Photo of Julian Castro

Castro Campaign Press Release - Democratic Primary Debates Lead to Top Fundraising Days of Julián Castro's Campaign

June 28, 2019

MIAMI, FL (June 28, 2019) – The day following Julián Castro's debate performance was the strongest fundraising day of the campaign to date. Secretary Castro's breakout moment in Wednesday night's debate led to an increase of nearly three times the amount raised over the previous best fundraising day, as well as nearly three times the number of donations.

To put the growth in context, over Wednesday and Thursday the campaign raised 3,266 percent more money than it had the previous two days.

In a video posted by NBC News after Thursday night's debate, five out of six college students who watched both debates told NBC News that Secretary Castro won both debates. "I think Julián won both nights because he was actually able to show his personality, but also his policy," said one young woman.

Julián Castro, Castro Campaign Press Release - Democratic Primary Debates Lead to Top Fundraising Days of Julián Castro's Campaign Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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