Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz for President Announces "Pro-Lifers for Cruz" Coalition with 17,334 Members
This coalition boasts a diverse group of National Co-Chairs representing virtually every perspective on the pro-life spectrum
HOUSTON, Texas – Presidential candidate Ted Cruz will today announce his pro-life coalition at a pro-life rally in Des Moines, Iowa. Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council is the Chair of Pro-Lifers for Cruz and will be participating in the rally as Cruz announces the group, which already has 17,334 members. Cruz has always strongly advocated for the sanctity of life and believes every life matters and should be protected by law. He has been on the forefront of this battle his entire adult life, from winning a case before the Supreme Court banning partial birth abortion to leading the fight to remove federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
The pro-life coalition will be chaired by Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council. Co-Chairs will include former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli; Carol Everett, Founder and President of Heidi Group and former abortion clinic owner; Jewels Green, former abortion clinic worker; Rebecca Hagelin, bestselling author and pro-life speaker; abortion survivor Gianna Jessen; Jason Jones, award winning filmmaker and pro-life activist; South Carolina Representative Wendy Nanney; Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue; Iowa Right to Life Board Member Loras Schulte; and Dave Sterrett, pro-life activist and author.
"I am encouraged by the incredible passion and support seen in these pro-life leaders who have coalesced behind our shared cause," said Cruz. "Every single National Co-Chair in this coalition has led the charge for the pro-life cause and is a true inspiration. Without life, we have no liberty. The right to life is a pillar of our country and a God-given right that we must fight to protect. I am encouraged by the large number of people who have already signed up to take on this fight with me and look forward to what this coalition will be able to achieve under the incredible leadership of the Pro-Lifers for Cruz Coalition."
Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council, said, "Senator Cruz understands what it means to fight for life. Through the countless battles Ted has led on pro-life issues, he has been steadfast and hasn't forgotten what the people elected him to do. There is an unmistakable power and conviction when he speaks for those who do not have a voice that resonates with the pro-life community. I am proud to offer my support to Ted Cruz in this election, someone we can trust to do what he says he is going to do."
As President of FRC, Perkins has expanded the organization's reach across the nation by building a major network of pastors and churches, encouraging them to impact the culture by thinking nationally, but acting locally. Perkins is also an ordained minister and remains active in Christian ministries serving as an elder in his home church and frequently filling pulpits across the country. He is a board member of Caring to Love Ministries, one of Louisiana's largest pregnancy resource centers, a trustee of Louisiana College, and a member of the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement. He also serves as president of the Council for National Policy.
Ken Cuccinelli, former Virginia Attorney General, said, "There are so many issues where a reliable pro-life President is critical, there's not enough time to discuss them during one campaign," Ken said. "But I trust Ted to appoint good judges, I trust Ted to put the United Nations in its place and to protect life internationally, and I trust Ted to be pro-life when it comes to the federal budget. Planned Parenthood will be defunded under a President Cruz. Our government will once again be supportive of life, instead of looking for ways to fund abortion."
First as a Virginia State Senator, then as Virginia's Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli was a leader in protecting life in Virginia — a fact still visible on Virginia's roadways, where the Choose Life license plates on thousands of cars still testify to one of Ken's numerous pro-life victories. Whether it was drafting Virginia's parental consent laws or efforts to protect women through health and safety standards at abortion clinics, Attorney General Cuccinelli made supporting life part of his mission in public office.
Carol Everett, after being a part of the abortion industry, came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, changed directions, and devoted her life to helping other women with the choice of life, both physical and eternal. Carol is the Founder and CEO of The Heidi Group located in Round Rock, Texas.
Jewels Green is a former abortion clinic worker who was pressured into an abortion as a teenager and survived a subsequent suicide attempt. She is a mother, writer, public speaker, volunteer, and tireless advocate for the right to life from conception to natural death. Jewels is featured in the documentary film 40 and her candid articles have been published online and in print.
Rebecca Hagelin, bestselling author and pro-life speaker, said, "Senator Cruz is the only candidate with the proven comprehensive track record of how to actually protect life. From leading the battle on Capitol Hill with life saving legislation, to saving lives through winning pro-life victories at the Supreme Court, Ted Cruz has defeated the death sentences of the innocent at every turn," said Rebecca. "He knows that victory for the preborn, the ill, the disabled and the elderly must be secured in all three branches of government, and he knows how to do it. When Ted Cruz becomes president, America's powerful and redemptive prolife era will begin!"
Rebecca Hagelin has advocated pro-life, family, faith, and freedom policy for over 25 years. A former vice president of The Heritage Foundation, Rebecca is a columnist, public speaker, and author of Home Invasion: Protecting Your Family in a Culture That's Gone Stark Raving Mad and 30 Ways in 30 Days to Protect Your Family.
Gianna Jessen, abortion survivor, said, "I always say that men are born to defend women and children, not sit idly by, or be passive when they are being harmed," Gianna said. "Senator Cruz has been absolutely courageous in his defense of the unborn, and willing to stand alone. As someone who was born in an abortion clinic in Los Angeles, someone who lived through an abortion, I applaud that courage."
Gianna Jessen is the survivor of a failed saline abortion. The failed abortion also provided the "gift" of cerebral palsy, as she calls it. Gianna uses her ability to touch people's hearts with her story and serves as an outspoken disabilities and pro-life activist. She has testified before Congress twice and continues to travel the world speaking out for those who can't.
Jason Scott Jones is a filmmaker and human rights activist. Because of his personal experience with abortion, he became a pro-life activist at age 17 and has not stopped working since—on campus, in the Hawaii legislature, in crisis pregnancy centers across America, on Capital Hill, and in Hollywood. His film projects include Bella, a pro-life movie, The Stoning of Soraya M., Crescendo, and Sing a Little Louder. He is the author of The Race to Save Our Century, and the upcoming The World Is On Fire, and a regular columnist at TheStream.org.
Wendy Nanney is a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives. First elected to the state house in 2008, Nanney worked for passage of a 24-Hour abortion bill that requires women seeking abortion to wait 24 hours after they have arrived at the clinic. In 2014 Nanney sponsored the "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act" which would prohibit abortions on unborn babies after 20 weeks' gestation. Her work for the unborn in South Carolina is tireless and honorable and is seen everyday in the South Carolina House of Representatives.
Troy Newman is the president of Operation Rescue, one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and a founding board member for the Center for Medial Progress. He has been involved in the pro-life community for over 20 years, starting in 1991 as the Operation Rescue West president. He is also a published author, having written Their Blood Cries Out and his most recent book Abortion Free.
Loras Schulte has been actively involved in the pro-life movement for the last 30 years of his life. Loras sits on the board of Iowa Right to Life and serves on the board of Bridgehaven, a crisis pregnancy center. Loras was instrumental in the production of the Cedar Rapids Gazette list of 10,000 names who believe the cost of an abortion is One Human Life.
Dave Sterrett is the President of Disruptive Truth and the "We Choose Life" initiative. He is the author and co-author of eight books, including the Wall Street Journal bestseller I Am Second (Thomas Nelson) and Aborting Aristotle (St. Augustine's Press).
Last week, Cruz wrote an op-ed for The Resurgent on the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Op-ed may be viewed here.
In addition, the Cruz campaign has many leaders in the pro-life movement serving as state leaders for our Pro-Life Coalition.
Aaron Cronk, IA
Alan Hall, CA
Allison Bontrager, IA
Becky Bontrager, IA
Benjamin Dorin, IA
Benjamin Eiler, IA
Bethanny Gates, IA
Bethany Dorin, IA
Billy Mrgmeier, IA
Bradley Cranston, IA
Brandon Deutmeyer, IA
Brian Hodous, IA
Brian Swink, IA
Carolyn Garcia, GA
Catherine Adair, MA
Chelsy Bontrager, IA
Cindy Campbell, IA
Clifford Downing, IA
Connor Nandell, IA
Cory Mary, IA
Cory Thomas, IA
Dale Crawford, IA
Dan Bogart, IA
Darran Whiting, IA
Dave Evans, IA
David Crull, IA
David Fetzer, IA
David Ford, IA
David Nandell, IA
Deb Koester, IA
Deborah Boyd, IA
Diana Watson, IA
Don Culp, IA
Dorothy Gable, IA
EC David Wheeler, NH
Former Senator Fenton Groen, NH
Heather Nandell, IA
IA Rep. Greg Heartsill, IA
Jacob Cowman, IA
Jake Dagel, IA
James Budde, IA
James Henningsen, IA
Jane Cormier, NH
Jason Conner, IA
Jeanette Davis, IA
Jeanne Duffy, IA
Jeff Mullen, IA
Jeffrey Nielsen, IA
Jeffrey Nielsen, IA
Jerry Imhoff, IA
Jerry Morden, IA
Jessi Bridges, NV
Joe Blauw, IA
Joel and Kelsey Kurtinitis, IA
John Cosner, IA
John Ellingson, IA
Jon Clark, IA
Karen Testerman, NH
Kathleen Eubanks, IA
Kathleen French, IA
Kay Quirk, IA
Keroff Spencer, IA
Larry Koester, IA
Laurie Azeltine, IA
Leslie Beck, IA
Lisa Harden, CA
Lisa Smith, IA
Marsha Steenhoek, IA
Mary Crull, IA
Mary Dorin, IA
Matt Wells, IA
Melissa Charlson, IA
Michael Boyd, IA
Michael Demastus, IA
Michael Keefer, IA
Myra Simons, TN
Nancy Elliot, NH
Nancy Stith, GA
Pam Freeland, IA
Pastor Andrew Dean, NH
Paul Jensen, IA
Phillip Filides, IA
Rebecca Kramer, IA
Rep Bill O'Brien, NH
Rep Duane Brown, NH
Rep. Garry Smith, SC
Representative Warren Groen, NH
Rob Ely, IA
Robin Schaecher, IA
Ronald Dorin, IA
Ruth Cousins, IA
Samantha Cowman, IA
Sara Blicharz, CA
Sen Bob Smith, NH
Sharyl Brning, IA
Sherry Becker, IA
Stacey Insisiengmay, IA
Steve Armstrong, IA
Susan Gardner, IA
Tasha Vos, IA
Theo Boman, IA
Tom Wickersham, IA
Tony Mercer, IA
Tyler Dorin, IA
Tyler Mcghghy, IA
Vicki Crawford, IA
Vicki Godfroy, IA
Wayne Beachy, IA
Ted Cruz, Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz for President Announces "Pro-Lifers for Cruz" Coalition with 17,334 Members Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/315368