Bloomberg Campaign Press Release - Elected Officials and Veterans React to Mike Bloomberg's Speech on Leadership and His Plans to Support Military Families and Veterans
NORFOLK, VA — Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg delivered a speech today about the leadership void in the White House and the need to support our nation's veterans and military families.
Reactions from leaders included:
Former Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Spencer: "I am proud to endorse Mike Bloomberg for President of the United States. I have the utmost confidence that Mike will faithfully execute his duty as commander in chief. He will preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and uphold the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Mike will honor the service and ensure the equal treatment of all women and men in uniform. He also will respect the advice of military advisers. Restoring America's standing in the world and repairing relationships with our allies will be a top priority in Mike's administration. And he knows our nation owes a debt of gratitude to our veterans and military families. One of our country's greatest resources, veterans are some of the most highly-skilled, well-trained people in America. Mike has a smart, much-needed plan to help veterans transition to civilian life. He will connect veterans and military families to the employment, education, and health care services and support they deserve. I am standing with Mike because he has the experience, integrity, and self-discipline to lead our armed forces, unite our country, and rebuild America."
U.S. Representative (IL-1), National Campaign Co-Chair and U.S. Army Veteran Bobby Rush: "I am a proud U.S. Army veteran, and one of my top priorities has always been ensuring that my fellow vets have access to affordable, high-quality health care. It's only fair that our federal government provide veterans with the mental and physical treatment they need to tend the wounds they suffered fighting on our behalf. The Federal government must also provide the resources and support vets require to transition back to civilian life — such as education and access to well-paying jobs — and I am confident that as President, Mike Bloomberg will ensure that our veterans are taken care of to the fullest. I know firsthand the consequences of failing to appropriately protect our nation's heroes after they have sacrificed so much protecting us. Tragically, my own brother would become a victim of this bureaucratic malfeasance, ultimately passing away in the process. We need a president who will no longer allow this fate to be suffered by any of our veterans or their families, and Mike Bloomberg understands this fundamentally and will vigorously fight for our vets every single day that he is in office. I am confident that Mike will turn around the VA and make sure no veteran misses out on the medical care they need in order to survive, as well as the social infrastructure they need in order to thrive. Our nation's veterans desperately need it and they have undoubtedly earned it."
U.S. Representative (CA-52) and National Chair for Climate, Energy, and Environment Council Scott Peters: "As a former member of the House Veterans Affairs and Armed Services Committees, and as the representative for a district with seven defense installations, I've made fighting for our military personnel and veterans one of my highest priorities. I know our men and women in uniform are some of the most highly trained and impressive people our country has to offer. We must do more to highlight their unique skills once they return to civilian life – and better link veterans with jobs that match their unique qualifications. Mike Bloomberg will do that. He's pledged to help educate the private sector about which military skills are a match for which industries and promised to create a national employment portal that matches veterans with available jobs. The bottom line is that Mike knows that human capital is the greatest asset of all and that vets routinely punch above their weight in any environment; I stand by Mike and his plans to let our military know how much we value them."
U.S. Representative (NY-11) and U.S. Army Veteran Max Rose: "As someone who served in combat and now on the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, I know first hand how sacred a commitment it is to have the backs of our veterans. We need a partner in the White House who will get things done for our veterans and military families who have made unbelievable sacrifices for our country. Mike Bloomberg has a long record of supporting veterans as New York's mayor, as a business leader, and as a philanthropist. I look forward to working with Mike to make sure every veteran gets the health care and services they need and the education and employment opportunities they deserve."
Texas State Representative and U.S. Navy Veteran César Blanco: "Military service runs deep for me, as it does for many Latinos, and I'm proud that a member of my family has served in the armed forces in every generation since World War I. As a Military Intelligence Analyst in the Navy, I was honored to carry on that tradition. And as someone who went to college with help from the GI Bill afterwards, I know firsthand how much a good thoughtful veterans program can do. It's why I'm glad to see Mike Bloomberg investing so much care into creating policies that will expand veterans' options for lifetime learning – and help our men and women in uniform translate their military expertise into civilian careers. Mike knows there's too much talent among our veterans to leave it on the battlefield, and I'm grateful for his commitment to making sure the members of our armed forces are always able to play a vital role in advancing our national interest, no matter what the capacity in which they serve."
California State Senator Richard D. Roth, Maj Gen, USAF (Ret): "Our country has not always treated veterans with the respect they so richly deserve. We do a better job these days of helping veterans return to civilian life, but too many still experience homelessness, don't have access to the health care they need, or are unemployed or underemployed. As he has done with so many other tough challenges, Mike Bloomberg will take this issue head-on. Mike will fully fund the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program. He will increase access and funding for disability and mental health services for veterans. And he will expand technical training in high-demand fields so service members can more easily transition into good jobs after they leave the military."
Mayor of Columbia, South Carolina and National Co-Chair Steve Benjamin: "Our veterans are some of the most experienced, best trained people in America. They have more management experience and leadership potential than the average CEO. But a third are underemployed, mainly because employers don't know how to harness the amazing talents of this workforce. Mike will educate companies to understand the unique skills veterans bring to the workforce and will help veterans and companies that are hiring connect. Mike's plan is a win for veterans, a win for businesses, and a win for America."
Mayor of Meridian, Mississippi Percy Bland: "We love our military here in Meridian, and I'm glad to see Mike Bloomberg stepping up for all the veterans who put their lives on the line to keep us safe. For all that they sacrifice, we owe them the best we can possibly provide in terms of healthcare and benefits – not just while they serve but afterwards, too. Mike understands that paying lip service to veterans issues isn't enough. We need to put real money and muscle behind programs that support the military and their families – and that help veterans transition to civilian life once their service is over. Our men and women in uniform are a valued part of American life, and with Mike in office, he'll show it."
Mayor of Augusta, Georgia Hardie Davis, Jr.: "Growing up, my parents instilled in me the importance of service to others above self. For generations, selfless Americans who join our military render the greatest service we can ask of anyone – laying their lives on the line to defend the country we love. And, that is why I have immense respect for veterans like my brother, my uncle, and so many of my family members who have helped defend our republic. As civilians, we enter into a silent pact with our men and women in uniform – they agree to protect us, and we agree to support them on the battlefield and when they come home. But we need to do a better job of upholding our end of the agreement. For years, these brave Americans have been deployed all over the world, yet we have failed to deliver the kind of compassionate and essential services they deserve when they return home. Mike Bloomberg has vowed to change this. Not only will Mike weigh every mission carefully, he'll implement policies that meaningfully improve veterans' wellbeing wherever they may be. Whether that's lifting the expiration date on the GI Bill, eliminating co-pays for preventive health care, or funding permanent supportive housing for vets, Mike knows there's no shortage of improvements we can make to honor the sacrifice service members make on our behalf. Augusta is one of the most military friendly communities in the country. Whether it's Fort Gordon, our partnership around the Georgia Cyber Center, or the many veterans that call Augusta home, taking care of our veterans is an utmost priority. I'm proud to support our military and proud to support Mike's efforts."
Mayor of Media, Pennsylvania and U.S. Army Veteran Bob McMahon: "As a United States Army veteran, I know that one of the simplest things we can do to show our men and women in uniform that we value their service is to remember them when they come home. That means not just saying thank you, but offering veterans a full set of supportive programs, so that they feel as valued in their communities as they did on the battlefield. Mike Bloomberg's plans do just that. I've read his policy and it's clear he's listened to veterans and their families and answered their call for better health care, expanded childcare, stronger small business support and more robust mental health counseling. After all our military is willing to sacrifice on our nation's behalf, I'm delighted to see Mike putting forth generous policies to repay their debt as best we can."
Mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana, Co-Chair of Young Electeds and U.S. Army Veteran Adrian Perkins: "Mike Bloomberg understands that one of the greatest strengths of the U.S. military is that it reflects the diversity of our country. Americans from all backgrounds come together to protect and defend our nation, putting their trust — and lives — in one another's hands. Mike believes the military should continue to recruit and promote diverse leaders. And he knows we have a special responsibility to provide them with the support and resources they need. When he gets to the White House, Mike will improve health care and mental health services for all service members and veterans, address the homeless epidemic among veterans, and promote pathways to success for veterans re-entering civilian life."
Mayor of Tacoma, Washington and U.S. Army Veteran Victoria Woodards: "Every member of the U.S. military and every veteran, including women and transgender Americans, deserves high-quality health care. Additionally, serving your country should not be a barrier to starting your family. Mike Bloomberg gets this. As president, he will provide resources to cover IVF and other fertility treatment for service members who need it. Mike will also make sure medical providers are trained to address women's health care needs and ensure that gender-specific care is available at all military and VA medical facilities. This is the type of compassionate and common-sense leadership we need in Washington."
Suffolk County Executive and U.S. Army Veteran Steve Bellone: "Suffolk County is home to the largest population of veterans in New York. I'm proud to represent my fellow New Yorkers who have given so much to our country. I've been committed to enhancing veterans services and programs throughout the county. Mike Bloomberg shares this same commitment, and he has a long record of supporting veterans. As New York City's mayor, Mike launched a veterans employment initiative and provided career services to 6,000 veterans and their spouses. He also allocated millions of dollars to provide housing for veterans. As president, he will create economic opportunities for veterans and make sure their health needs are fully met. We need Mike in the Oval Office to get it done for our nation's veterans and military families."
City Council Member of Fowler, California and U.S. Air Force Veteran Daniel Parra: "The U.S. Air Force gave me a chance to better my life, and I took it. And when I left the military, I was able to move into a successful career. Unfortunately, many veterans haven't had the same opportunities returning to civilian life that I did. Mike Bloomberg knows this. That's why, as president, he's going to create Centers of Excellence across the country that will help veterans find good jobs and educate the private sector about the incredible skills and leadership qualities veterans bring to the workforce."
City Council Member of Imperial Beach, California and U.S. Navy Veteran Mark West: "As a former naval officer, I know our veterans represent the best of America. They have served and sacrificed so that our country can be safe and strong. They have earned our support as they transition back into civilian life. In this regard, they deserve a functioning VA and a path to gainful employment. Mike Bloomberg recognizes that vets have skills and experience that can strengthen the American economy. He also knows that they will need access to quality health care, job training, contacts among those who are hiring, and support as they begin their lives at home. Mike won't let our veterans down. He sees our value and he supports our paths to success."
Michael Bloomberg, Bloomberg Campaign Press Release - Elected Officials and Veterans React to Mike Bloomberg's Speech on Leadership and His Plans to Support Military Families and Veterans Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/365761