Portrait of Ron DeSantis

DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis Announces Plan to Revive American Energy Dominance

September 20, 2023

DeSantis Seeks to Reduce Gas Prices to $2 in 2025

MIDLAND, TX - During an event today in Midland, Texas, Ron DeSantis unveiled a detailed plan for America's path to energy dominance, pledging to reverse Joe Biden's harmful "Green New Deal" policies that hurt Americans and strengthen our adversaries. DeSantis will pursue commonsense energy policies to create millions of jobs, crush inflation, reduce gas prices, revitalize our communities, strengthen our economic and national security, and improve our standard of living.

"As President, I will be laser-focused on reducing gas prices and energy costs," said Ron DeSantis. "We will unleash American energy dominance as a way to stop inflation and achieve $2 gas in 2025. We need a pro-America energy policy that puts Midland over Moscow, the Marcellus over the Mullahs, and the Bakken over Beijing. We will reverse American decline by reversing Biden's America last energy agenda, eliminating reliance on hostile nations for energy, and putting the economic interests of Americans before the radical left's ideological agenda."

DeSantis' "Freedom to Fuel" plan has six key components:

  • Restore American Energy Dominance
  • Save the American Automobile
  • Elevate Evidence Over Ideology
  • Reform Environmental Permitting and End Green Lawfare
  • Jump-Start Critical Mineral and Federal Land Development
  • Build the Most Efficient, Affordable, and Reliable Energy Grid in the World

This is the fourth major policy announcement DeSantis has made since launching his campaign. It follows the plan to stop the invasion and secure the border DeSantis unveiled in Texas in June, his plan for a mission first military he released in South Carolina in July, and his plan to declare America's economic independence he announced in New Hampshire in August.


Restore American Energy Dominance

  • Unleash oil and gas exploration and development, pipelines, and infrastructure on Day One to crush inflation and support working families
  • Replace climate change ideology with energy dominance in all national security and foreign policy guidance
  • Greenlight American energy exports to strengthen global stability and end energy poverty
  • Refill Strategic Petroleum Reserve and limit future use to emergencies
  • Revitalize our nuclear energy industry

Save the American Automobile

  • Repeal Biden's EV mandates and support Americans' right to drive the cars they want
  • Prevent California and faceless bureaucrats from setting America's environmental standards
  • Eliminate Biden's subsidies for electric vehicles and surtaxes on liquid fuels

Elevate Evidence Over Ideology

  • Withdraw from Paris Climate Accords, Global Methane Pledge, and all "Net Zero" commitments
  • Eliminate ESG regulations and prohibit government accounts and pensions from using ESG
  • Repeal Biden's WOTUS rule and protect our farmers and ranchers
  • Repeal Biden rules targeting gas stoves, furnaces, and appliances

Reform Environmental Permitting and End Green Lawfare

  • Streamline the environmental review process for energy and infrastructure projects
  • Work with states to reduce time and duplication in permitting
  • Prevent abusive litigation by environmental groups and defund ideological activism

Jump-Start Critical Mineral and Federal Land Development

  • Greenlight oil, gas, coal, uranium, and critical mineral mining and development on federal lands
  • Establish a Critical Mineral Strategic Reserve and reduce our reliance on China
  • Expand federal land lease sales and devolve more leasing authority to the states
  • Order agencies to establish forest management plans to prevent future wildfires

Build the Most Efficient, Affordable, and Reliable Energy Grid in the World

  • Repeal Biden's Clean Power Plan on Day One
  • Repeal and oppose all policies that increase our energy sector's reliance on China
  • Focus agencies on advancing the most reliable energy at the cheapest cost

Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis Announces Plan to Revive American Energy Dominance Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/367762

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