Executive Order 10560—Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954
By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, 65 Stat. 713, and as President of the United States, it is ordered as follows:
SECTION 1. Department of Agriculture.
Except as otherwise provided in this order, the functions conferred upon the President by Title I of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 are hereby delegated to the Secretary of Agriculture.
SEC. 2. Foreign Operations Administration. The functions conferred upon the President by Title II of the Act are hereby delegated to the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration.
SEC. 3. Department of State. (a) The functions of negotiating and entering into agreements with friendly nations or organizations of friendly nations conferred upon the President by the Act are hereby delegated to the Secretary of State.
(b) All functions under the Act, however vested, delegated, or assigned, shall be subject to the responsibilities of the Secretary of State with respect to the foreign policy of the United States as such policy relates to the said functions.
(c) The provisions of Part III of Executive Order No. 10476 of August 1, 1953 (18 F. R. 4537, ff.), are hereby extended and made applicable to functions provided for in the Act and to United States agencies and personnel concerned with the administration abroad of the said functions.
SEC. 4. Foreign currencies. (a) There are hereby delegated to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget (1) so much of the functions conferred upon the President by the Act as consists of fixing from time to time the amounts of foreign currencies which accrue under Title I of the Act to be used for each of the several purposes described in paragraphs (a) to (h), inclusive, of section 104 of the Act, and (2) the function conferred upon the President by the last proviso in section 104 of the Act of waiving the applicability of section 1415 of the Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1953.
(b) The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to prescribe regulations governing the purchase, custody, deposit, transfer, and sale of foreign currencies received under the Act.
(c) The foregoing provisions of this section shall not limit section 3 of this order and the foregoing subsection (b) shall not limit subsection (a) above.
(d) Purposes described in the lettered paragraphs of section 104 of the Act shall be carried out, with foreign currencies made available pursuant to section 4 (a) of this order, as follows:
(1) Those under section 104 (a) of the Act by the Department of Agriculture.
(2) Those under section 104 (b) of the Act by the Office of Defense Mobilization. The function, conferred upon the President by that section, of determining from time to time materials to be purchased or contracted for for a supplemental stockpile is hereby delegated to the Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization.
(3) Those under section 104 (c) of the Act by the Department of Defense.
(4) Those under sections 104 (d), (e), and (g) of the Act by the Foreign Operations Administration. The function, conferred upon the President by section 104 (g) of the Act, of determining the manner in which the loans provided for in the said section 104 (g) shall be made, is hereby delegated to the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration.
(5) Those under section 104 (f) of the Act by the respective agencies of the Government having authority to pay United States obligations abroad.
(6) Those under section 104 (h) of the Act by the Department of State.
SEC. 5. Reports to Congress. The functions under section 108 of the Act, with respect to making reports to Congress, are reserved to the President.
SEC. 6. Definition. As used in this order the term "the Act" means the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (Public Law 480, approved July 10, 1954, 68 Stat. 454) and includes, except as may be inappropriate, the provisions thereof amending other laws.
September 9, 1954.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Executive Order 10560—Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/234406