Executive Order 10052—Enlarging Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1; Revoking in Part Public Land Order No. 460 of April 1, 1948
By virtue of the authority vested in me as president of the United States and in effectuation of the purposes of the act of June 17, 1944, 58 Stat. 280 (34 U.S.C. 524), relating to the conservation, care, custody, protection, and operation of the naval petroleum and oil shale reserves, it is ordered as follows:
SECTION 1. The exterior boundaries of Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 are hereby extended to include the following-described public lands and private lands in Kern County, California:
T. 30 S., R. 22 E.,
Secs. 12 and d14;
Sec. 13, S½SW¼
Sec. 23, N½NE¼, SE¼NE¼
Sec. 26, NE¼.
T. 30 S., R. 23 E.,
Sec. 8
The areas described, including both public and non-public lands, aggregate 2.280 acres.
SEC. 2. Subject to valid existing rights, the public lands within the above-described areas are hereby withdrawn from all forms of appropriation under the public-land laws, including the mining and mineral-leasing laws, and reserved as a part of the said Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1.
Sec 3. Public Land Order No. 460 of April 1, 1948, which was revoked in part by Public Land Order no. 543 of December 30, 1948, is hereby revoked so far as it affects any of the above-described lands.
April 20, 1949
Harry S Truman, Executive Order 10052—Enlarging Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1; Revoking in Part Public Land Order No. 460 of April 1, 1948 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/278695