Photo of Steve Bullock

Bullock Campaign Press Release - Leading Iowa Democratic Activist Jan Bauer Endorses Governor Bullock

June 26, 2019

Des Moines, IA – Today, Iowa DNC member Jan Bauer announced her endorsement of Montana Governor Steve Bullock for President. Jan has received statewide and national recognition for her leadership in Iowa Caucus campaigns, including Senator John Kerry's come-from-behind victory in the 2004 Caucus.

Jan Bauer is a former 22-year Chair of the Story County Democrats, and a member of the Iowa Democratic Party and 4th Congressional District Central Committees. She was an early endorser of Hillary Clinton in 2016, Barack Obama in 2008, and John Kerry in 2004.

"In a field of extremely qualified candidates, Governor Bullock rises above the rest as a voice of experience with a proven record of achievement – the leader our country needs to get us back on track," said Jan Bauer. "While others warn of the dangers of dark money, Governor Bullock has actually stood up to the Koch Brothers and those corrupting our elections. That's the effective, undaunted leadership we need in Washington – and that's exactly why I'll be working to elect Governor Bullock as our next president."

"Jan embodies the heart and spirit of the Democratic Party. Her decades as a successful grassroots leader among Iowa Democrats is nearly unmatched," said Governor Steve Bullock. "Simply put: I am humbled and grateful to have Jan on our team as we fight to make sure every American has a fair shot."

Jan Bauer's support is the latest high-profile Iowa endorsement for Governor Bullock. On his first trip to Iowa, Governor Bullock was endorsed by 37-year Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller.

Steve Bullock, Bullock Campaign Press Release - Leading Iowa Democratic Activist Jan Bauer Endorses Governor Bullock Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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