Executive Order 10927—Abolishing the President's Committee on Fundraising Within the Federal Service and Providing for the Conduct of Fundraising Activities
By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is ordered as follows:
The President's Committee on Fund-Raising Within the Federal Service, established by Executive Order No. 10728 of September 6, 1957, is hereby abolished, and that order is hereby revoked.
SEC. 2. (a) The Chairman of the Civil Service Commission shall make arrangements for such national voluntary health and welfare agencies and such other national voluntary agencies as may be appropriate to solicit funds from Federal employees and members of the armed forces at their places of employment or duty stations.
(b) In making the arrangements required by subsection (a) of this section the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission is authorized to consult with appropriate interested persons and organizations, the national voluntary agencies, and the executive departments and agencies concerned. Such arrangements shall (1) permit true voluntary giving and reserve to the individual the option of disclosing his gift or keeping it confidential; (2) designate specific periods during which solicitations may be conducted; and (3) provide for not more than three solicitations annually, except in cases of emergency or disaster appeals for which specific provision may be made by the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission.
SEC. 3. This order shall not apply to solicitations conducted by organizations composed of civilian employees or members of the armed forces among their own members for organizational support or for benefit or welfare funds for their members. Such solicitations shall be conducted under policies and procedures approved by the head of the department or agency concerned.
SEC. 4. All records and property of the President's Committee on Fund-Raising Within the Federal Service are hereby transferred to the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission.
SEC. 5. This order shall become effective forty-five days after its date.
March 18, 1961
John F. Kennedy, Executive Order 10927—Abolishing the President's Committee on Fundraising Within the Federal Service and Providing for the Conduct of Fundraising Activities Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/237179