CHRISTMAS is a season of joy and of love, and also a time for reflection.
We think, in this season, of those who are closest to our hearts, even though they may be far away in miles. We pause to give special thought to those in need, and to the universal bonds that link all mankind in brotherhood under God. In doing so, we touch something basic and good in the human spirit: that special grace that makes this a time of giving, and of forgiving--a time of goodwill, when we know the true peace that lodges in the heart.
As we work toward peace in the world, let us do so both inspired and strengthened by this peace in the heart.
As we give to one another, in the spirit of Christmas, let us give of ourselves. For one of the lessons of Christmas is this: among God's greatest gifts to man is the gift of giving itself, and the more we give of ourselves the more of ourselves we have to give.
Note: The message was made available to the press.
Richard Nixon, Christmas Message. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project