Excerpts of Remarks by the First Lady at a "Murphy for Governor" Rally in Edison, New Jersey
[As prepared for delivery.]
Thank you, Phil. I'm so excited to be here today! While you know I'm a Philly Girl, I was born here in New Jersey—so I'm glad to be back here in my other home state!
Tammy, there's a small group of people who know what it's like to be a political spouse. But you also know what it's like to uproot your family to Germany and serve alongside Phil when he was Ambassador to Germany.
These are roles you may not have chosen, but you've used your platform to represent our country with grace and strength, and serve the people of New Jersey. I'm proud to see what you've done throughout the years and even more proud to call you and Phil our friends.
I also want to thank Congressman Frank Pallone and all the elected officials with us today.
I'm here to ask you to re-elect Phil Murphy as your Governor. He's used this office to lead New Jersey through one of the darkest times in modern history.
And Joe and I know Phil. We know that he's going to fight for you and your family every day. Joe is honored to serve as your President and grateful for the trust you've given him. He's working hard for you. That's why he needs a partner like Phil working beside him to build on the progress we've already made.
You know that. That's why you're here today.
So for just a moment, I want you to imagine yourself one year from now. And there are two possibilities.
In one, New Jersey is re-fighting battles we should have already won, like defending women's health and common-sense gun safety laws. Or we're fighting tax cuts for the wealthiest among us.
You're seeing other states use federal money to invest in education and health care and new jobs—while New Jersey slips behind. You're wondering: What more could we have done to stop this? What if I had made one more call or knocked on one more door?
And in the other future, you're looking forward. You trust that your roads and bridges are getting safer every day because Governor Murphy is putting money where it needs to go.
You're excited to see what your children can do when we invest in their schools. You rest easier at night, knowing that New Jersey is fighting the climate crisis, making health care affordable, and putting working families first. And you know that the best is yet to come.
Which future do you want? Because we're deciding it right now. This election will set a course for a year from now, and two years from now, and on and on.
As I wrap up, I want to thank all of you for your support. It's because of your hard work that Joe is President and we've been able to make so much progress already—helping working families across the country.
But we can't get complacent. We have to get to work.
So, I'm asking you to vote—for Phil Murphy and Democrats up and down the ballot.
That way we can protect our majority in the State Legislature and elect Sheila Oliver as Lieutenant Governor.
If you have a mail-in-ballot at home, fill it out and send it in today! If not, early voting starts October 23rd—so make a plan. Don't wait.
Talk to your family and friends about why this election matters. Tell them how to vote early. Go with them! Grab a cup of coffee and go vote! Run errands and go vote! And then sign up to make some texts or knock on doors! We have a little more than two weeks before election day. We need every single vote we can get.
Because that person you call… the friend you remind to vote… the coworker you convince to support Phil…they could be the vote that decides your precinct. And your precinct could be the one that tips the county in our favor. And county by county, we will win this.
New Jersey needs to move forward, not backwards. We need to look toward the future, not the past.
Let's not wonder what we could have done—let's be proud of what we did—right now.
It takes all of us, coming together, doing our part—today and tomorrow and every day until we win on November 2nd. We can do this! Let's re-elect hil Murphy.
Jill Biden, Excerpts of Remarks by the First Lady at a "Murphy for Governor" Rally in Edison, New Jersey Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/354865