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Digest of Other White House Announcements

May 27, 1977

The following listing includes the President's daily schedule and other items of general interest 'as announced by the White House Press Office during the period covered by this issue. Events and announcements printed elsewhere in the issue are not included.

May 21

The President met at the White House with:

--Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs;

--Acting Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Philip C. Habib, Secretary of Defense Harold Brown, Gen. George S. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard Holbrooke, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and Dr. Brzezinski. The purpose of the meeting was to give final instructions to Mr. Habib and General Brown, who were going to South Korea on Tuesday, May 24, for serious consultations with the Republic of Korea;

--Maj. Gen. John Singlaub, Chief of Staff, U.S. Forces in Korea. On Thursday, May 19, the President had instructed the Secretary of Defense to order General Singlaub back to the United States to report to the President.

May 23

The President met at the White House with:

--Dr. Brzezinski;

--senior White House staff members;

--the Cabinet;

--Mrs. Carter, for lunch;

--Federal agency representatives to discuss zero-base budgeting;

--Charles L. Schultze, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers;

--Representative James C. Wright, Jr., of Texas and other Members of Congress, to discuss water resource projects.

The President transmitted to the Congress the Department of Transportation's annual report on the operations and activities of the Alaska Railroad.

May 24

The President met at the White House with:

--Dr. Brzezinski;

--Vice President Walter F. Mondale;

--Bert Lance, Director of the Office of Management and Budget;

--Mike Mansfield, U.S. Ambassador to Japan;

--a group of administration officials to discuss undocumented aliens.

May 25

The President met at the White House with:

--Dr. Brzezinski;

--members of the Tennessee congressional delegation;

--a group of administration officials to discuss the budget for fiscal year 1979;

--Malcolm Toon, U.S. Ambassador-designate to the Soviet Union.

The President transmitted to the Congress the ninth annual report of the National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity.

May 26

The President met at the White House with:

--Dr. Brzezinski;

--William H. Sullivan, U.S. Ambassador to Iran;

--Dr. Brezinski and Adm. Stansfield Turner, Director of Central Intelligence.

The President left Washington for a Memorial Day weekend visit to Georgia and Florida.

Jimmy Carter, Digest of Other White House Announcements Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/243264

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