Energy Management Partnership Legislation Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Transmitting the Proposed Legislation.
Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)
In furtherance of my energy program announced on April 5, 1979, I am transmitting herewith the proposed "Energy Management Partnership Act of 1979" (EMPA), a measure designed to assist the States in developing an ongoing energy planning and management capability and assist local governments in expanding their energy-related activities.
As you know, Congress in recent years has established a number of energy programs designed to assist States and local governments in achieving more efficient use of energy. Two State conservation planning programs were separately established by the Energy Policy and Conservation Act enacted in late 1975 and the Energy Conservation and Production Act adopted in 1976. With enactment of the National Energy Act (NEA), still other responsibilities must be assumed by States and local governments although Federal funding for some NEA programs is not provided.
Experience strongly suggests that these programs could be made more effective if they, as well as other State energy-related initiatives, were carried out as part of an overall State energy plan. The effectiveness of these programs could be increased by assisting States in establishing a mechanism for their integration at the State level.
This legislation addresses the concerns which Governors, local officials and others have raised regarding the need for better coordination in energy activities carried on at every level of government. Much more can be done if State and local energy agencies, working in partnership with the Federal government, are permitted to seek their own solutions to their energy problems.
The bill I am transmitting contains the following principal features:
1. State energy plan. Participation in the State energy plan program under EMPA would be voluntary. A participating State would receive an initial grant for planning activities in addition to assistance it receives to continue activities under existing Federal energy programs pending approval of the State energy plan. After the Secretary has approved the plan, these programs would be managed and monitored by the State according to the requirements and objectives of the State energy plan. The plan would provide a framework in which a State, working with local governments, would develop and implement its own strategies and programs.
2. Energy emergency planning. EMPA would provide support for State energy emergency planning. Some of the activities included in such planning are State plans for set-aside of petroleum products and other energy supplies, allocation of fuels in short supply during a period of supply disruption, monitoring of supply and consumption, and developing and implementing other emergency energy measures which are responsive to State needs.
3. Special energy projects. EMPA would authorize the Secretary of Energy to make grants to local governments and Indian tribes to develop and implement special energy projects. This feature of the bill would provide the flexibility necessary to support innovative projects which may not qualify under existing categorical programs but which are nevertheless worthy of Federal support. Projects having national applicability are given preference under this program.
4. Funding for programs not now funded. No Federal assistance to States is provided for some energy functions, including renewable resource development and removal of technical, economic and institutional barriers to energy production. EMPA would help fill these financial gaps.
5. Coordination of Federal energy assistance. EMPA would permit States to consolidate applications for assistance programs administered by the Department of Energy and would provide States flexibility in the use of administration funds under such programs.
I believe that to meet our national energy requirements requires concerted action with all levels of government working in partnership. Enactment of this bill would make a significant contribution toward that end. For these reasons, I urge prompt consideration of this proposed legislation.
Note: This is the text of identical letters addressed to Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Walter F. Mondale, President of the Senate.
Jimmy Carter, Energy Management Partnership Legislation Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate Transmitting the Proposed Legislation. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/249438