"Tonight, Jack Kemp presented an optimistic, exciting, growing, reform agenda for the 21st Century." Governor Frank Keating said after the Vice Presidential debate. Jack is a wonderful friend and leader. Together with Bob Dole, they will move America prosperously into the future and away from the liberal, out-dated policies of the Clinton administration.
"Jack Kemp is an example of the kind of energy and vitality driving the Dole/Kemp campaign here in Oklahoma and across the country," Jason Nelson, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Dole/Kemp Campaign, said immediately after the Vice Presidential debate Wednesday evening.
Every Dole/Kemp supporter is campaigning with the same level of optimism and drive that we saw in Jack Kemp tonight. We are getting out the word that Americans can do much better than we have during the last four years. We can lower taxes, balance the budget, have extremely better economic growth, and wage a real war on drugs with Bob Dole and Jack Kemp at the wheel. In the last two debates, we have seen that we can have a President and a Vice President in whom we can believe and trust."
Robert Dole, Dole Campaign Press Release - Oklahoma Campaign Responds to VP Debate Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/316059