DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis Swarms the Sunday Shows a Day Before the Iowa Caucus
"My candidacy really represents an opportunity to take all the things that are great about a state like Iowa and those values and make sure that we have a resurgence of that nationwide, because when we're true to the principles that make America great, we do very well as a country."
DES MOINES, Iowa – With just one day left until the Iowa Caucus, Ron DeSantis is everywhere. He started off the morning by joining five Sunday shows. Read the highlights below.
Fox News Sunday with Shannon Bream
Watch the full interview HERE.
On how his ground game and organization will pay off on Monday night:
We've worked harder than anybody. I think if you look at what we've done, just look over the last couple, a couple of months. I mean, we've been everywhere, doing town halls, in the early states, getting endorsed by people like Governor Reynolds, winning these debates, not just in the Republicans, but even against a Democrat like Gavin Newsom. So we've been working hard, we've been doing a great job. I think Monday is going to be the pivot point where now that people start to actually vote. I think it's going to really help change the landscape in terms of some of the narratives that have been there. But there's not been a candidate that's worked harder. There's not been a candidate that's put in more work. And I think particularly here in Iowa, Iowans notice that. Iowans care about it. You're not entitled to be nominated. You don't just swoop in and get coronated. You got to earn it, and we've earned it.
On the dedication from his supporters in Iowa and across the country:
We got a great path going forward. We're going to do well on Monday. We've got an unbelievable organization, we've got large numbers of Iowans that have committed to caucus for us that are going to show up. They just kind of roll their eyes at these polls because the idea that you're going to be able to poll a caucus, much less a caucus in negative 20 - good luck doing that. And so we've worked very hard over the last six months to go to all 99 counties, to build the organization, to get people at their doors committed. And so we're looking forward to it. We've done it the right way. And historically, when you have the energy on the ground, which we do, when you've gone to all 99 counties, when you have the organization, that's what you need to do to do well in a caucus, but particularly in these conditions, because there's going to be every excuse in the world for someone to say, 'you know what, maybe I'm not going.' Our folks are motivated. They're going. They're on a mission. We've got people from all over the country that have come to in the middle of a blizzard to Iowa just to make phone calls for us, to knock on doors and tell Iowans why they want to see me be the Republican candidate next president. And so what's on the ground is special for us.
Today in Iowa Sunday, WHO13
Watch the full interview HERE.
On what he learned from visiting all 99 counties in Iowa:
I've visited all 99 counties. We've taken questions everywhere we've gone. We've engaged with the folks. We've learned a lot from people here in Iowa. We've seen a lot of problems with our country. But then I was able to see a lot of decency, a lot of people that are patriotic, God-fearing, hardworking -- and that's really the ingredients that are going to help us turn this country around. So I think I'm a much better candidate as a result of having visited the counties and done the caucus the way you're supposed to do. And I think it'd make me a better president for having gone through this process. So I think it's a good one for this country. I think it's good for the Republican Party. And though we've been able to amass a significant amount of support of people that are raring to go to caucus for us, and so I'm looking forward to tomorrow night.
On what makes Iowa unique and why he best represents Iowa values:
I think that in spite of all the stuff we see, all the smoke, all the nonsense, the things that we shake our head on a daily basis, you know, underneath all that, in a place like Iowa, you know, you do have the bedrock values that make this country unique. I mean, those are still alive and well in a state like Iowa. And I think they're alive and well throughout most of the United States. It's just that's not always what people are seeing, and those values, unfortunately, haven't been the values that have been powering a lot of the policy at the national level, and even some of these other states other than Florida and Iowa. My candidacy really represents an opportunity to take all the things that are great about a state like Iowa and those values and make sure that we have a resurgence of that nationwide. Because when we're true to the principles that make America great, we do very well as a country. When we divert from those principles, which we've been doing lately, that's where we run into some turbulence. And so we need a new birth of freedom, and we need a revival of the American spirit. And I do think that starts right here in Iowa.
State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN
Watch the full interview HERE.
On the momentum in Iowa:
Our voters are very motivated. We have spent a lot of time in Iowa because we've gone door-to-door, getting people to commit to caucus to us and we have a huge number of people that have committed to caucus, and we expect that these are the people that turn out. So, there is a lot of excitement on the ground. We're in this for the long haul. We understand that you have to win a majority of the delegates, we understand that there is a long process here but we're going to do well here because we've done it right and our folks will turn out. And anyone that tells you that they could model exactly who is going to turn out in the broader electorate, it is unknowable. But with our folks, they're committed and will be there and we'll have a good night.
On braving the elements heading into the Iowa Caucus:
Iowa is doing a great job of clearing the roads. We've been doing events, we did events all day yesterday, we were traveling around, obviously we want people to be safe. But we will be there to help people if they need. We've already arranged rides for a lot of folks. This is just something that's important. People want to be a part of this process. And what I've said is, you're probably never going to have an opportunity to have your vote count more and pack more of a punch than in this Iowa caucus. Last time in 2016, I think there were 186,000 people that participated, a lot of people thought even before the weather, there may be less this time. Now with the weather, it could be it could be significantly less. So we're telling our supporters you go out you bring some friends and family that is going to pack a big punch, of course, you know, be safe while you're doing it. But we have had events we've had a lot of people coming to these events. And I think people are motivated they want to participate in this process. It's kind of been a long time coming and now they can finally actually render the judgment. And it's not just going to be about what some of the pundits and whatnot think.
This Week with Jonathan Karl, ABC
Watch the full interview HERE.
On why we need a President DeSantis in the White House:
Donald Trump's running for his issues. I'm running for your issues and your family's issues and solely to turn this country around. I've delivered on 100% of my promises. Donald Trump obviously didn't build the wall, didn't drain the swamp, and didn't reduce the debt. I've also taken on and beaten the Democrats and the left. And in reality, Donald Trump, as President, oftentimes got beat by the Democrats -- at the border, he got beat on debt. And so we have an opportunity to have a two-term president, someone that's going to be able to win decisively, and then actually bring all this stuff into fruition, and I'm the guy to do it.
On what leadership is to Ron DeSantis:
For me, leadership is not about yourself. It's not about showmanship or any of that. It's about producing results. So when you make promises, do you deliver? And if you break the promises, then that's not good leadership. So he was, he ran in 2016, you covered that campaign. He said he was going to build the wall and have Mexico pay for it, drain the swamp, hold Hillary accountable, eliminate the debt -- none of that stuff came to fruition. And so the way I view it is simply, I make promises to people and I am fully intent on following through with it. And I'm going to be willing to sacrifice whatever's in my own personal political interest to be able to deliver on those big promises. And so he didn't deliver on those key promises the first time. So the question is, even if he could get elected, you know, he's close to 80 years old, he'd be a lame duck president, he's got a lot of issues surrounding him personally that he's very concerned about, is he going to be able to deliver on all those things? And so for me, it's just the end of the day, it's about results. You got to deliver on what you promised.
On why Ron DeSantis is the best path forward for the country:
One of the reasons I'm running, John, is because after the midterms of 2022, we saw very clearly the pathway forward for the party was like what we did in Florida, what Governor Reynolds, who's endorsed me here in Iowa, what she did winning big. Governors and Republicans that had their own brand and focused on results performed extraordinarily well. The other Republicans who were more aligned with Trump and his issues, they underperformed. That's just the reality. So my fear is doing 2024 with a rematch would have a lot of the same dynamics that we had in 2020, only Donald Trump won't be an incumbent. I mean, the advantages of incumbency are incredible. And yet, we are where we are. So I think I have the best path forward for the party to both unite the party because you got to have somebody that can energize the base and I think that Trump obviously has done that in the past, I've done that in Florida and can do it nationally. Haley cannot do that. I mean, she is not getting support from conservatives. She's relying on Democrat-leaning independents for her support in the primary. That's just not the way you can win and galvanize support from the party faithful.
KCCI 8 News Close Up
Watch the full interview HERE.
On his support from Christians across the state:
They do turn out. I mean, I think that's the great thing. You know, somebody like Bob Vander Plaats, they have a big network of pastors. These are folks that turn out, the people in their congregations turn out. I'm not trying to be a, contort myself into some pretzel to try to assuage voting groups. You know, I'm somebody that relies on faith in God, being a husband, being a father, and being a leader for this country that understands a president -- a governor, a president, anyone -- you're a servant of the people. You're not a ruler over the people. God is the Ruler over the people. I'm here to serve, and I'm here to stand for the truth.
On all his winning ingredients in Iowa:
Cruz had a really good organization, people said it was the best that they'd seen. Now, Governor Reynolds, you know, of course, who has endorsed me, Bob Vander Plaats, they said, what we've done is better than what Cruz had in '16. Santorum, of course, went to all 99 counties, he'd show up. You know, we've shown up, and we've done that. Huckabee had a lot of grassroots energy, and we have that too. I have people coming from all across the country, paying their own way to go from Texas, California, Florida, all these places, to come to Iowa just to make phone calls for the campaign. So I think those three, kind of the grassroots energy, the hard work of being willing to get around, and then the organization, we've put kind of all three together, and I think that that's going to bode well for us.
Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis Swarms the Sunday Shows a Day Before the Iowa Caucus Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/370629