Harry S. Truman photo

Executive Order 10053—Regulations Governing the Transportation of Household Goods of Members of the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and Geoectic Survey, and Public Health Service

April 20, 1949

By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 12 of the pay Readjustment Act of 1942, 56 Stat. 364, as amended by section 205 of the act approved August 2, 1946, 60 Stat. 860, and as president of the United States, I hereby approve the attached regulations prescribed by the heads of the departments and agencies concerned, governing the transportation of household goods of members of the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Public Health Service.

The provisions of these regulations shall be applicable, with respect to such household goods, to (1) packing, crating, and unpacking performed, (2) shipments and drayage commencing, and (3) storage accruing, on or after February 1, 1949.


Prescribed Pursuant to Section 12 of the pay, Readjustment Act of June 16, 1942, 56 Stat. 364, as Amended by Section 205 of the Act of August 2, 1946, 60 Stat. 860

Section Paragraphs

I. Definitions and Allowances........... 1-14

II. Shipping procedures.............. 15-19

II. Excess cost................. 20-21

IV. Claims................... 22-23



Definitions.................... 1

Authorized weight allowances............. 2

Professional books, papers and equipment........ 3

Shipment of household goods for personnel not having a prescribed weight allowance............ 4

Packing, crating, unpacking, and uncrating....... 5

Drayage and hauling............... 6

Storage..................... 7

Shipment under temporary change of station or temporary duty orders ................... 8

Shipment when detached from permanent duty station to await orders.................. 9

Shipment under permanent change of station orders... 10

Shipment upon decease............... 11

Time limitations................. 12

Reshipment of the same property within one allowance. 13

When shipment not authorized............ 14

1. Definitions.-unless otherwise indicated, in these regulations the following terms are used as defined in this paragraph.

2. a. Household goods: Household goods, clothing, baggage, and all other personal effects of a similar character (including professional books, papers and equipment see par. 3), except the following:

(1) Personal baggage when carried free on tickets.

(2) Automobiles (act June 30, 1932; 47 Stat. 405).

(3) Other motor vehicles.

(4) Trailers, with or without other property.

(5) Boats

(6) Wines and/or liquors

(7) Animals not necessary in the performance of official duties.

(8) Birds

(9) Groceries and provisions other than those for consumption by the owner and his immediate family.

(10) Articles acquired after the effective date of change of station orders, except that household goods include otherwise proper articles purchased in the United States, when shipped overseas after approval by the Service of which the owner is a member (27 Comp. Gen. 171).

(11) Articles intended directly or indirectly for persons other than the owner and his immediate family, or articles for sale.

b. Professional books, papers, and equipment.-Professional books, and papers, including standard works of fiction; professional instruments (not office equipment); and professional equipment of chaplains, including but not restricted to communion sets, stereopticons and slides, folding organs, motion picture projectors and film, and printing outfits. All items must be required by the individual for reference or other purposes in the performance of official duties.

c. Duty station.-A place to which an individual is actually assigned for duty, including a place from which he commutes daily to his assigned station or, for personnel on sea duty, the home yard or home port of the vessel or mobile unit to which the individual is assigned. The place where a vessel is building or fitting out will be the new duty station.

d. Home.-The place presently recorded as the home of the individual when ordered to the relevant tour of active duty (see Comp. Gen. V-41281, 12 July 1944); except that, in connection with retirement of members of the Regular Services subject to these regulations the term, "home" means the place which the individual, within the time limit, selects as his home for the purpose of receiving mileage allowance or transportation, as the case may be, for his personal travel (see MS Comp. Gen. A-92607, 29 March 1938 and 26 Comp. Gen 18).

e. United States.-The area included within the boundaries of the forty-eight states and the District of Columbia.

f. Permanent change of station.-Assignment, detail, or transfer of an individual or unit to a different duty station (even though within the same city, town or metropolitan area), under competent orders which neither specify the duty as temporary, nor provide for further assignment to a new station, or direct return to the old duty station (see 24 Comp. Gen. 667). It includes a change in the home yard or home port of a vessel or mobile unit. For certain individuals (see paragraph 100, it also includes the change from home to the first permanent duty station when ordered to active duty other than training duty, and from the last permanent duty station when ordered to active duty other than training duty, and from the last permanent duty station to home upon retirement 9see d above), or transfer to a Reserve Component.

g. Place of Storage.-The term "storage" refers to the place where household goods are stored, whether in a storage warehouse or residence or at any point other than the duty station.

h. Services.-Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Public Health Service.

i. Reserve Components.-The National Guard of the United States, Organized Reserve Corps, Regular Army, Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve, Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service, and persons inducted in the service of the United States under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 (Public Law 783-76th Congress) as amended.

j. Shipment of household goods.-Transportation, including packing, crating, drayage (at point of shipment and at destination), temporary storage, and unpacking, at Government expense, unless otherwise state.

2. Authorize weight allowances.-Household good of Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coat Guard, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Public Health Service personnel, not in excess of the weight limits in pounds herein prescribed, may be shipped at government expense in accordance with the provisions of these regulations. The weight allowances set forth are exclusive of baggage that is transported free of charge on a commercial ticket. The allowances set forth are intended to represent the actual net weights of house hold goods authorized to be shipped at government expense. When any portion of the movement is made by water the allowance is increased 40 percent to cover the weight of materials used in packing for water shipment. When shipment is made by rail, or motor freight (general freight haulers, as distinguished from specialized household goods motor carriers), or combination thereof, the allowance is increased 25 percent to cover the weight of materials used in packing and crating for freight shipment. When shipment is forwarded by commercial van, such allowance is increased 5 percent to cover the weight of the materials used in packing and crating for van shipment. If the actual weight of a van shipment is unobtainable, weight of shipment will be the total net unpacked weights will be compared with the net weight allowance to determine the amount of excess weight if any. On any occasion when it is necessary to ascertain the net, unpacked weight of household goods already packed, 2/7( ) will be subtracted from gross weight of such household goods shipped by rail or motor freight, of 1/5( ) from grow weight of such household goods shipped by rail or motor freight, of ½1( ) from gross weight of such household goods shipped by van. Where shipments involve weights in excess of the prescribed allowance and/or contain unauthorized articles the transportation charges on such excess weights and/or unauthorized articles will be borne by the owner. When the prescribed weight allowance has been exhausted by previous shipments any subsequent shipments on the same orders will be arranged at the expense of the owner and will be made under commercial bills lading.

3. Professional books, paper, and equipment.-When certified by the individual as necessary in the performance of his official duties, shipment of professional books, papers, and equipment under these regulations shall be in the same manner and under the same conditions as other household goods except that the weight thereof shall be without charge against the prescribed weight allowance. As used I these regulations, authorizations and limitations pertaining to house hold goods within prescribed weight allowances shall be considered as applying to professional books papers, and equipment under the same conditions but without limitation as to the weight of such books, papers, and equipment unless otherwise specified. Such book, papers, equipment will be packed separately and the containers will be marked, "Professional books, papers, and equipment."

4. Shipment of house hold good, for personnel not having a prescribed weight allowance.-Persons for whom no weight allowance has been prescribed in paragraph 2, will make every reasonable effort to check personal baggage in baggage service on their personal transportation tickets. If, despite such efforts, it is impracticable for personal baggage to accompany the individual, checked in baggage service, such baggage not to exceed two hundred (200) pounds, may be shipped at Government expense by means ordinarily used for such shipments. If necessary in a particular case, shipment may be made at Government expense by railway express rather than by ordinary means if specifically authorized or approved in writing by the commanding officer of the installation from which the individual departs, or by a member of his immediate staff authorized to issue travel orders. Reference to such authorization, including its date, will be indicated under "Authority for Shipment" on fills of lading issued for shipments under these provisions.

5. Packing, crating, unpacking, and uncrating-a. At Government expense-Upon temporary or permanent change of station, the prescribed change of station weight allowance of household goods will be packed, crated, unpacked, and uncrated at Government expense. Where any existing facilities of the Services subject to these regulations are available and adequate for such packing, crating, unpacking, and uncrating, those facilities may be used reciprocally by any such Services. The requiring Service will submit written application to the commanding officer of the installation at which the facilities are located.

b. Bills to be rendered.-(1) When such functions are performed by a Service other than the requiring Service, the Service performing the work will bill the requiring Service for the actual cost of materials and all labor and service incident thereto. In computing such cost, overhead charge will not be included. Such bill should be rendered within ten days and will be paid promptly by the requiring Service. The requiring Service will be responsible for the computation and collection of excess costs, if any, from the owner.

(Chart to be inserted here: Weight Allowances)

(2) The cost of packing, crating, unpacking, and uncrating professional books, papers, and equipment, will be computed separately from the cost of such functions in connection with household goods. When such cost is billed between services, it will appear as a separate item on the bill.

c. Record of cost to be kept.-A careful record of all property packed, either with Government labor or by commercial firms, with all costs pertaining thereto will be kept by the installation at which performed, in accordance with directives of the Services concerned. When the packing is performed by use of Government owned materials and/or Government labor, the record will be complete as to the period of labor, the quantities of all materials used, and the itemized value thereof.

d. Property packed by owner.-The Government will assume no risk for damage to property attributed to faulty packing or crating when packed or crated by the owner or his agents and accepted by carriers for transportation.

e. Method of packing.-Packing and crating of all household goods will be performed or contracted for by the Services in accordance with their respective current directives.

f. Excess costs.-the cost of packing, crating, and unpacking any unauthorized articles or weight in excess of prescribed weight allowance will be borne by the owner or his agents and accepted by carriers for transportation. See also paragraphs 20 and 21 below.

6. Drayage or hauling-a. Authorized.-Necessary drayage or hauling of household goods within prescribed weight allowances is authorized at government expense in connection with temporary or permanent change of station. Such drayage or hauling includes handling into or out of quarters, and, if necessary, the employment of special rigging and equipment in connection with heavy or delicate articles. It also includes but is not limited to the following (either singly or in combination) at:

(1) Point of origin, such as-

(a) From quarters to packing and crating facility and/or to storage.

(b) From packing and crating facility to quarters, when a portion of the property, after being packed and crated, is to be joined with the remainder of the property.

(c) From packing and crating facility to place of storage.

(d) To carrier's station, from quarters, packing and crating facility, and/or place of storage.

(2) En route or in transit, when the cost is not absorbed by carrier concerned, such as-

(a) From incoming carrier's station to place of storage.

(b) From place of storage to outgoing carrier's station.

(c) From incoming carrier's station direct to outgoing carrier's station.

(3) Destination, such as-

(a) From carrier's station to quarters and/or place of storage.

(b) From place of storage to quarters.

(4) Intracity.-From one area to another area within the same city, town, or metropolitan area, when in connection with a permanent change of station or upon the retirement or death of the owner.

b. How procured.-Unless carriers' free pick-up and delivery service includes handling into or out of quarters, packing and crating facility, and/or place of storage, such carriers' free service will not be utilized. When carriers' free pick-up or delivery is not used, such drayage or hauling will be performed by Government-owned vehicles of the respective Services, whenever available. When such Government vehicles are not available, commercial vehicles may be used.

c. Bills of lading to be annotated.- Where drayage service for household goods is not furnished by the carrier, bills of lading issued in connection with rail pick-up service at point of origin or delivery at destination (as the case may be) was by the Government or its agent.

d. Excess costs.-The cost of draying or hauling unauthorized articles or any weight in excess of prescribed weight allowances will be borne by the owner. See also paragraphs 20 and 21 below.

7. Storage-a. Temporary Storage.-

(1) When authorized.-Whenever necessary in connection with a permanent change of station, because of conditions beyond control of the owner (including but not limited to directed surrender of quarters, arrival of shipment at destination before arrival of owner, or non-availability of quarters at destination) temporary storage of household goods within prescribed weight allowances is authorized at Government expense. Such storage includes all necessary in and out handling charges. Government facilities of the respective Services will be used for such storage in all cases when available. In case such Government facilities are not available, commercial facilities may be sued. Owners will not arrange for temporary storage in contemplation of subsequent storage under provision of b below. Temporary storage at Government expense will not exceed a total of six months in connection with one permanent change of station and must accrue during any one or combination of the following period:

(a) After pick-up of property at quarters and before dispatch of shipment from carrier's station at point of origin.

(b) While shipment is in transit or en route, and storage is not furnished free of charge by carrier concerned.

(c) After arrival of shipment at carrier's destination station and before delivery of shipment into quarters.

(2) Excess costs.-Storage costs on weight in excess of prescribed allowances or for time in excess of six months will be borne by the owner. See also paragraphs 20 and 21 below.

(3) Notation on payment voucher.-Vouchers covering payment of commercial storage at Government expense will be supported by a certificate of properly designated authority that such storage is necessary.

b. Non-temporary storage.

(1) Household goods.-Persons for whom a weight allowance has been prescribed may apply for storage, at an installation of the Service concerned, of their household goods (see also pars. 8 e and f and 10b (2) and (7) below). Storage of automobiles is not authorized. The granting of a request will depend upon whether facilities are available and any storage furnished will be subject to the time limit prescribed in (2) below. Owners will not arrange for temporary storage mentioned in a above in contemplation of subsequent storage under these provisions. Applications for storage will contain owner's agreement that whenever household goods are not withdrawn within the prescribed time limit or promptly upon request of the commanding officer of the storage facility concerned, such household good will be placed in commercial storage to the account and in the name of the owner. Applications for storage will be made only-

(a) Upon retirement.

(b) Upon being detached under orders from a permanent duty station-

1. And ordered to temporary duty

2. And ordered to temporary duty pending further assignment.

3. For further assignment to sea duty.

4. For further assignment to duty outside the United States, as a permanent change of station.

5. To await further orders or detail.

6. To proceed to the United State.

(c) Upon assignment as student to pursue a course of study of 5 months or more duration.

(d) Upon being ordered direct to sea duty or direct to duty outside the United States.

(e) Upon discharge for personnel mentioned in paragraph 10f below.

(2) Time limit.-Except as provided in (3) below, storage herein authorized will not extend beyond the following dates:

(a) Upon retirement.-One year from date of retirement, or one year after the termination of World War II, whichever is later.

(b) Upon detachment under orders from a permanent duty station.-One year from date of detachments under orders from permanent duty station.

(c) Sea duty.-One year from the date of return from sea duty.

(d) Duty outside the United States.-One year from date of return from oversea service.

(e) Upon assignment as student.-One year from date of separation from school.

(f) Upon discharge.-One year from date of discharge under paragraph 10f below.

(3) Exceptions to fixed periods of time limit-(a) Hospitalization.-If the individual is confined in a hospital or in its vicinity undergoing medical treatment on the date of retirement, and continuously thereafter during the period defined in (2) (a) above, the duration of storage may be extended 60 days from treatment. When the owner requests such extension of time, he will furnish the officer in charge of the storage facility concerned, if so requested, a copy of the statement of hospitalization by the responsible medical officer.

c. Household goods not withdrawn from Service storage within the prescribed time limit, or not with drawn upon request of the commanding officer of the storage facility concerned, will be placed in commercial storage to the account and in the name of the owner, at owner's expense.

8. Shipments under temporary Change of Station or Temporary Duty Orders.-a. The weight allowances indicated may be shipped at Government expense for individuals under temporary change of station orders or temporary duty orders as described in the following paragraphs:

b. When a member of a Reserve Component is ordered to active duty for training purposes, shipment of his temporary change of station weight allowance is authorized from his move to the place ordered for training duty and return to his home upon completion of such training duty.

c. When under competent temporary duty orders, temporary additional duty orders, temporary to permanent duty orders, or a combination thereof, individuals for whom a weight allowance has been prescribed may have their temporary change of station weight allowance of household goods shipped between any points, subject to the following limitations in cost as applicable.

(1) From permanent duty station to temporary duty station;

(2) Between temporary duty station;

(3) From last temporary duty station to old permanent duty station, provided a new permanent duty station has not been assigned; otherwise to the new permanent duty station, provided a new permanent duty station has not been assigned; otherwise to the new permanent duty station. When an individual is ordered from a temporary duty station to a new permanent duty station or, when a temporary duty station becomes a new permanent duty station, the shipments authorized herein are in addition to the weight authorized for such permanent change of station.

d. When an individual is ordered to temporary duty in connection with the building, fitting out, or conversion of a vessel, and such orders direct duty on board when commissioned, the permanent change of station weight allowance of household goods may be shipped from the old permanent duty station to any point in the United States, as desired by the owner. (See also par. 9 below.)

e. When an individual is detached under orders forma permanent duty station and ordered to a temporary duty pending further assignment to duty abroad, or to temporary duty pending further assignment to sea duty, his household goods within the prescribed permanent change of station weight allowance may be shipped to any point in the United States, or such household goods may be packed, drayed, and placed in storage facilities of the Service concerned under provision of paragraph 7 b above. When such facilities are not available, his household goods my be packed, drayed, and placed in commercial storage, in which case all costs other than those of packing and draying will be at owner's expense.

f. When an individual is detached under orders from a permanent duty station and ordered to temporary duty, or to temporary duty for further assignment, his household goods, within prescribed permanent change of station weight allowance, may be packed, drayed, and placed in storage under storage provisions of e above.

g. Household goods which have been paced in storage under provisions of e and f above, may be shipped to any subsequent permanent duty station. Shipment may also be made to any point in the Untied States under provisions of paragraph 10 b (2) below, when applicable.

9. Shipment when detached from permanent station to await orders, detail, or assignment, or to proceed to the United States.-a. When an individual is detached from a permanent station within the United States and directed to await orders, detail, or assignment, household goods, within the prescribed permanent change of station weight allowance, may be packed, crated, drayed, and placed in storage facilities of the Service concerned, if available, under provisions of paragraph 7b. When such facilities are not available, household goods may be packed, crated, drayed, and commercially stored at Government expense within the time limit prescribed above. Upon receipt of orders assigning the new permanent duty station, shipment of such household goods is authorized form point of storage or previous permanent duty station to the new permanent duty station.

b. When an individual is detached from an overseas permanent duty station and directed to proceed to the United States, household goods, within the prescribed permanent change of station weight allowance, may be shipped at government expense from the permanent duty station to the point in the United States to which ordered to report. The movement of household goods is thus permitted even though the new permanent duty station is, for the time being, indeterminate. If orders to new permanent duty station are not available upon arrival of the household good at the pint to which shipped, and such household goods cannot be placed in storage facilities of the Service concerned, the household goods my be place in commercial storage at Government expense within the time limit prescribed for temporary storage in paragraph 7a above. Upon receipt of further orders fixing the new permanent duty station, the same property may be reshipped, the allowable cost being limited to the transportation cost from the reshipping point to the new permanent duty station. In these circumstances, the orders involving detachment and the orders fixing the new permanent duty station are considered to be one set of orders for a permanent change of station. Therefore, if the owner takes physical possession of the household goods at the reshipping point, the Government will not assume the sot of shipping such household goods from the reshipping point, since household goods may not be reshipped under identical orders for the convenience of the owner. See also ca paragraph 13 below.

10. Shipment under permanent change of station orders.-The permanent change of station weight allowance of household goods may be shipped at Government expense for the classes of personnel indicated below under the following terms and conditions:

a. Upon being ordered to active duty.-

(1) For contract surgeons of the Services subject to these regulations; members of Reserve Components of such Services when ordered to active duty of not less than six months; members of the National Guard when inducted into Federal service for not less than six month; civilians commissioned as temporary officers or appointed as temporary warrant officers in the Army of the Untied States when ordered to active duty for a period of not less than six month; form home to the first or any subsequent permanent duty station.

(2) For retired personnel recalled to active duty, to the first permanent duty station from home or, in the case of personnel recalled to active duty within one year after retirement who did not ship their household goods in connection with such retirement, from the last permanent duty station or place of storage prior to retirement. The provisions of this subparagraph apply to such personnel ordered to or relieved form active duty in connection with Organized Reserves and/or Citizens Military Training activities only when and to the extent that transportation of household good in such circumstances is permissible under applicable appropriation acts.

b. Upon permanent change of station.-(1) For personnel on active duty, from the last duty station to the new duty station. In case an individual does not desire to ship his authorize weight allowance, or any portion thereof to his new permanent duty station, he is not thereby precluded form making later shipment thereof, from that former permanent station to some subsequent permanent duty station within authorized weight allowance under travel orders to the latter station. As used in this subparagraph "former permanent duty station" includes the home of an individual for whom shipment from home is authorized under subparagraph a above.

(2) On transfer or assignment to sea duty; to duty in connection with building, fitting out, or conversion of a vessel; to duty overseas; or to places where their dependents are not, for military reasons, permitted to accompany them or join them within five months or where the commanding officer has determined that quarters for dependents, if authorized are not available; from the last duty station to such locations in the United States as may be designated by the person concerned. Upon subsequent transfer to a duty station which is not subject to such military restrictions or, upon removal of such restrictions without change of station from such designated locations to the current duty station.

(3) For officers commissioned and warrant officers appointed permanently or temporarily in the Regular Services from the ranks (including graduates from Officer Candidate Schools), from home and /or the last permanent duty station to the new permanent duty station.

(4) For officers commissioned and warrant officers appointed permanently or temporarily in the Reserve components of the Services concerned from the ranks (including graduates from officer Candidate Schools), from home and/or last permanent duty station to the new permanent duty station (see 8 Comp. Gen. 507).

(5) For members of the graduating classes, of the Academies of the Services concerned who are commissioned as officers, from home of the individual and/or the academy from which the individual is graduated to the first permanent duty station (see act June 27, 1944; 58 Stat. 288).

(6) For hospital patients.-(The provisions of paragraph 15c (3) below do not apply to shipments authorized in this subparagraph.)

(a) To hospitals.-For personnel on active duty who are transferred from either a permanent or temporary duty station, or from a hospital where they are listed as patients, to a hospital for further observation and treatment, from the last or any previous permanent duty station and/or points of storage to the city or town in which such hospital is located, but not to the hospital itself, as for a permanent change of station, provided that the commanding officer of the hospital, after an evaluation of the case, certifies that the period of treatment in that hospital can be expected to be prolonged. This certificate will be furnished in addition to other supporting papers requires with the application for transportation of household goods) Form OF1, 1 March 1948 (Armed Forces)). See also paragraphs 15f and 16c below.

(b) From outside the United States.-For personnel on active duty who are transferred as patients from outside the Untied States to a hospital within the United States for further observation and treatment, from foreign or oversea points to the city or town in which the hospital is located, but not to the hospital itself. At the owner's option, shipment may instead be forwarded to another point within the United States designated by him. In the case of shipment from overseas, the owner will bear the cost of transportation from the port through which the shipment entered the United States to the point designated, in excess of that which would have been allowed at Government expense had shipment been made from the same port to the city or town in which the hospital is located. In connection with overland shipments from Canada or Mexico, the owner will bear the cost of transportation from the original point of shipment to the point designated, in excess of that which would have been allowed at Government expense had shipment been made from the same point of origin to the cit or town in which the hospital is located. The certificate prescribed in (a) above is not required to support these types of shipments. In the case of an individual who did not take his household goods with him overseas, shipment may be made from the place of storage (see (2) above) or from any previous permanent duty station to the city or town in which the hospital is located, but not the hospital itself. The certificate prescribed in (a) above is required to support this type of shipment.

(c) When discharge from hospital is ordered.-For personnel on active duty, who are discharged as patients from a hospital and ordered home for separation from the service, or restored to duty, from the city or town in which the hospital is located or from a designated place in lieu thereof (see (b) above) to such home or to any subsequently assigned permanent duty station. The owner will bear the cost of transportation from the designated place to the home or permanent duty station, in excess of that which would have been allowed at Government expense had shipment been made from the city or town in which the hospital is located to such home or permanent duty station. Shipment to the home of the individual under this subparagraph is limited to those individuals for whom shipment form the last permanent duty station to home is authorized. See also d and f below and paragraph 15 e.

(7) Upon assignment as student.-

(a) For all personnel on active duty, when ordered upon change of station to a Service school or civilian educational institution as a student to pursue a prescribed course of study therein of not less than five months' duration, from the last permanent duty station to such school or to a designated place of storage when no Service storage facilities are available therefore at the last permanent duty station.

(b) Upon subsequent transfer from said school or institution, from the school, former permanent duty station, and/or place of storage to the new permanent duty station, within authorized weight allowance to the new permanent duty station.

c. Upon termination of active duty other than by resignation, discharge from the Regular Services, or retirement.-For contract surgeons of the Regular Services subject to these regulations; members of Reserve components of such Services who were ordered to active duty for not less than six months ; members of the National Guard in the service of the United States for a period or not less than six months; temporary commissioned and temporary warrant officers of the Army of the United States reverting to civilian status from a tour of active duty of not less than six months; from the last or any previous permanent duty station to home. For time limitation, see paragraph 12 below

d. Upon being ordered home for discharge-(1) From stations outside the United States.-For enlisted personnel of the first four grades who are detached from a permanent duty station within the United States for discharge, but reenlist in a grade for which shipment of household goods is authorized under continuous service (within 90 days from date of discharge) at place of discharge, upon receipt of orders assigning them to a new permanent duty station, from the last permanent duty station to the new permanent duty station.

e. Upon retirement or transfer to the Fleet Reserve.-For all personnel on active duty, under retirement orders, orders to home to await retirement, or orders to transfer to the Fleet, Reserve, from the last and/or any previous permanent duty station to home. If the individual is retired or transferred to the Fleet Reserve at a permanent duty station outside the Untied States or is ordered form such station to the United States for retirement or transfer to the Fleet Reserve, from the last and/or any previous permanent duty station and any one ore more places of storage to home. For time limitation, see paragraph 12 below. Officers wholly retired under R.S. 1252 are not entitled to shipment of household goods.

f. Upon discharge under honorable condition.-(1) From the last or any previous permanent duty station to home for-

(a) Enlisted persons of the first four grades on active duty who, having served ten or more years in the Service concerned, are discharged on account of disability incurred in the line of duty. See Sec. 1, act 29 August 1916 (39 Stat. See Sec.1, act 29 August 1916 (39 Stat. 633; 10 U.S.C. 823; M.L. 1939 sec. 1461).

(b) Individuals inducted in the Service of the United States under the Selective Training and Service Act (see also par. 15 below).

(2) No excess weight will be shipped under the provisions of this subparagraph.

(3)For time limitation, see paragraph 12 below.

11. Shipment upon decease.-Effects of personnel who die while on active duty, other than training duty, may be transported only if authorized by, and subject to the provision of, regulations issued by the Service concerned under pertinent laws.

12. Time limitations.-a. Subject to exceptions shown in b below, a period ending one year after the termination of World War II or one year after the date specified below, which ever is later, is fixed as the time within which household goods or personal effects will be turned over by the owner to a transportation officer or to a carrier for shipment at Government expense (25 Comp. Gen. 6).

(1) Termination of active duty.-Date of relief from active duty under provisions of paragraph 10 c above.

(2) Ordered home for discharge.-Date orders to home for discharge are effective under provisions of paragraph 10 d above.

(3) Retirement or transfer to Fleet Reserve.-Date of retirement or transfer to fleet Reserve under provisions of paragraph 10 e above.

(4) Discharge.-Date of discharge under provisions of paragraph 10 f above.

b. Exceptions to time limitations-(1) Hospitalization.-If the individual is confined in a hospital or in its vicinity undergoing medical treatment on t he date of termination of active duty status, or on the date ordered to home for discharge, retirement, or transfer to Fleet Reserve, or on the date of discharge, and continuously thereafter during the period defined in a above, shipment of household goods may be made within 60 days from the date of discharge from such medical treatment as shown in a certificate of the responsible medical officer stating the period of such medical treatment.

13. Reshipment of same property within on allowance.-a. Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, authority contained in these regulations for shipment of household goods at Government expense extends only to the through shipment to authorize ultimate destination of the same lot of household goods. Shipment may not be made for the convenience of the owner to some other place for re-shipment later to such authorized ultimate destination.

b. When household goods within prescribed weight allowance, or personal baggage not to exceed 200 pounds for personnel not having a prescribed weight allowance, have been improperly shipped or otherwise unavoidable separated from the owner, not because of fault of the owner, it may be forwarded to the proper destination at Government expense upon approval of the Service concerned.

c. In case personal baggage is shipped as part of an organized troop movement but the name of the individual owner of such baggage has been deleted from the movement order, railway express instead of means ordinarily required may be used to return or forward such baggage to the duty station of such owner when authorized or approved in writing by the commanding officer of the installation or area at which received. Where an officer on the immediate staff of the commanding officer is authorized to issue travel orders the commanding officer may delegate to such staff officer the authority to authorize the return or forwarding of such shipments by express. Reference to such authorization, including its date, will be indicated under "Authority for Shipment" on bills of lading issued for shipments made under these provisions.

d. Shipment of household goods, made after receipt of competent change of station orders but before the effective date thereof, will be forwarded or returned to proper destination at Government expense in case such orders are subsequently amended or cancelled, provided such shipment is made in the best foreseeable interest of the Government and the owner. (See also par. 15 below.)

14. When shipment not authorized.-Shipment of household goods at Government expense is not authorized in the following cases:

a. Prior to receipt of orders.

b. Upon joining for duty on first appointment in the Regular Services, except for contract surgeons (see also par. 10 above).

c. Permanent change of station weight allowance for members of Reserve components when ordered to active duty for less than six months (see also pars. 8 b and 10 above). Shipment of temporary change of station weight allowance is not prohibited under these provisions.

e. Upon reinstatement or reappointment, for all members of Regular Services.

f. Upon transfer from one station to another, solely for the convenience and at the written request of the individual transferred, when travel orders indicate shipment is not authorized at Government expense.

g. By commercial means of transportation to home upon retirement where the place selected as home is in the same city or town as the last permanent duty station (see also par. 6 above).

h. Upon resignation, for all members on active duty.

i. For all officers wholly retired under R. S. 1252 (see also par. 10 above).

j. Upon discharge, for-

(1) All members when discharged under conditions other than honorable.

(2) members of the Regular Services, except-enlisted men of the first four grades on active duty, who, having served ten or more years in the Service concerned, are discharged on account of disability, incurred in the line of duty (see also par. 10 above).

k. For members who are dropped, dismissed, sent to prison under sentence, or transferred as prisoners to a place of detention.

l. Pursuant to furlough or recall therefrom.

m. For deserters or stragglers.

n. For members transferred to a different ship or station to await trial by court-martial.

o. Permanent change of station weight allowance for students detailed to pursue courses of less than 5 months duration at Service schools or civilian educational institutions (see also par. 10 above). Shipment of temporary change of station weight allowance is not prohibited under these provisions.

p. By commercial means of transportation upon change of assignment or duty without change of station.


Requirements, responsibilities, and privileges of owner.......15

Application for shipment...................16

Method of shipment.....................17

Shipment by Government vessel................18

Shipment by commercial vessel...............19

15. Requirements, responsibilities, and privileges of owner.-a. Except as provided in c below, the owner is required to turn over at one time to the shipping officer at each point of origin all of his household goods (except articles of gold and silver and articles of extraordinary value) thereat, which he expects to ship within any prescribed weight allowance and under the terms and conditions therefor, in connection with his orders for change of station, retirement, or to home for discharge.

b. In the vent there should be a change in orders after shipment has been requested, it is the responsibility of the owner upon receipt of such change to notify immediately shipping officers at point of origin (or port, if any), and destination, requesting that such shipment be diverted or recon signed to any new destination which may be necessitated by reason of the change in orders. Certified copies of such changed orders will be forwarded by the owner immediately upon request.

c. Subject to d and e below, and upon owner's written request and agreement to pay any additional cost occasioned thereby, the owner may, if he so desires, deviate from these regulations by:

(1) Turning over his household goods to a shipping officer for shipment at different times to the same destination.

(2) Having special services employed such as-

(a) additional valuation.

(b) specific routing.

(c) specific loading.

(d) any other special or accessorial services which may involve additional expense.

(3) Having shipments made from any points to any points (This privilege does not apply to provisions of pars. 10 b (6) and 17 a (1). The transportation cost at Government expense of all shipments other than those from a previous duty station to the new duty station is limited to that which would have been allowed on alike weight of household goods shipped in one lot from the last duty station to the new duty station.

d. The officer designated by the Service concerned, will determine any cost in excess of authorized allowances for weight, distance, and method of shipment and will notify the owner of the amount payable and the method of payment. Amounts determined by persons other than such designated officer will be considered as mere estimates and will not be used to dispute the amount determine by him.

e. Shipments likely to involve excess costs will not be made upon separation from active duty of personnel who will not thereafter be in pay status of the Service concerned. Such persons may arrange for shipment of their household goods out of personal funds and apply for reimbursement of the amount which would otherwise be allowable under these regulations, in accordance with paragraph 22 below.

f. Advance arrangements for immediate acceptance of the household good from the carrier at destination are the responsibility of the owner. The owner is responsible for any demurrage, unauthorized storage, or other charges incurred because correct delivery address was not furnished or because shipment is not accepted promptly from the carrier by such owner or his authorized agent. Shipments will be forwarded to the owner or his authorized agent as designated in his application or transportation of household goods, OF Form No. 1, 1 Mar. 48 (Armed Forces).

g. These regulations are intended to encompass al contingencies and circumstances in connection with shipments of household goods at Government expense. In the event a shipment is made under conditions not mentioned in these regulations as permitting or prohibiting payment therefore at Government expense, the owner will be notified that he may be called upon to bear the cost. The case will be referred to the appropriate authority of the Service concerned for advice in the premises. The owner will not be called upon for reimbursement to the


Government until instructions to that effect are received from such appropriate authority.

16. Application for shipment-a. Form used, and by whom submitted.-Application for transportation of household goods for individuals entitled to a weight allowance under these regulations will be prepared whenever possible on OF Form N. 1, 1 Mar. 48 (Armed Forces), Application for Transportation of Household Goods. (See Figs. 1 and 2.) A separate


application will be prepared and submitted to cover each shipment in chronological order. A separate application is required for articles of gold of silver, painting, and other precious articles of extraordinary value. Each application will be prepared in the number of copies required by the Service concerned, and will indicate that advance arrangements have been made at destination for immediate acceptance of the household goods from the carrier upon arrival at destination. The owner is responsible for any demurrage, unauthorized storage, or other charges incurred because correct delivery address was not furnished or because shipment is not accepted promptly form the carrier by such owner or his authorized agent designated upon the request. When the owner of household goods is at an overseas station or it is not feasible for him to submit such application, it may be submitted by:

(1) Any person acting under the owner's power of attorney or informal letter of authority.

(2) Commanding Officers of installations or their authorized representatives, who will execute certificate showing necessity for shipment, reasons for non-availability of the owner's application and will indicate the determination that property to be shipped is household goods

Chart: Title 3-The President (p. 256): INVENTORY OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS

Or effects authorized to be shipped at Government expense in case-

(a) Personal property of evacuees is received at ports of embarkation or other seaports and is required to be forwarded to inland points.

(b) (b) Personal property has been left at installations because compliance with proper orders has allowed insufficient time for the owner to submit the application and the owner has furnished informal information as to disposition.

(c) Other Service exigencies preclude the preparation and submission of the e application by the owner.

b. To whom submitted.-Except for shipments under the Missing Persons Act, the applications will be submitted as directed by the Service concerned, applications will be submitted to the nearest shipping officer. A shipping officer receiving an application for transportation of household goods which does not pertain to his jurisdiction will immediately forward it by endorsement to the proper shipping officer having jurisdiction, if known, otherwise to shipping officer as directed by the Service concerned. Shipping officers will promptly inform applicants of action to be taken and of papers and documents required to support their applications in accordance with these regulations.

c. Supporting papers required.-Among supporting documents and papers required to support applications are:

(1) Certified copies of orders of other authority for shipment.

(2) Certified copies of authority for shipment at Government expense by means other than that ordinarily required in cases wherein reference on bill of lading does not constitute complete evidence of such authority.

(3) Certified copies of the Power of Attorney, time extension certificate, hospitalization certificate, or any other certificate or document required in special cases.

(4) Copies of OF Form No. 2, 1 Mar. 48 (Armed Forces) Inventory of household goods, prepared by the applicant (see Fig. 3). This form is required only when more than three different articles are involved in the application. In lieu of OF Form No. 2, Forms presently used by the Services concerned will continue in use until existing supply is exhausted.

17. Method of shipment.-a. By railway express (see par. 15c (3)).-(1) When certain articles are required for use in carrying out assigned duties and shipment by ordinary means will not serve the purpose, shipment of not to exceed a total of 500 pounds is authorized to be made by railway express at Government expense within the Untied States. This authority is limited to shipments from the old duty station, points of storage, or both, to the new duty station or to or from ports of embarkation in connection therewith. Specific designation of the method of shipment is not required to be made by the shipping officer in such cases. Shipment will be made at the valuation prescribed in carriers' tariffs for the lowest applicable transportation rate. Such express shipment may consist of household goods, or of professional books, papers, and equipment, or of both. Whenever a combination of household goods and professional books, papers and equipment is shipped, the weight of each type of property will be shown separately on the bill of lading. The weight of household goods shipped by express under these provisions will be charge against the prescribed change of station weight allowance.

(2) Articles of gold or silver, paintings, and other articles, the extraordinary value of which prohibits shipment by ordinary means under carriers' tariffs, may be shipped by railway express. The weight of such articles is a part of (not in addition to) the 500 pound weight allowance by express provided in (1) above and when such type shipment is authorized. Such articles may be shipped under a commercial express receipt or a Government bill of lading as part of the authorized change of station weight allowance. Unless extra charges for excess valuation are paid, carriers' liability for express shipments is normally limited to 50 cents a pound. Any such excess valuation charges will be borne by the owner, not by the Government, regardless of the type of bill of lading used. A Government bill of lading covering an express shipment of precious articles will be separate from that used for the other household goods, and professional books, papers, and equipment. Shipment will not be made through any installation of the Services concerned, but will be made direct from and to the owner or his agent at points of origin and destination.

(3) Unless the shipping officer designates railway express as the method of shipment under provisions of b below, the entire transportation cost on weight in excess of the 500 pound weight allowance by express will be borne by the owner. It will be borne by the owner even though the authorized change of station weight allowance is not exceeded.

b. By ordinary means.-(1) By whom and how selected.-Under provisions of section 205, Public Law 604-79th Congress, shipment may be made by rail, water, or van without regard to comparative cost. Unless shipped by express as authorized by these regulations, any household goods for shipment between the same point of origin and destination may be shipped as consolidated shipments or as separated shipments, whichever manner is considered by the shipping officer as most advantageous to the Government and the owners, without delaying the arrival of shipment at destination. The shipping officer wills elect the means of transportation, ordinary rail and/or water freight, ordinary motor freight (general freight haulers as distinguished from specialized household goods motor carriers), railway express, freight forwarders, or commercial van carrier, which in his judgment will serve the best foreseeable interest of the Government and the owners of the property. Among the particulars to be considered are:

(a) Location of the property at point of origin and the availability of packing, crating, drayage, and handling facilities thereat.

(b) The condition of the property presented for transportation, that is, whether already in packed and crated form.

(c) Final destination of the property and the availability of drayage, unpacking, uncrating, and handling facilities thereat.

(2) Method authorized at Government expense, how established.-The selection by the shipping officer of the appropriate means of transportation established the method of shipment authorized at Government expense. The shipping officer will inform the person requesting shipment of the means of transportation authorized at Government expense, and that the use of a different method may result in excess cost to the owner.

c. By air.-Shipment may be made by air when most economical, or upon owner's request and written agreement to pay excess costs, if any, thereby incurred.

d. Routing.-When necessary to provide timely arrival of household goods at ultimate destination, shipment may move via a route or port different from that used by the traveler.

e. Valuation.-Shipment will be made at the valuation prescribed in carriers' tariffs for the lowest applicable transportation rate.

18. Shipment by Government vessel-

a. Water shipment of household goods normally will be made by Government vessel. When a Service is unable to use its vessels for this purpose, shipments may be made on vessels of another Service; the actual cost, if any, will be reimbursed by the requesting Service. The requesting Service will advise the weight and cubic measurements of the household goods to be shipped. The Service whose vessel is used will furnish appropriate shipping instructions. Weight shipped by Government vessel will be counted toward exhausting the owner's authorized weight allowance. When no actual or reasonably computable cost arises thereby, weight in excess of prescribed allowances may accompany household goods on Government vessels.

b. When available space on Government vessels will not meet the needs of the requiring Service, shipment of household goods within prescribed weight allowance may be made by commercial means, at Government expense.

c. Shipments forwarded by Government vessel are not subject to general average. See paragraph 19 below.

19. Shipment by commercial vessel-a. When permitted.-When space on Government vessel is not available, or, when space which is available will not meet the needs of the requiring Service, household goods within the prescribed weight allowance may be shipped at Government expense by commercial vessel. Transportation costs on unauthorized articles or on weight in excess of prescribed weight allowances will be borne by the owner. Bills of lading covering shipment by commercial vessel will bear a notation with reference to this paragraph. Such reference will constitute complete evidence of authority for shipment by commercial vessel.

b. General average.-Shipments by commercial vessel are subject to general average. General average, in maritime law, is a contribution by the several interest engaged in a maritime adventure to make good the loss of one of them for voluntary sacrifices of part of the ship or cargo to save the residue of the property and/or the lives of those n board from an impending peril, or for extraordinary expense necessarily incurred for the common benefit and safety of all the interest in the adventure. The doctrine of general average is founded upon the principle that whatever is sacrificed for the benefit of all should be made good by the contribution of all. The obligation to contribute in general average rests upon the vessel, the cargo and freight, and the owners of such interests.

c. Insurance.-Under a decision of the Comptroller General (18 Comp. Gen. 164), the owner of the property is the party liable for contribution in general average and this rule is applicable to shipments of household goods of officers and enlisted men on change of station. It is, therefore, advisable for owners of household goods to procure insurance covering the risk for their protection.

d. Required action.-When a vessel and cargo which includes household goods shipped at Government expense becomes subject to general average, the consignee, upon receipt of such information, will notify the owner of household goods or his agent. The owner must take action along the following lines in order to obtain release of the household goods at the port of discharge:

(1) an average agreement which is submitted by the average adjuster must be promptly executed;

(2) if insurance is carried, the average agreement including the statement as to the value of theho7sehold goods should be signed and forwarded to the insurance company for direct handling with the average adjuster;

(3) if no insurance is carried, the owner must make a deposit by cash or check to the average adjuster in such amount as is determined by using the percentage furnished by the average adjusters times the value of the household goods stated in the average agreement.

The Transportation Officer, or other congeneric officer, of the installation to which the household goods have been consigned should be notified of the action taken.



Excess costs......... 20

Payment of excess costs..... 21

20. Excess costs-a. Circumstances in which incurred.-Costs in excess of those authorized in these regulations will be paid by persons for whom shipments are made (For examples of computations, see par. 22 below). Among the circumstances in which such excess costs may be incurred are:

(1) When transportation cost of method used at request of applicant exceeds the cost of method designated by shipping officer.

(2) When special services, specific routing, or specific loading, not provided under ordinary rates are furnished at the request of applicant.

(3) When shipments are made in separate lots between the same points.

(4) When shipments are made form and/or to points other than those authorized in these regulations.

(5) When, at the request of applicant, shipments are release at a valuation which exceeds that prescribed for the lowest applicable transportation rate in carriers' tariffs.

(6) When household goods in excess of the prescribed weight allowance are packed, unpacked, drayed, stored, or shipped (See also b and c below).

(7) When unauthorized articles are shipped.

b. Cost equalization prohibited. Whenever weight in excess of the prescribed weight allowance is shipped at a transportation rate which is less than that applicable from the authorized point of origin to the authorized destination, equalization of cost is not allowed. An excess of weight remains an excess. A lesser transportation rate than that authorized is a Government gain. The same principle is applicable in connection with a shipment of less than the prescribed weight allowance which is forwarded to a destination subject to a higher transportation rate than that applicable to the authorized destination. The lesser weight than that prescribed is a Government gain. The higher rate remains an excess.

c. Shipments charge chronologically against prescribed weight allowance. Whenever there are two or more shipments on the same change of station orders, they will be numbered on Form OF 1, 1 Mar 48, (Armed Forces) Application for Transportation of Household Goods, in the chronological order of application date. See also paragraph 16 above. In the event excess weight is shipped, the excess cost will be computed on the shipment which contained the excess weight as determined from the chronological sequence of the application. For example:

(1) An officer has a prescribed weight allowance of 7,500 pounds and submits applications as follows:


Application marked "Shipment No. 1"

(shipment moved via Navy vessel)...........


Application marked "Shipment No. 2"

(shipment moved via rail carrier)......................


Total weight shipped...............


Minus prescribed weigh allowance..........


Excess weight...................


Excess cost of transportation will be computed on shipment No. 2.

(3) An officer has a prescribed weight allowance of 7,500 pounds and submits applications as follows:


Application marked "Shipment No. 1"

(shipment moved via rail carrier)...........


Application marked "Shipment No. 2"

(shipment moved via Navy vessel as authorized by the Service concerned)...............


Total weight shipped..............


Minus prescribed weight allowance.........


Excess weight..................


Excess weight was included in shipment No. 2. See provisions of paragraph 18 above.

(4) If both shipments in the above examples had been made by commercial carrier, transportation cost on excess weight would have been computed in connection with shipment No. 2. Such computation would have been based on the transportation rate applicable to shipment No. 2. Therefore, when different rates apply to shipments made, and excess weight is involved, it is in the interest of the owner to forward lower-rated shipments after higher-rated shipments, thereby incurring the least excess cost.

21. Payment of excess costs. A. The officers designated by the Service concerned will determine any excess costs incurred in connection with shipments of household goods and will notify owners of the amount payable and method of payment. See also paragraphs 5, 6, and 15 above.

b. Promptly upon receipt of such notification, the owner will remit the amount so determined in the manner prescribed. If, after making remittance, the owner for any reason considers the amount remitted to be erroneous, he may file a claim with the General accounting Office, Washington 25, D.D., for refund of such amount as he may consider to be due him.



Claims for reimbursement...............


Claims for loss or damage...............


23. Claims for reimbursement-a. Not ordinarily authorized. The reimbursement of individuals who have shipped their household goods at their personal expense is not ordinarily authorized. Except for shipments likely to involve excess costs upon separation from active duty of persons who will not thereafter be in a pay status of the Service concerned (which shipments at personal expense and reimbursement therefore are directed in par. 15 e above), shipments of household goods will ordinarily be made through a shipping officer. In case an emergency or other compelling reason existed for failure to have the shipping officer arrange for shipment of the household goods, the appropriate authority of the Service concerned may ratify the shipment and direct reimbursement of transportation charges to the owner.

b. Form used: how prepared and submitted. Claims for reimbursement will be stated on Standard Form No. 1012, Voucher for Per Diem and/or Reimbursement of Expenses Incident to Official Travel (see fig. 4). Such forms will be prepared in the number of copies required by the Service concerned, properly executed, and submitted through official channels to the appropriate authority of the Service concerned. When the owner of household goods is at an overseas station, has been transferred to sea duty, or transferred to places where his dependents are not for military reasons permitted to accompany him, claims for reimbursement may be submitted by his wife or other dependent member of the household. The claim will be submitted and signed in the name of the owner by the wife or other dependent member of the household, thus: Captain N.A. Helfich, 60400, by Mary Baldwin Helfich, wife." Charges for all services, such as packing, crating, draying, sorting, transportation, and unpacking, in connection with one shipment of household goods may be included in one claim for reimbursement.

c. Supporting papers. Each claim for reimbursement will be supported by the following papers in duplicate:

CHART: Voucher for Per Diem and/or Reimbursement of Expenses Incident to Official Travel (P. 261)

(1) In connection with shipments by rail or motor freight (ordinary freight, approved freight forwarders, or express), including packing, crating, storing, draying, and unpacking:

(a) Certified copy of orders or other authority for shipment.

(b) Original bills for any packing, crating, draying, storing, and unpacking. Such documents will be receipted as paid in full, in the original handwriting of the contractor, or of an authorized agent of such contractor, who performed the services. The official capacity of such agent will be indicated.

(c) Original of the carrier's bill for transportation, showing the date shipment was made; point of origin and destination; weight of professional books, papers and equipment; weight of other articles, and total weight shipped; and amount of charges paid; and receipted as paid in full, in the original handwriting of the carrier's agent.

(d) Two bids for packing, crating, draying, storing, and unpacking involved or, if only one bid was obtainable, a signed statement describing the circumstances.

(e) Application for Transportation of Household Goods, Form N. OF 1, 1 Mar 48, (Armed Forces),

(f) Explanation of the emergency or reason why transportation could not have been arranged by or through a shipping officer of the Service concerned.

(g) Copy of time extension certificate, power of attorney, or other appropriate document when required in special cases.

(2) In connection with shipments by commercial van carrier, the documents indicated below will be furnished in addition to those prescribed in (1) above.

(a) An attested scale ticket. When less than he required number of scale tickets can be furnished by the carrier, an additional required copy will be created and certified by a commissioned officer of the Service concerned. In lieu of such scale ticket, incases where charges are based on cubic measurement, the owner will obtain from the carrier a certificate as follows: "No scale within 10 miles. Shipment used-------cubic feet of properly loaded van space."

(b) Bids.-When required by the Service concerned in connection with commercial van shipments exceeding a distance of 1200 miles, two bids for packing, crating, and draying at point of origin and draying and unpacking at destination, even though such services were not used. If only one bid was obtainable for nay such service, a written statement describing the circumstances will also be furnished.

d. Basis of reimbursement.-Reimbursement will be directed to be made on the basis of cost had shipment been made by a shipping officer under the provisions of paragraph 17 above. After due consideration, the appropriate authority of the Service concerned will determine and specify such basis of cost. The basis so determined will be used regardless of the means of transportation utilized by the owner of the shipment. If, after settlement, the owner for any reason considers the amount receive in such settlement to be erroneous, he may file claim with the General Accounting Office, Washington 25, E.D. for the additional amount he considers due.

e. Basis used in settlement of reimbursement claims.-The basis used in settlement of reimbursement claims in certain sets of circumstances are shown below:

1) Shipment made by commercial van carrier; rail freight designated as basis of cost at Government expense.-When the owner has shipped his household goods by commercial van carrier, whereas rail freight for the shipment has been designated by the appropriate authority of the Service concerned as basis of cost authorized at Governments expense, the following comparison factors will be used:

(a) Estimated weight when actual weight or cubic measurement is not available.-The owner will furnish a statement, certified by the carrier, in those rare cases where the actual weight or cubic measurement of the shipment is not available. Such statement will show the estimated total weight of the shipment, and the estimated weight of professional books, papers, and equipment separately from that of other articles. See also (b) below.

(b) Relative gross weight for rail shipment.-In order to approximate the gross weight when packed and crated for shipment as ordinary freight by rail, the gross weight of the household goods in a van shipment will be reduced to its net weight, and such net weight increased by 25 percent. The actual eight of professional books, papers, and equipment will be added to the result so as to give a relative grow weight by rail. See also paragraph 2 above and (d) below.

(c) Comparative cost factors.-The rate per hundred pounds of each cost factor will be ascertained in the manner established by the Service concerned. In estimating the cost of rail transportation, the following allowances will be included:

1. Packing and crating allowance.-No constructive allowance is authorized for packing and crating, if any, performed at Government expense. A constructive allowance is authorized for such service when performed by the carrier, owner, or otherwise, without expense to the Government.

2. Drayage and hauling allowance.-When carriers' free pickup service at point of origin and/or delivery service at destination does not include handling into or out of residence and facilities of the Service concerned are not available for such drayage, a constructive drayage allowance in lieu thereof is authorized.

3. Rail transportation allowance.-The cost of ordinary rail freight will be allowed, using the basis which in accordance with carriers' tariffs produces the lowest cost for the shipment. Whenever excess weight may be shipped with the prescribed weight allowance on a carload basis, the weight allowance and the actual weight will be used as factors in prorating the total charge for the carload to determine the owner's share and the Government's share of the expense.

4. Unpacking and uncrating allowance.-A constructive allowance for unpacking and uncrating the shipment at destination is authorized, where facilities of the Service concerned are not available.

(d) Example and formula.-An example and formula, giving application to constructive allowances as authorized in these regulations, is shown below. It is based on the prescribed permanent change of station weight allowance of an Army captains. The shipment consisted of 8980 pounds of household goods and 665 of professional books, papers, and equipment.

(2) Express shipment exceeding maximum authorized by that method. 745 lbs. @ $7.43 per cwt.: $55.35.

Maximum amount authorized at Government expense: 500 lbs. @ $7.43 per cwt. (see par. 17a (3) above): $37.15.

CHART: Van Shipment of an Army Captain's Household Goods (P. 263)

(3) When special services have been furnished. In connection with a permanent change of station, general freight motor carrier (not commercial van) was designated as the means of transportation at Government expense. An emergency arose and the owner made his own shipment. He requested and was furnished exclusive vehicle service. The transportation cost was 3, 200 lbs. as 5, 000 lbs. (min. weight for exclusive vehicle service) @ $2.74 per cwt.; $137.00.

Maximum amount authorized at Government expense, base on cost if shipped without special service-3,200 lbs. actual weight @ $2.99 per cwt; $95.68.

(4) When shipment is made in separate lots. The household goods of a Marine Corps captain, within his authorized allowance of 10,645 lbs. (8,500 lbs. plus 25%) was shipped by rail from Fort Benning, Georgia to Pottstown, Pennsylvania as indicated:

10 Oct 1945, 1,013 lbs @ $2.20 per cwt. $22.29

13 Nov.1945, 2,361 lbs @ 2.20 per cwt 51.94

7 Jan. 1946, 2,178 lbs. @ 2.20 per cwt 47.92

12 May 1946, 4,356 lbs. @ 2.20 per cwt 95.83

9,908 lbs.

Total cost of services rendered $217.98

Maximum amount authorized at government expense, based on cost if shipped in one lot-9,908 lbs. as 12,000 lbs. (C/L minimum weight) @ $1.54: $184.80.

(5) When shipment is made from or to points other than those stated in travel orders. Shipment was made from St. Paul, Minn. To Goldsboro, N.C.-857 lbs. @ $3.41 per cwt., total cost of shipment: $29.22.

Maximum amount authorized at Government expense, based on cost if shipped from the last permanent duty station, Chanute Field, Ill. To the new permanent duty station, Atlantic City, N.J. 857 lbs. @ $2.14 per cwt.: $18.34.

(6) When shipment is made under released valuation other than that prescribed for the lowest applicable transportation rate. A shipment released to value exceeding 20 cents but not exceeding 50 cents per lb. form Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., to San Antonio, Texas, is rated 525 lbs. @ $5.33 per cwt., total cost of shipment: $27.98.

Maximum amount authorized at Government expense, based on cost if released at valuation (10 cents per pound) for lowest applicable transportation rate 525 lbs. @ $3.55 per cwt.: $18.64.

(7) When household goods in excess of weight allowance are shipped-(a) Single ownership, in carload or truckload lots. A Junior Assistant Surgeon of the Public Health service shipped by rail (the means designated at Government expense) 8486 pounds of household books, papers and equipment or a total weight of 9956 pounds, from Cameron, Virginia to Monroe, Georgia on a permanent change of station. The transportation charges were 9.956 lbs. as 12,000 lbs. (C/L minimum weight) @ $1.64 per cwt.: $196.80.

Maximum amount authorized at Government expense, based on authorized weight allowance:


6,000 lbs. Plus 25 percent for pacing materials......... 7500

Professional books, papers, and equipment........... 1470

Total weight allowance................... 8970

Total Authorized weight 8970 lbs.

Total weight shipped 9956 lbs. X (Total cost of shipment) $196.80 = $177.30

(c) In an emergency, a petty officer 3/c U.S.N., personally made a shipment of household goods on a permanent change of station by commercial van carrier. Such means of transportation was the one designated for use at Government expense. The shipment weighed 3964 pounds, of which 306 pounds were professional books, papers, and equipment. The cost of the shipment was stated as follows:

Packing and crating service........... $23.65

Transportation (line haul)........... 264.00

Total cost of services rendered......... 287.65

Maximum amount authorized at government expense based on authorized allowance:

Prescribed weight allowance (3,000 lbs. plus 5%).. 3,150

Professional books and papers........... 308

Total authorized weight allowance by van...... 3,458

Packing and crating cost............. $23.65


Authorized weight 3456 lbs.

Weight shipped 3964 lbs. X (cost of line haul) $264.00=$230.17

Maximum amount authorized at Government expense .........$253.17

(d) A portion by commercial van carrier; remainder by rail. An ensign of the Coast and Geodetic Survey was ordered to make a permanent change of station. He shipped a portion of his household goods by commercial van carrier. The remainder, which was packed and crated in accordance with carrier's requirements without expense to the Government, he forwarded by rail freight. Methods of transportation at Government expense designated by the Service concerned were those used by the owner. The cost of transportation was:


6,090 lbs. by van (per contract) line-haul....... $230.00

Packing charges.................. 10.00

Total cost by commercial van carrier.......... 240.00


2,125 lbs. by rail freight (actual cost)

Pick-up service at origin @ 40 cents per cwt.......


Line-haul transportation @1.20 per cwt........ 7.44

Unpacking at destination @55 cents per cwt....... 11.69

Total cost by rail freight...

Total cost of all transportation...



Maximum amount authorized at Government expense, based on prescribed net weight allowance of 6,000 pounds.

Relative net weight shipped:

Actual weight Relative net weight (pounds)

1st shipment, 6,090 lbs. by van (minus


21 or 290 lbs).................


Remainder of prescribed net weight allowance.... 200


Government portion of second shipment-

200 lbs. plus 25% (or 50lbs.)=250 lbs.

Authorized weight 250 lbs.

Actual weight 2,125 lbs. X (Total cost of shipment) $53.13=$6.25

Summary of maximum amount at Government expense.

1st shipment 5,800 lbs. net weight.......... $240.00

2nd shipment 200 lbs. net weight.......... 6.25

Total amount authorized at government expense.....


(e) Shipments of more than one ownership, in carload or truckload lots. Three petty officers 3/c USCG were ordered from Cleveland, Ohio to Washington, D.C., on permanent change of station. In an emergency, they shipped their own household goods and professional books, papers, and equipment. The hundredweight, whereas the carload rate was $1.19 per hundredweight with 12,000 pounds minimum per car. To save transportation costs, all shipments were consolidated into one carload and forwarded by rail freight under one name as consignor and consignee. Rail freight was designated as the means of transportation at government expense.

Transportation charges were:

Actual weight of shipment by lots:

Lot "A" Pounds

Household goods................. 3,000

Prof. books, papers, and equipment.......... 300

(Within authorized allowance)...........


Lot "

Household goods.................


Prof. books, papers, and equipment......... 200

(Within authorized allowance)........... 3,4000

Lot "C"

Household goods.................


Prof. books, papers, and equipment......... 400

(250 lbs. excess weight involved.......... 4,400

Total weight of all property shipped........


Transportation costs: 11,100 lbs. as 12,000 lbs. (C/L Min. Weight @ $1.19 per cwt=$142.80.

Distribution of Transportation charges-


Weight of portion 3,300 lbs

Weight of shipment 11,100 lbs. X $142.80 (Total cost of shipment)=$42.45


Weight of portion 3,400 lbs

Weight of shipment 11,100 lbs. X $142.80 (Total cost of shipment)=$43.74


Weight of portion 4,150 lbs*

Weight of shipment 11,100 lbs. X $142.80 (Total cost of shipment)=$53.39

Excess weight 250 lbs

Weight of shipment 11,100 lbs. X $142.80 (Total cost of shipment)=$3.22

Total cost of shipment....................$142.80

*Maximum portion of Lot "C" authorized at Government expense, based on authorized weight allowance:


Authorized allowance 3,000 lbs. plus 25% or 750 lbs............... 3,750

Professional books, papers, and equipment.................... 400


(8) When shipment contains both excess weight and unauthorized articles. And Army captain shipped by rail from Camp Carson, Colorado to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri on permanent change of station:-


Household goods (excess weight)......................... 12,434

Professional books (authorized)......................... 1,013

Automobile (unauthorized).......................... 3,350

Total weight............................... 16,797

Transportation charges assessed were 16, 797 lbs. as 20,000 lbs. (C/L minimum weight) @ 90 cents per cwt.: $180.00

Maximum amount authorized at Government expense, based on authorized allowances:


8,500 lbs. plus 25% for packing materials..................... 10,625

Professional books and papers........................ 1,013

Total weight authorized............................


Authorized weight 11,638 lbs.

Total weight shipped 16,797 lbs. X (Total cost of shipment) $180.00=$124.72

23. Claims for loss or damage-a. General. A claim for loss of, or damage to, household goods in transit is primarily a matter entirely between the owner and the carrier. Care should be taken by the owner to make demand in writing upon the last carrier known or believed to have handled the shipment. If more than one bill of lading, contract, or other shipping document was issued in connection with the shipment, a separate written demand should be made upon the last carrier under each such document. Such demand should be made upon the carrier within the time limit prescribed by statute, by regulations of the interstate Commerce Commission or by other applicable limitation and, in any even within 9 months after delivery of the shipment or, if no portion of the shipment was delivered, within 9 months after the date when delivery would have been made in the normal course. The liability of the carrier is governed by the terms of the bill of lading, contract, or other shipping document, and is usually limited to a specified amount per pound according to the valuation at which released by the owner. It is important that the owner accept from the carrier any payment correctly determined in satisfaction of the carrier's limited liability as above outlined. Copies of the claim and any subsequent demands with related correspondence, as well as the originals of any replies, should be retained by the owner for presentation with any claim subsequently filed against the Government under provisions of c below.

b. Form of demand on carrier. It is suggested that demands on carriers be made by letter in substantially the following form:

CHART: Demand on Carrier (p. 267)

c. Surveying officer not to be appointed. A surveying officer will not be appointed in cases of damage to or loss of household goods in transit: but an officer will in each case investigate the matter and make report in the manner prescribed by the Service concerned.

d. Payment to carrier not to be suspended or withheld. Payment to carrier cannot be suspended nor can money due carriers be with held for the purpose of adjusting claims or reimbursing owners for loss or damage (15 Comp. Dec. 38; MS Comp. Gen. B-11970, 9 September 1940; and B-14598, 17 February 1941). The consignee will annotate bills of lading, contracts, or other shipping documents as prescribed by the Service concerned, and will notify the owner that this has been done. So as not to delay payment, owners will promptly certify such bills as may be required in connection with any accessorial services.

e. Claims payable by Government in certain circumstances. In certain circumstances, the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Public Health Service are permitted by law to pay claims for loss of or damage to household goods. Such claims may be filed, in the manner and in circumstances prescribed by the Service concerned, for amounts not recoverable from the carrier. In the event the carrier denies liability it will be presumed that no amount is recoverable, and if the carrier fails to reply to the to the owner's demand or claim within a reasonable time it will be presumed that the carrier denies liability. Copies of such demand and of any subsequent demands and related correspondence, as well as originals of any replies, will accompany claims filed with the Service concerned. In cases where, under the provisions of a above, demand on a carrier is required and the owner fails to make such demand seasonably or fails to make reasonable efforts to collect the amount recoverable from the carriers, the amount otherwise payable under these provisions will be reduced by the maximum amount recoverable from the carrier if claim therefore had been filed with such carrier within the time limit, provided that it is not found that demand in any event was impracticable or would have been unavailing



April 20, 1949

Harry S Truman, Executive Order 10053—Regulations Governing the Transportation of Household Goods of Members of the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and Geoectic Survey, and Public Health Service Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/278709

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