Executive Order 10612—Restoring Certain Lands Reserved for Military Purposes to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii
WHEREAS certain hereinafter-described land in Waianae, District of Waianae, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, forming a part of the public lands ceded and transferred to the United States under the joint resolution of annexation of July 7, 1898, 30 Stat. 750, was reserved for military purposes by Executive Order No. 801 of June 6, 1938, of the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii; and
WHEREAS such land is no longer needed for military purposes, and it is deemed advisable and in the public interest that it be restored to the possession, use, and control of the Territory of Hawaii:
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 91 of the act of April 30, 1900, 31 Stat. 159, as amended by section 7 of the act of May 27, 1910, 36 Stat. 447, it is ordered that the following-described land, which is the same land as that described in Executive Order No. 801 of June 6, 1938, of the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, be, and it is hereby, restored to the possession, use, and control of the Territory of Hawaii:
Being portion of the Nanakuli Forest Reserve, situated on the ridge dividing the lands of Nanakuli and Honouliuli, withdrawn therefrom by Proclamation of the Governor, dated May 2, 1938.
Beginning at a pipe in concrete marked No. 2 at the Southwest corner of this parcel of land and on the boundary between the lands of Nanakuli and Honouliuli (Land Court Application No. 1065). the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government Survey Trig. Station "Manawahua" being 1071.38 feet South and 1222.65 feet West as shown on Government Survey Registered Map 2535 and running by azimuths measured clockwise from true South:
1. 214° 50' 22" 1020.13 feet to a railroad spike;
2. 244° 30' 53" 584.00 feet to a point on the crest of the ridge dividing the lands of Nanakuli and Honouliuli, the true azimuth and distance from Government Survey Trig. Station "Manawahua" to said point on crest of ridge being 98° 40' 00" 114.00 feet;
3. Thence Southwesterly along the crest of the ridge dividing the lands of Nanakuli and Honouliuli to a pipe in concrete marked No. 1, the direct azimuth and distance being 53° 23' 45" 520.44 feet;
4. 41° 39' 00" 1041.50 feet along the boundary between the lands of Nanakuli and Honouliuli to the point of beginning.
Area, 2.28 acres.
May 11, 1955.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Executive Order 10612—Restoring Certain Lands Reserved for Military Purposes to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/234402