Throughout a remarkable 39-year military career, General Shalikashvili has worked tirelessly to improve our Nation's security and promote world peace. A steward of freedom, his landmark endeavors include Joint Vision 2010; initiation of NATO's Partnership for Peace; NATO enlargement—which includes his native Poland; ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention; and successful military operations in Bosnia, Haiti, and elsewhere in the world. A strong and thoughtful leader, his sound judgment and strategic vision have been instrumental in preparing our Armed Forces for the challenges of today and the 21st century. For a lifetime of dedicated service, our Nation gratefully honors General John Shalikashvili.
NOTE: An original was not available for verification of this citation.
William J. Clinton, Citation on the Presidential Medal of Freedom for General John M. Shalikashvili Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project