History (Standard Form 89).

(3) For each registrant found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces, the original and one copy of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47), the original and one copy of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88), and one copy of the Report of Medical History (Standard Form 89).

(4) All other records forwarded by the local board.

"(b) The commanding officer of the examining station will retain one copy of the Physical Examination List (SSS Form No. 225) and send one copy of that form to the State Director of Selective Service.

"(c) For each registrant found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces, the commanding officer of the examining station will retain two copies of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47). two copies of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88), and one copy of the Report of Medical History (Standard Form 89).

"(d) Except as otherwise provided in sections 1628.14 and 1628.15, the local board, upon receipt of the documents described in paragraph (a) of this section, shall take the following action:

(1) File the original Physical Examination List ( SSS Form No. 225).

(2) Mail the registrant's copy of the Statement of Acceptability (DD Form No. 62) together with any attachments thereto to the registrant, record the date of mailing on the registrant's Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100), and file the local board's copy of the statement of Acceptability (DD Form No. 62) in the registrant's Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101 ).

(3) For each registrant found qualified for service in the Armed Forces, file the original and three copies of the Record of Induction (DD Form No 47), the original and three copies of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88), any X-ray films, and two copies of the Report of Medical History (Standard Form 89) in the registrant's Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101). These forms and X-ray films shall be retained in the registrant's Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101) until such time as he may be forwarded for induction.

(4) For each registrant found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces, file the original of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47), the original of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88), and the copy of the Report of Medical History (Standard Form 89) in the registrant's Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101) and forward to the State Director of Selective Service the copy of the Record of Induction (DD F Form No. 47) and the copy of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88)."

(g) Section 1628.26 of Part 1628 is revoked.

6. (a) Section 16.30.1 of Part 1630, Volunteers, is amended to read as follows:

"§ 1630.1 Who may volunteer.

"(a) Any registrant who has attained the age of 18 years and who has not attained the age of 26 years may volunteer for induction into the Armed Forces by completing and filing with his local board an Application for Voluntary Induction ( SSS Form No. 254) which shall be completed and filed in duplicate if he has not attained the age of 18 years and 6 months.

"(b) Any person who has attained the age of 17 years and who has not attained the age of 18 years may volunteer for induction into the Armed Forces by completing and filing with his local board two copies of the Application for Voluntary Induction (SSS Form No. 254) on both copies of which the consent to his induction has been signed by his parents or guardian."

(b) Paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 1630.3 of Part 1630 are amended to read as follows:

"(a) If a person who is required to be registered but who has failed to register volunteers for induction, he shall be registered and shall be given a selective service number in the same manner as in the case of a late registrant.

"(b) If a person not required to be registered volunteers for induction, including a person who volunteers under the provisions of paragraph (b) of section 1630.1, he shall be registered and shall be given a selective service number in exactly the same manner as any other registrant."

(c) Paragraph (d) of section 1630.4 of Part 1630 is amended to read as follows:

"(d) He is found to be physically, mentally, or morally not qualified for service in the Armed Forces."

7. (a) Paragraphs (b), (e), and (d) of section 1631.2 of Part 1631, Quotas and Calls, are amended to read as follows:

"(b) The Armed Forces will furnish to each State Director of Selective Service a Notification of Entry into Active Military Service (DD Form No. 53) for each person, whether a registrant or not, who is a resident of that State and who enters upon active duty in the Armed Forces other than by induction through a local board.

"(c) When a person on active duty in the Armed Forces is transferred to an inactive duty status or is discharged, the appropriate State Director of Selective Service will receive from the Armed Forces a report of transfer or discharge for each such person.

"(d) Each State Director of Selective Service shall report periodically to the Director of Selective Service on State Monthly Report of Deliveries, Inductions, and Examinations (SSS Form No. 262) the number of Notifications of Entry into Active Military Service (DD Form No. 53) and the number of reports of transfer or discharge properly forwarded to him for crediting and debiting purposes in his State. Each State Director of Selective Service shall also compute and allocate the debits and credits for each local board in his State."

(b) Paragraph (a) of section 1631.7 of Part 1631 is amended by substituting "Statement of Acceptability (DD Form No. 62)" for "Certificate of Acceptability (DD Form No. 62)" wherever the latter appears in such paragraph.

(c) Paragraph (a) of section 1631.8 of Part 1631 is amended to read as follows:

"(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of the regulations in this chapter, any registrant enlisted in the Ready Reserve of any reserve component of the Armed Forces pursuant to authority conferred by section 6(c) (2) of the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, or under section 262 of the Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, as amended, any registrant who is a member of the National Guard deferred from training and service by section 6(c) (2) (A) of the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, or any registrant enlisted or appointed in the Ready Reserve of any reserve component of the Armed Forces (other than under section 511(b) of title 10, United States Code), the Army National Guard, or the Air National Guard after October 4, 1961, but prior to his attaining the age of 26, who fails to serve satisfactorily as a member of such Ready Reserve or National Guard or the Ready Reserve of another reserve component of which he becomes a member as certified by the respective armed force, shall be ordered to report for induction by the local board regardless of the class in which he is classified and without changing his classification. Any registrant who is ordered to report for induction under this paragraph shall be forwarded for induction at the next time the local board is forwarding other registrants fop induction or at any prior time when special arrangements have been made with the induction station, without any calls being made for the delivery of such registrants. Whenever the local board desires to deliver such a registrant specially, it shall request the State Director of Selective Service to make the special arrangements for the time and place at which the registrant may be delivered for induction."

8. (a) Paragraph (b) of section 1632.2 of Part 1632, Delivery and Induction, is amended to read as follows:

"(b) The local board shall issue to each registrant whose induction is postponed a Postponement of Induction (SSS Form No. 264), shall mail a copy of such form to the State Director of Selective Service, and shall file a copy in the registrant's Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101). The local board shall note the date of the granting of the postponement and the date of its expiration in the 'Remarks' column of the Classification Record (SSS Form No. 102)."

(b) Subparagraph (2) of paragraph (a) of section 1632.5 of Part 1632 is amended to read as follows:

"(2) Assemble the original and three copies of each registrant's Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47), the original and three copies of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88), two copies of the Report of Medical History (Standard Form 89), any X-ray films made at the time of the armed forces physical examination, any waiver of disqualification, any order terminating civil custody, all other information concerning the qualification of the registrant for service in the Armed Forces, and, if the registrant has volunteered for induction and has not attained the age of 18 years and 6 months, one copy of the Application for Voluntary Induction (SSS Form No. 254)."

(c) Paragraphs (g), (i), and (j) of section 1632.9 of Part 1632 are amended to read as follows:

"(g) When the local board to which the registrant has been transferred for induction receives the papers from the registrant's own local board, as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, it shall proceed to deliver him for induction as soon as practicable after the date fixed for him to report for induction in the Order to Report for Induction (SSS Form No. 252) issued by his own local board. Whenever possible, the local board of transfer shall deliver the transferred registrant for induction within its next induction call, but if there is to be no such call within 30 days after the local board of transfer receives the papers from the registrant's own local board, it shall deliver the transferred registrant specially. When the transferred registrant is to be delivered specially, the local board of transfer shall request its State Director of Selective Service to make the necessary arrangements to deliver the transferred registrant specially at the earliest possible date. The local board to which the registrant has been transferred for induction shall prepare an Order for Transferred Man to Report for Induction (SSS Form No. 253), in duplicate, mail the original to the transferred registrant, and file the copy. The local board to which the registrant has been transferred for induction shall add the name of the registrant to its Delivery List (SSS Form No. 261) indicating in the 'Remarks' column thereof that the registrant has been transferred from another local board."

"(i) When tile transferred registrant has been inducted or found not qualified for induction or if he fails to report for or submit to induction, the local board to which the registrant was transferred for induction shall complete Part 4 on the original and one copy of Transfer for Armed Forces Physical Examination or Induction (SSS Form No. 230), forward the original together with all the papers pertaining to the induction of the registrant to the State Director of Selective Service for the State in which the local board of origin is located, retain the completed copy, and destroy the copy it retained when the application for transfer was approved.

" ( j ) The State Director of Selective Service for the State in which the local board of origin is located shall, upon receipt of the completed original Transfer for Armed Forces Physical Examination or Induction (SSS Form No. 230), record on his copy of that form the disposition of the transferred registrant and forward the original of the form together with all other papers received from the local board of transfer to the local board of origin, except that he shall retain one copy of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47) and one copy of the Report of Medical Examination; (Standard Form 88) whenever the registrant has been found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces."

(d) Paragraph (c) of section 1632.10 of Part 1632 is amended to read as follows:

"(c) When the local board to which registrant has been transferred for induction receives the papers from the registrant's own local board, as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, it shall proceed to deliver him for induction as soon as practicable. The local board to which the registrant has been transferred for induction shall prepare the Order to Report for Induction (SSS Form No. 252), in duplicate, in the same manner as if the transferred registrant were one of its own registrants, mail the original to the transferred registrant, and file the copy. The local board to which the registrant has been transferred for induction shall add the name of the registrant to its Delivery List (SSS Form No. 261), shall make a notation of such transfer in the 'Remarks' column of the Delivery List (SSS Form No. 261), and shall take the other actions provided for in paragraphs (h) and (i) of section 1632.9. The State Director of Selective Service for the State in which the registrant's own local board is located shall take the action provided for in paragraph (j) of section 1632.9)."

(e) Paragraph(b) of section 1632.14 of Part 1632 is amended to read as follows:

" (b) Upon reporting for induction, it shall be the duty of the registrant (1) to follow the instructions of a member or clerk of the local board as to the manner in which he shall be transported to the location where his induction will be accomplished, (2) to obey the instructions of the leader or assistant leaders appointed for the group being forwarded for induction, (3) to appear at the place where his induction will be accomplished, (4) to obey the orders of the representatives of the Armed Forces while at the place where his induction will be accomplished, (5) to submit to induction, and (6) if he is found not qualified for induction, to follow the instructions of the representatives of the Armed Forces as to the manner in which he will be transported on his return trip to the local board."

(f) Paragraphs (a) and (e) of section 1632.15 of Part 1632 are amended to read as follows:

" (a) The roll shall be called, using the previously prepared Delivery List (SSS Form No. 261) and noting any absences thereon in the 'Remarks' column. If any registrant fails to report for delivery, fails to report at the place of induction is transferred to another local board for delivery, or is found not qualified for induction, the local board shall not furnish a replacement for such registrant."

"(e) The local board shall inform all registrants in the group that it is their duty to obey the instructions of the leader or assistant leaders during the time they are going to the place of induction; that they will be met by representatives of the Armed Forces at the place of induction; that while they are at the place of induction they will be subject to and must obey the orders of the representatives of the Armed Forces; that they must present themselves for and submit to induction; and that, if they are found not qualified for induction, the representatives of the Armed Forces will, to the extent prescribed by the regulations of the Armed Forces, provide transportation and subsistence for their return trip."

(g) Section 1632.16 of Part 1632.16 is amended to read as follows:

"§ 1632.16 Induction

"At the induction station the selected men who have been forwarded for induction and found qualified will be inducted into the Armed Forces."

(h) Section 1632.20 of Part 1632 is amended to read as follows:

"§ 1632.20 Records returned to local board.

"(a) The commanding officer of the induction station will return to the local board the following documents concerning registrants forwarded for induction:

(1) The original Delivery List (SSS Form No. 261), indicating in column 4 the disposition of each registrant forwarded for induction.

(2) For each registrant inducted, a copy of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47), a copy of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88), and any previous records of induction and reports of medical examination submitted.

(3) For each registrant found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces, the original and one copy of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47), the original and one copy of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88), one copy of the Report of Medical History (Standard Form 89), and any copy of the Application for Voluntary Induction (SSS Form No. 254) submitted.

"(b) Except as otherwise provided in sections 1632.9 and 1632.10, the local board, upon receipt of the documents described in paragraph (a) of this section, shall take the following action:

(1) File the original Delivery List (SSS Form No. 261).

(2) For each registrant inducted, file the copy of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47) and the copy of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88) in the Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101) .

(3) For each registrant found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces, file the original Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47), the original Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88), the copy of the Report of Medical History (Standard Form 89), and any copy of the Application for Voluntary Induction (SSS Form No. 254) in the Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101) and forward to the State Director of Selective Service the copy of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47) and the copy of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88)."

(i) Paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 1632.21 of Part 1632 are amended to read as follows:

" (a) For each registrant inducted, retain the original and two copies of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47), the original and two copies of the Report of Medical Examination ( Standard Form 88) together with any X-ray film, two copies of the Report of Medical History (Standard Form 89), and any copy of the Application for Voluntary Induction (SSS Form No. 254) submitted.

"(b) For each registrant found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces, retain two copies of the Record of Induction (DD Form No. 47), two copies of the Report of Medical Examination (Standard Form 88) together with any X-ray film, and one copy of the Report of Medical History ( Standard Form 89) ."

( j ) Section 1632.30 of Part 1632 is amended to read as follows:

§ 1632.30 Classification of registrants inducted or finally found not qualified.

"Upon receiving notice from the induction station that a selected man who has been forwarded for induction has been inducted or finally found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces, the local board shall reopen his classification and classify him anew."

9. Section 1642.11 of Part 1642, Delinquents,. is amended to read as follows:

"§ 1642.11 Registration and classification of unregistered delinquents.

"Whenever a person who is a delinquent because he has not registered reports or is brought before a local board, he shall be registered in the normal manner, except that if the local board with which he registers determines that because of his delay in registering he should be declared to be a delinquent under the provisions of section 1642.4 and processed for induction as a delinquent, the local board may enter in item 2 of the Registration Card (SSS Form No. 1) an address within its jurisdiction. If the local board makes such determination and retains jurisdiction of the registrant, it shall, as soon as possible after his registration, declare the registrant to be a delinquent and classify him as provided in section 1642.12."

10. (a) Section 1660.10 of Part 1660, Civilian work in Lieu of Induction, is amended to read as follows:

"§ 1660.10 Volunteering for civilian work.

"Any registrant who is between the ages of 18 and 26 and who has been classified in Class I-O, or who claims eligibility for classification in Class I-O, may volunteer at his local board for civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest in lieu of induction. The local board shall promptly classify any such volunteer who claims eligibility for Class I-O. Each such volunteer who is in Class I-O and who has been found qualified for service in the Armed Forces after his armed forces physical examination shall be processed in the same manner as a volunteer for induction except that, in lieu of induction, he shall be ordered by the local board to perform civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest as defined in section 1660.1."

(b) Paragraph (a) of section 1660.20 of Part 1660 is amended to read as follows:

"(a) When a registrant in Class I-O has been found qualified for service in the Armed Forces after his armed forces physical examination or when such a registrant has failed to report for or to submit to armed forces physical examination, he shall, within ten days after a Statement of Acceptability (DD Form No. 62) has been mailed to him by the local board or within ten days after he has failed to report for or submit to armed forces physical examination, submit to the local board three types of civilian work contributing to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest as defined in section 1660.1, which he is qualified to do and which he offers to perform in lieu of induction into the Armed Forces. If the local board deems any one of these types of work to be appropriate, it will order the registrant to perform such work, but such order shall not be issued prior to the time that the registrant would have been ordered to report for induction if he had not been classified in Class I-O, unless he has volunteered for such work."

11. Paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of section 1680.3 of Part 1680, Selection of Certain Persons Who Have Critical Skills for Enlistment in Units of the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces, are amended to read as follows:

" (a) Upon receipt of the request of the registrant for his selection for enlistment in the Ready Reserve, the local board shall suspend any further processing in his case pending consideration of his request, except that if the registrant has not been found to be qualified for service in the Armed Forces after an armed forces physical examination, the local board shall forward him for such an examination.

"(b) If the registrant is found to be not qualified for service in the Armed Forces after such an examination, the local board shall reopen his classification and classify him anew and shall advise the registrant by letter that his request for selection for enlistment cannot be approved because he is not qualified for service.

" (c) If the registrant has been or is found to be qualified for service in the Armed Forces after an armed forces physical examination, the local board shall refer the registrant's request to the appropriate State Advisory Committee on Scientific, Engineering, and Specialized Personnel established pursuant to the instructions of the Director of Selective Service and to such other groups or agencies as may be appropriate for consideration and recommendation."



January 5, 1962

John F. Kennedy, Executive Order 10984—Amending the Selective Service Regulations Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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